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The best High Strength Steel + Great purchase price

Increase profits and yields are gained by using high strength steel yet lighter agricultural equipment that stands up to harsh conditions in farming fields. When purchasing agricultural machinery, choose steel tools for your equipment which can improve efficiency, refuel less and yield more per acre. Strenx Performance steel offers a solution. Using this advanced, high-strength, high-quality steel, you can design spray arms that are stronger yet much lighter than you can make with conventional steel. Its benefits are: Wider coverage, fewer tracks, less soil pressure, better fuel economy, less maintenance, longer service life and higher yields.

  • Strenx for sprayers

The total length of the spray arm can be more than 40 meters. This places significant demands on the weight and rigidity of the equipment to ensure stability of the sphere while maintaining a constant ground clearance. Farm size continues to increase in many countries. Therefore, many modern farmers need a long sprinkler system that can cover a large area in a few rows. However, as the length and weight of the spray arm increases, larger support structures are required to prevent bending or breaking of the spray arms under loading and torsional loads. This sometimes means that larger and heavier machines can worsen soil compaction, increase the number of passes, slow productivity, and have a negative impact on profitability or the environment.

  • Strenx For Harvesters

The harvester is larger, more versatile, more economical, and covers more acres per hour. This can be done using high strength steel in all structural parts. Since its inception, the combine harvester, which combines the process of harvesting, crushing and cleaning, has saved mankind from a lifetime of hard labor. These operations are now more or less automated thanks to advanced agricultural machinery such as harvesters, which make every agricultural worker more productive.

  • Strenx For Agricultural Trailers

Thinner than traditional steel, Strenx farm trailers are now stronger and lighter. If you're looking for steel for your trailer chassis, look no further than Strenx Performance steel. Strenx Performance steel is an ideal choice for trailer floors and siding. Our customers have successfully used it on components such as Rear Seat Protection Devices, strut assemblies, tow hitches, stakes, and wooden trailer beds. By using Strenx Performance steel in your trailer chassis, you not only get pure, high-quality steel with guaranteed, durable properties. Compared to conventional steel, trailer components made from thinner Strenx are now stronger and lighter. This way, your vehicles can carry more loads in fewer trips. The gross weight is less when the vehicle is unloaded. So why not drastically reduce the weight of your trailer while increasing the payload, saving on fuel costs, reducing carbon emissions and improving your bottom line? Strenx steel is a great way to lighten the load. Plowing and planting in hard soil puts a lot of stress on agricultural equipment. The high strength of Strenx performance steel allows plows and cultivators to operate more efficiently. The type of plow chosen by the farmer depends largely on the characteristics of the field, the soil and the type of crops. However, the type and quality of steel used to make a plow can make a huge difference in machine reliability, maintenance costs, overall productivity, and even environmental impact. Strenx Performance steel allows plows to be lightweight so they can expand and help increase farm productivity. The reduced weight of the equipment will help to reduce the compaction of the soil in the fields and thus the degradation of the environment. A powerful, lightweight plow requires less fuel than a heavy machine. Typical grades used in plows and trusses are Strenx 700 and Strenx 700 tubing for use in plow frames, height adjusters, and attachment points. Contact us to find out why Strenx on your farm equipment is the key to successful crop production. You can also use Hardox wear plates to combat wear on other plow components.

  • Strenx For Telehandlers

With a high power-to-weight ratio, this will help you handle everything with your remote. Extend reach and increase lifting capacity while maintaining vehicle strength, stability and safety. Telescopic skids made of high-performance Strenx steel can reach places where your competitors' lifts can't. The telescopic skid is equipped with a telescopic skid that can be attached to a variety of attachments, easily converting it into an aerial work platform, lift truck or earth-moving crane. However, many telegraph tricks are limited by their greater advantages. When it stretches when carrying a load, it becomes leverage and causes the car to become unstable. What does this mean for his lifting ability? As the distance between the front of the wheel and the load center increases, it decreases rapidly. A single skid used as a bulldozer must be able to withstand very high loads to overcome this disadvantage. With Strenx Performance steel, you can build your design to maintain high load capacity when lifting high and far. Pushing the limits of farming is something Equalizer takes great pride in in South Africa. As a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural and seed equipment, the company's products help farmers reduce costs, increase efficiency and achieve higher profits. To achieve this, Strenx high-strength structural steel is at the heart of the design process. According to Equalizer, the design of a planter or planter for cultivation is very similar to the design of a bridge. The ratio of weight and strength should be perfectly balanced. To overcome weight and strength challenges, Equalizer treated all large tillers and tillers with high-strength structural steel.

  • High Strength Structural Pipe

This advanced thinking led to the balancer being a high-strength tube during design. This opened many doors and allowed for a wider range and more variety of products . To address potential issues like high-frequency load cycles caused by vibration when operating in coarse soils, Equalizer will work closely with SSAB to determine the correct steel tube content and thickness strategy for each future component.

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