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Raw Pumpkin Seeds; Cold Dark Place Sleep Improvement Eyes Skin Protection

Raw pumpkin seeds are one of the types of seeds that have entered the domestic markets of every country with a delicious taste.

Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Raw pumpkin seed has been used since ancient times, its delicious taste has attracted many fans, this delicious seed has many benefits and properties for the body.

One of the great benefits of this pumpkin seed is that it can protect the eyes and facial skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Before going out, you can consume a handful or equivalent to 30 grams of pumpkin seeds.

Raw pumpkin seeds can improve the sleep process and a person can fall asleep easily at night, a person can consume 1 gram of pumpkin seeds before going to sleep.

Due to its relatively high fat content, pumpkin seeds should be stored in a cold and dark place in order to extend their lifespan.

If pumpkin seeds are properly stored, their lifespan is between 3 to 5 months.

shelled pumpkin seeds

Raw Pumpkin Seeds Features

Pumpkin seeds have many benefits and properties for the body, below we will mention some of these benefits and properties:

1.Reducing the risk of cancer:

Title Description
Protect Eyes and Skin From the Ultraviolet Rays
Improve Sleep Process
Storage Cold and Dark Place
High in  Fat and Fiber

Pumpkin seeds have been used raw since ancient times, this seed can prevent certain diseases such as: cancer, blood sugar and body inflammation.

Due to the nutrients it contains, such as calcium, protein, magnesium and vitamins, pumpkin seeds can prevent cancer and even make a person who has cancer a little better.

2.Treats fatty liver:

There is fat in every liver, but if it is 5-10% more than normal, a person will suffer from this disease.

To cure this disease, you should take vegetables seriously, but apart from vegetables, you can use pumpkin seeds.

raw pumpkin seeds

Buy Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Before buying raw pumpkin seeds, you should pay attention to some points to make a better choice.

Important points before using or buying this product are as follows:

  • Because of its high fat content, pumpkin seeds are very dangerous for children under 4 years of age, and you must consult a doctor if you want to buy them.
  • This product can also be dangerous for obese people, pumpkin seeds cause this issue because of the high saturated fat.
  • People with skin problems should buy these pumpkin seeds with the doctor's advice, too much use of pumpkin seeds can cause many problems for the body.

It is recommended to go to reputable centers to buy, so as not to face possible problems.

raw unshelled pumpkin seeds

Raw Pumpkin Seeds Price + Buy and Sell

The price of these raw pumpkin seeds depends on factors such as: quality, weight, but without these factors, the price of this product can be predicted to some extent.

The price of this product has experienced a 10% increase compared to previous years in the domestic markets.

Due to the abundance of pumpkin seeds, some countries have greatly reduced the price and even buried some of these seeds.

Buying and selling this product mostly happens in Asian countries.

The price of each kilo of this product is between 16 and 24 dollars and it is bought and sold in domestic and foreign markets

For a better purchase, it is recommended to contact our experts to give you the final price.

uncooked pumpkin seeds

The Answer to Two Questions About Raw Pumpkin Seeds

1: How long is the Pumpkin Seeds shelf life?

If pumpkin seeds are properly stored, their lifespan is between 3 to 5 months.

2: How to increase Raw Pumpkin Seeds shelflife?

Due to its relatively high fat content, pumpkin seeds should be stored in a cold and dark place in order to extend their lifespan.

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