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Acid erosion can hasten the process of asphalt pavement's early deterioration and reduce the pavement's resilience.

In this article, we are going to talk about how acid rain can affect asphalt resistance.

asphalt cement

Limited research has been done on asphalt mixtures that can withstand acid rain erosion, though.

Three gradation schemes, including the periodic dry-wet cycle immersion test, the contact angle test, and the road performance test, were used to methodically assess the effect and action law of acid rain erosion on the durability of asphalt mixtures. 

The resistance of epoxy asphalt mixture, SBS-modified asphalt mixture, and 70# matrix asphalt mixture to acid rain erosion were tested from three perspectives: fatigue performance, anti-aging performance, and freeze-thaw cycle performance.

The findings indicate that acid rain erosion can significantly reduce the adhesion between asphalt and aggregate, which has an impact on how well the asphalt mixture performs on roads.

Asphalt mixture mechanical properties, adhesion, and durability can all be significantly reduced by acid rain erosion.

Epoxy asphalt outperforms 70# matrix asphalt and SBS-modified asphalt in terms of physical characteristics, adhesion, and acid rain erosion resistance.

Due to its polar group, high cohesion, and thermosetting resin with low shrinkage, epoxy asphalt has excellent adhesion and can effectively withstand acid rain erosion by resisting moisture erosion, spalling, and temperature stress cracking.

The strongest acid rain erosion resistance is found in epoxy asphalt mixtures, which can be strengthened even more by adding waste rubber powder and modified bamboo fiber.

Overall, asphalt mixtures with thicker asphalt films and high-density structures are more resistant to acid rain erosion.

Both stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and asphalt concrete (AC)-type gradation mixtures are more durable than open-graded friction courses (OGFC)-type gradation mixtures in terms of longevity.

Their acid rain erosion resistance and durability are significantly influenced by the gradation of asphalt mixtures and the type of asphalt binder.

A multi-parameter comprehensive assessment indicator system between the type and property of asphalt, the gradation of the asphalt mixture.

and the acid rain resistance and durability of the mixture needs to be established in the future in order to realize the directional control of the acid rain erosion resistance and durability of various asphalt mixtures.

China's economy has experienced rapid growth in recent years, and a lot of fossil fuels, including coal and oil, have been used in that growth.

As a result of the combustion of these fossil fuels, significant acid rain is produced in China due to an increase in the amount of sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere.

On the other hand, high-grade highways typically choose asphalt pavement due to the special benefits of service performance.

However, asphalt pavement frequently demonstrates obvious early damage during the actual application process.

Numerous academics both domestically and internationally were interested in the asphalt pavement's durability. 

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