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Introduction of pumpkin seeds kernel + Best buy price

Do you know pumpkin seeds?  The kernels of pumpkins A gift to us is the pumpkin's heart. Packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it has countless health benefits. This is why they have been consumed on the other side of the Atlantic for centuries. History of pumpkin seeds Pumpkins belong to a large plant family called Cucurbitaceae. Best known because there are nearly 800 different varieties in this family, including squash, squash, zucchini, and squash. In Europe, only four types of gourd are grown from seed: gourd, gourd, gourd, and Siamese gourd. Native to America, pumpkin cultivation is thought to date back to Mexico around 8,000 years ago. Native Americans already used pumpkin seeds (also called pumpkin seeds) for their diuretic properties when North American settlers used them as an anthelmintic approved for use against gastrointestinal parasites. In Germany and Central America, pumpkin seeds are used to treat urinary system disorders. Discover JusteBio organic pumpkin seeds many health benefits Pumpkin seeds have many properties. It has a very high protein content (about 30%), is very rich in various minerals (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, calcium) and vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant. First of all, it recognizes its anti-fatigue power. In fact, their exceptional concentration of minerals and trace elements makes them excellent remineralizing agents effective in fighting deficiencies. The iron content contained in them is particularly useful for fighting anemia. It is also known for its diuretic properties, which are very beneficial for the urinary system. The WHO (World Health Organization) also recognizes the medicinal use of pumpkin seeds to "relieve the symptoms of dysuria associated with overactive bladder (or overactive bladder) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)". Thanks to their extremely high fiber content, these tiny seeds are a great remedy for slow transport and chronic constipation. In addition, it contains oleic acid, which increases good cholesterol and helps prevent cardiovascular disease. organic pumpkin seeds in bulk how to cook them? First, to follow the advice, you should consume at least 10 grams (1 tablespoon) of pumpkin seeds per day to get all the benefits. It is recommended to chew or crush the seeds. Otherwise, it risks passing through the digestive tract undigested. After that, we lose their health benefits. Choose organic, shelled and preferably unsalted pumpkin seeds. Just add to yogurt or salad. Baked in the oven, eaten as a soup, or eaten with a little curry or paprika. It can also be fried in a pan and added to quiches, cakes or bread doughs. As you can see, these little seeds should quickly become a must for anyone looking for wholesome, wholesome food. And you, what is your recipe? Justbeau will be more than happy to learn more about her blog. Pumpkin seeds are a powerful health ally. Packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, pumpkin seeds do little to appeal to fans of wholesome, wholesome cuisine. Native to the Americas, the seeds of this member of the Cucurbitaceae family are also famous for its medicinal properties. They are attributed to their diuretic properties (they have been used across the Atlantic for centuries to treat urinary tract infections) and have laxative properties. Pumpkin seeds, rich in iron, are also an effective solution to combat autumn fatigue and various anemia. Magnesium, which is abundant in pumpkin seeds, ultimately reduces stress and anxiety and can also help with anemia. strenuous physical activity. Provides a natural solution to prevent muscle spasms caused by Roast and eat the pumpkin seeds Fall is the best time to eat pumpkin seeds. Pumpkins actually belong to the Cucurbitaceae family and are commonly found in autumn fruits and vegetables. When cooking squash, be careful not to add fruit and vegetable seeds. Then lightly fry for a few minutes in a very hot pan with a drizzle of olive oil. Pumpkin seeds roasted in this way provide the original flavor. This is also the most common way to enjoy them. Different ways to eat pumpkin seeds But frying isn't the only way to enjoy pumpkin seeds. In fact, you can decide to blend them plain or pureed. In the first case, it is advisable to choose pumpkin seeds already peeled and vacuum-packed (without salt). You can easily find them in specialty organic stores and websites created by health food markets.Don't be too surprised by their taste, they are very strong for soothing. In the second case, pumpkin seeds can be easily added to salads and sauces. Pumpkin seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. They are high in protein, fiber and low in calories! Pumpkin seeds to strengthen the immune system. Pumpkin seeds to strengthen immunity Pumpkin seeds help to strengthen the immune system, especially since they are rich in zinc. Remember that zinc allows the immune system to function properly by ensuring optimal T-lymphocyte activity. Zinc can also help the body better protect itself from colds, flu, conjunctivitis, and other infections. Here are some additional tips to help you easily "boost" your immune system. Pumpkin pulp and seeds are good for health.DMITR1CH / SHUTTERSTOCK Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds: Rich in magnesium. Anxiety, migraines, muscle spasms, and PMS can all be caused by a magnesium deficiency. A 28-gram serving of pumpkin seeds provides about 20% of the recommended daily value. Magnesium is especially involved in converting food into energy, in the transmission of nerve impulses, in muscle relaxation, and in the formation of bones and teeth. Together with calcium and potassium, it regulates the heart rate and is involved in the production of insulin. Several studies have also shown the benefits of magnesium in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Learn more about the health benefits of pumpkin. Advertising The benefits of pumpkin seeds: low calorie content. Pumpkin seeds are low in calories Pumpkin seeds contain fewer calories than many nuts. A 28-gram (2 tablespoons) serving of pumpkin seeds contains 126 calories, which is about 40 calories less than almonds and 60 calories less than walnuts for the same serving. For this reason, pumpkin seeds are among the low-calorie snacks. Autumn superfood: pumpkin. MNSTUDIO / SHUTTERSTOCK Pumpkin seeds are rich in iron Pumpkin seeds are one of the most interesting sources of iron. A 28-gram serving of pumpkin seeds provides about 5% of the recommended daily value. Remember that iron is essential for health and plays an important role in many functions of the human body, as well as in the transport of oxygen throughout the body. However, plant-derived iron is less well absorbed than animal-based iron. In this sense, it is recommended that vegetarians consume twice as much iron in order not to suffer from a deficiency that basically causes fatigue and weakness. Pumpkin seeds relieve the symptoms of an irritated bladder and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Pumpkin seeds relieve the symptoms of an irritated bladder and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Although more scientific research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms, pumpkin seeds help relieve symptoms of irritable bladder and urinary disorders associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Pumpkin seeds are one of the healthiest seeds to eat every day! Pumpkin Seeds Benefits and Health Benefits Pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber Pumpkin seeds also provide a healthy dose of fiber. A 28-gram serving of pumpkin seeds provides 5 grams of fiber, which is 20% of the recommended daily allowance. In addition to satisfying hunger, fiber promotes healthy digestion and helps regulate bowel function.

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