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price of dried figs + buy various types of dried figs

The fig is the fruit of the fig tree (Ficus carica), and the digestion of dried figs provides your body with the mineral fuel it needs.

dried figs fruit

a type of ficus native to Syria, Afghanistan, and the Mediterranean that has many health benefits. It is often harvested in late summer and used in many recipes. Gardening: planting, pruning, and caring for figs Kitchen: All our articles and recipes are based on figs Figs and their health benefits The fig, known since ancient times, is the most important fruit in the diet of the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean basin, along with dates, olives and grapes. Black, green or purple figs contain an incredible variety of vitamins and minerals and can help prevent many diseases. Figs are rich in carbohydrates, fiber and protein, very nutritious, easy to digest and have a laxative effect. Recommended for transient constipation and indigestion (a feeling of discomfort in the upper digestive system). Figs soothe and relieve cough and hoarseness (especially with colds or bronchitis), as well as whooping cough and pneumonia. Gargling with boiled figs (100 g of dried figs per liter of water) is very effective in treating inflammation and abscessed teeth. You can even apply half a hot fig as a poultice between the cheek and the gum to relieve pain. The juice secreted by the fig tree contains a very effective enzyme against calluses and warts. Cut fig leaves and apply their juice twice a day on warts and calluses to remove them. Fig Poultice: Figs cooked in water or milk make an excellent poultice for boils and furuncles. Growing figs for your benefit Growing figs love full sun and require shelter in non-southern areas. Compatible with most soils, including limestone, as long as they are not compacted and always have good drainage. The relatively hardy fig tree tolerates drought well, but it fears very wet and very cold soil (at least 10 degrees Celsius is needed). Feel free to plant a fig tree in a pot. You can live five or six years without any problem. Watch out for mealybugs and fly larvae that destroy figs as they ripen. Horticulture: The fig tree grows well. dried figs fruit

dried figs nutrition

Figs in the kitchen and their benefits Figs are eaten raw, boiled (potted, boiled, or fried), or dried. Its nutritional value varies depending on whether it is consumed fresh or dried: fresh figs are 65 kcal per 100 grams, while dried figs are 300 kcal per 100 grams. Figs are rich in fiber, potassium and mineral salts. Another positive point: it is very digestible. Sunny and sweet, figs are a particularly popular fruit in late summer and early fall. White or purple, salty register is as pleasant as sweet register. When can we eat figs? Garma fruits and figs are edible from July to October. He appreciates warm and beautiful seasons like the Indian summer and the Mediterranean region, which constitute his favorite terroirs! For more information Figs are not fruits! In fact, what we consume are containers full of microscopic flowers that are pollinated by tiny insects (blastphages). The real fruit of the fig tree is. What kinds of figs are there? Figs may be purple or white. Appearance is dark, black, or green. A true mix of flavors, purple figs are a gourmet favourite. Generous, sweet and very tender, white, tender figs with a honeyed aroma will delight lovers of raw fruit. Fig trees are divided into two types: - Conifers that bear fruit once a year, but in autumn. Among them, the famous Sories purple figs! - from June he bears fruit for the first time in July, and in autumn his second time Bifer. Most white figs grown in France come from Blanche Marseille, Long Doges. dried figs nutrition

dried figs calories

How to choose the right figs? We never pick fragile fruits, figs. All the more reason to choose it well! It should be soft to the touch, but not soft. Some figs still have a little juice. Ripe, but must be eaten as soon as possible. The remaining small tail of the fig should hold up well. A drop of white juice is proof of freshness! For more information Fig "milk" (actually the sap of the fig tree) is rich in furocoumarins. This substance can irritate the skin and can cause a burning sensation in response to light. France is her fourth fig-producing country in Europe after Spain, Italy and Greece. The most important regions are found in the south of the country: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (75% French figs), Languedoc-Roussillon (17%) and Corsica (5%). French farms harvest nearly 3,000 tons of fruit each year. The star of the stall is Solies his figs. This fleshy, purple fruit is produced in the Solies Basin, east of Toulon. Produced in a handful of villages in this sunny region, it has been AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) since 2006 and AOP (Appellation d'Origine Protégée) since 2011. Aromatic spices harvested from mid-August to November. Don't miss it on the stands! Nutritional value of figs Figs are a true concentrate of vitamins and fiber. This fruit has a high sugar content and is an energy-rich fruit, especially when eaten dry. Figs are also an excellent source of vitamin B9 or folic acid, which is essential for cellular health. What is the correct way to store figs? Fresh figs, whether picked from the tree or bought at the market, are just as fragile. In the refrigerator he cannot be kept for more than 48 hours, so it will be cooked if not eaten immediately. Several options are available for longer storage. freeze the figs After rinsing with water and drying with a clean cloth, freeze on a plate so that they do not touch each other. Once frozen, it can be transferred to one or more freezer bags and stored for months. homemade dried figs Although this solution is very energy intensive, drying the figs themselves is an alternative - tail up in a dehydrator or oven at 60°C for 24-36 hours. Adjust the drying time according to the finish condition. You can also dehydrate in the sun the old-fashioned way. It will take at least 2-3 days. Don't forget to protect from bugs with gauze! Compote and fig jam In sterilized jars, compote can be stored for several weeks and jam for several months. dried figs calories

dried figs benefits

How are figs made? Fresh and crispy delicious figs. Before chewing, wash the fruit quickly and check for ants and other small creatures. Didn't you know that fig skins are edible? Yes, completely edible. However, if you don't like the texture, peel the skin before biting into it. Tip: If you cook figs, such as roasted figs, save the skins to make sure they remain in the dish. Without a doubt, he is one of the fruits with the most recipes in our diet. Figs work wonders in savory and sweet dishes. In desserts, the sweetness of figs and the taste of honey are transferred to ingredients such as gratins and tarts to express their sweetness. Baked in the oven with a little honey, it melts in your mouth and goes perfectly with goat cheese! Tasty versions are served with strong poultry such as quail, seagulls, and ducks. Brown for a few minutes, cut into 4 pieces, and a knob of butter makes it easy!

  1. Recipe ideas with figs

For dessert, figs never disappoint! The fig tart remains a classic for making a delicious and easy dessert in no time. This cake with fresh fruit is an original option that enhances the taste of figs and adds elegance to your snack. Fig jam is also a must. I made it in Thermomix, so it's easy. Fresh figs, on the other hand, love goat cheese, especially Rocamadour. Another strong cheese: Gorgonzola. Surprise your guests with figs on your pizza base! Figs are particularly versatile and can be cooked in many ways, such as roasted pheasant or pigeon, or couscous or foie gras. The possibilities are endless. dried figs benefits

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