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Behind the scenes of the imperialist and capitalist system and the maintenance of people's detachment from trade

You likely have familiarity with these two terms, namely imperialism and capitalism, and it has certainly come to your attention.

In a general definition, imperialism pertains to governments and politicians aiming to amass more wealth through their political power.

Imperialism is entirely focused on extending its political and economic power beyond its national and ethnic borders, gaining control over lands, nations, and other ethnicities.

It often involves trespassing and reaching into the assets and markets of other countries, leading to the destruction of its competitors through monopolistic laws.

The United States is recognized as the largest global imperialist system, colonizing and exploiting the world through its oppressive sanctions.

Imperialism is also called wanting an emperor.

However, the story of capitalism is an entirely separate subject.

Capitalism is related to the private sector where a specific group of people become owners and decision-makers of assets and capital, employing the majority.

Capitalists, through the exploitation of workers, increase their income and financial status, sparing minimal consideration for their workers.

They grow richer day by day, while their workers live in poverty and struggle to afford their sustenance, clothing, and housing.

To better understand, let's explore images of these two capitalist systems, and then delve into the intellectual backgrounds behind them.

Imperialism - leaders' plotting to annex territories

 Imperialism -  global superpowers competing for world domination

Capitalism - a master getting richer while his subjects endure hardships to feed him

Capitalism -  a factory owner giving only a fraction of his wealth to the workers


Shared Characteristics of Imperialism and Capitalism

At the beginning of the text, we talked about the difference between these two systems, now we want to talk about their similarities.
These two systems have three main commonalities.

  1. Their sole economic power increment comes from increasing their share in production and trade in markets.
  2. Eliminating rival entities of the same kind, whether imperialist or capitalist, is considered the most crucial strategy for their progress.
  3. In their deep mindset, they view people as worthless and merely a means to enhance their power and wealth.


In the capitalist system, the general population is not supposed to engage in trade. 

Since trade and production are the only avenues for the power of imperialism and capitalism, their leaders strive to prevent ordinary people from entering trade.

If people engage in trade, they won't be subservient enough, and the cost of labor will increase, making it challenging for them to exploit workers.

Therefore, common folks should not entertain thoughts of trade so that leaders can comfortably focus on annihilating their equal competitors.

Leaders of both systems have no issues whether you become a laborer, a teacher, an employee, a builder, a carpenter, a lawyer, a judge, a driver, a shopkeeper, or any other profession that comes to mind.

Do anything but trade – that's the encouragement of the capitalist system.

To steer people away from trade, they have incorporated three fundamental elements into their agenda.

Knowing that the virtues and merits of trade are more than they can conceal, in the first element, they use their media to instill the idea that merchants are unclean and impure.

They paint a picture that an honorable person doesn't turn to trade, leading to a group with a hateful view of commerce, considering it a source of human dignity destruction.

In a previous article titled "Cinema and Trade," we extensively discussed this topic.

The second element they implemented was an exaggerated and incomprehensible definition and praise of professions other than trade.

It's like when they want to push a child into a job that has no benefit for them, they falsely define and praise that job so the child thinks it's the only worthwhile option in the world.

Please accept the author's apology in advance for saying this sentence.

In essence, they say they've fooled the child.

It's painful, but since it's the truth, we must accept the words and titles they use to deceive people and keep them enthusiastic about low-level jobs, among those phrases is:

The glorification of the worker.

The nurse as an epitome of patience and perseverance.

The teacher illuminating society like a candle.

Brave firefighters risking their lives.

Athletes bringing honor to the country.

The military personnel as proud sons of the homeland.

And so on.

We, too, believe that the worker is esteemed, the nurse is patient, the teacher enlightens, the firefighter saves lives, the athlete delights the nation, and the military personnel deserve respect.

But a question remains for us.

Why, when the esteemed and noble worker needs a loan to cover a sudden expense for his child's surgery, aren't you quick to hand him a high-interest loan?

How much effort did nurses put in to increase their wages, and what was the result?

How much do teachers, firefighters, and military personnel get as a salary increase each year, despite all the extravagant titles you bestowed upon them?

How many of the thousands of youth who step into the field of sports become players in the premier league and earn money?

How much of the young people's lives were wasted on the way to sports and had nothing for them except breaking their arms and legs and wasting their youthful vitality.

All these praises and accolades are mere slogans and deceptions to make them feel content with these words because they won't let go of the money that comes with it, not even in the face of death.

Yet, we don't see any praise or acknowledgment of the merchant's position, which God and the Commander of the Faithful have praised and recommended to us.

At the beginning of the year, the leadership explicitly mentioned the importance of the people's economy and involvement in foreign trade but it was treated as if they did not hear this.

However, despite hearing these words, it seems their worldly interests prevented them from promoting this statement.

The third element, aimed at deterring people from entering trade, is explained as follows:

They realized they couldn't keep everyone satisfied with low-paying jobs, as people seek ways to increase their wealth.

If they search, they undoubtedly arrive at trade.

So, what do they do?

They buy some uneducated individuals, dress them in the attire of knowledge, and through our media, convince people that these individuals are economic scholars.

Once this narrative is established, these economic scholars twist economic growth and progress into versions for the people.

Some of them invite people to become rich through cosmic laws and the law of attraction.

Some encourage people to get wealthy through investments and the stock market.

Some guide people toward wealth through pyramid schemes and network marketing.

Some persuade people to get rich through cryptocurrencies and digital currencies.

In summary, each of these paths leads people away from trade, and effectively, they are deceived to play house.

Among them, a few individuals benefit, creating a spectacle for all, and eventually, they engage with these mere patches.

As time passes, those who followed these paths find no return on their investment, and the losses linger.

After experiencing losses multiple times in misguided attempts to get rich, people generally lose hope in wealth accumulation and settle for those same low-paying jobs.

In the end, they are content with their daily routine, having lost hope in getting rich through misguided endeavors.

On the other hand, if Arad Branding or any other group attempts to invite people to trade, those individuals, having previously fallen victim to fraudulent schemes, unconsciously label it as another form of deception.

If you don't believe it, just once tell ten or a hundred acquaintances the simple phrase: "Give me your hand, and I'll make you rich."

Afterward, inquire about their thoughts, asking them to honestly share what crossed their minds after hearing that statement.

Some might say they thought you were trying to scam them.

Others may believe that your acquaintance has gone mad.

Some might think it's a joke, and you're attempting to deceive them.

In reality, with this third element, they have shot an arrow of despair into the hearts of people, cutting off their hope of entering the world of the wealthy.

However, it is essential to remember that God is the provider for all creatures.

And losing hope in becoming wealthy is, in essence, losing hope in His sustenance.

As He has said: "And never has anyone despaired of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people." (Surah Yusuf, 12:87)


The Weakness of Imperialism and Capitalism

You likely perceive the power inherent in imperialism and capitalism, witnessing its tangible impact on society and perhaps you feel disillusioned about humanity's prospects being ensnared in their grasp.

However, if you believe this, you are entirely mistaken.

The global capitalist system has two major flaws.

The first flaw is that it deludes itself into thinking that it has successfully steered people away from commerce with the three devised principles, and the notion of trade never crosses their minds.

The second flaw lies in the intense arrogance, ambition, greed, and avarice of those involved.

Their minds are wholly consumed with eliminating their fellow competitors, and they pay no attention to ordinary people.

They cannot fathom a scenario where someone like Arad could invite people to revive the forgotten tradition of commerce, teach them trade from scratch, and awaken them.

Even if they become aware of Arad's existence, they dismiss it lightly, as Arad Branding has meticulously crafted measures to counter their hostility.

Let me present an image from Google Analytics of Arad Branding's website, covering a recent week from January 4th to January 10th, before continuing with our discussion.


Please review carefully.

These statistics represent only 6 pages of the site, while currently, 385 thousand pages of Arad's site are visited daily.

We selected these six pages, the most visited ones, to demonstrate that they can be confronted.

Pay attention to the first item.

The page titled "Wealth Through Trade" is accessible through Arad Branding's website menu under our mission section.

It requires no password to enter, and in the past week, 33 thousand people visited it.

On average, each visitor opened 3.5 pages and spent around two minutes on the page.

So, they surely understood that wealth lies in commerce and that one can become a merchant.

However, the bitter truth is that most of them don't enter.

Only 3 out of every hundred actually engage in trade, which is an improvement from the past year when it was one in a hundred.

Undoubtedly, this number will improve in the coming years.

May God have mercy on you, Arad merchants, and your dedicated employees, fathers, and mothers who, having heard the truth, have embraced it.

We pray that God grants you the strength to endure the challenges of trade and reach your desired destination.

Another interesting point is the site's homepage in English, which had 5 thousand views in the past week.

Arad Branding's global advertising has led foreigners to search for Arad, and our statistics show that 91% of them found our site through an English search for "Arad Branding."

The two images below demonstrate that the Arabic homepage had over 1,500 visitors, and the Turkish version had over 300 visitors.

We express our gratitude to our colleagues in the international negotiation unit who are actively introducing Arad Branding to foreigners.


The fifth line is about three semesters of "Business School" page, visible in the menu.

And the sixth line refers to the "Business School" from the third to twelfth terms.

Look at the visit statistics.

In the past week, 2,851 people visited, and since it has a unique username and password, and we have removed non-Arad users, it means either they are Arad merchants or Arad employees.

Considering that all employees might have attended the school, more than 2,300 Arad merchants are associated with school.

How can we claim they're associated and not just briefly visiting the school?

Check the last column, "Average engagement time," indicating the average time spent on this page.

On average, each user has spent one hour and three minutes in the Business School.

This statistic is impressive.

Before launching the Business School, many Arad merchants infrequently visited the Arad site, focusing on their own businesses.

Some had even forgotten about Arad.

But now, we witness their return.

These statistics are specifically for the third to twelfth terms of the Trade School.

You can see the statistics for other platforms in the images below.


What is understood from these statistics?

It can be understood that if we continue on this path, undoubtedly, in the near future, we will acquaint a larger number of people with commerce, and a higher percentage of them will respond positively to the call for commerce.

Most of them will become empowered through the Business School platform and other platforms.

This signifies the failure of all imperialist and capitalist schemes aimed at keeping people away from commerce.

A form of trade recommended by our Prophet, peace be upon him and his noble family, was the blessed livelihood of him and his honorable wife Khadijah, peace be upon her.

The Prophet was someone who stood against the capitalist system of his time and, with firm articulation, stated there are ten parts of sustenance, and nine of them are in business, encouraging everyone to engage in trade.

This wisdom has endured throughout the centuries, persevering through various historical events.

The widespread involvement of the general public in trade during the time of the Prophet contributed to the prosperity of the Muslim economy.

If it is the will of God and we are granted success, we will continue the glorious path of our ancestors through the descendants of Fatimah, peace be upon her.

Comments (36 Comments)

Reza Karimi

Hello, good time 🌺
Greetings to those who show people the way to live with dignity and are concerned about improving their lives.
The capitalist system is one of the dirtiest systems in the world, which destroys lives by enslaving the common people for their personal gain, and their betrayal in spreading the culture of poverty and wealth avoidance is very great.
Salutations to Arad and Aradi, who, against the direction of this treason, has his back tied to enlightenment and perseveres in this way. ✌

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad❤🌹



Marzieh Olamaei

Capitalism and imperialism are 2 powerful schools that did not allow people to get rich.

Thanks for informing us in the best way



Azin Fakhr

Definitely, in the near future, the goal is that wherever any business takes place, there will be a trace of Arad or it`s merchants that have grown in Arad, and the whole world will pass through Arad for conducting business.💪🤍



Fateme Afrad

Being a part of something doesn't mean that you can't enter or can't add others. Learning all the points for doing business is the way for growing ourselves and trying to encourage others for being a parts of this business.



Zahra Alavi

This was a very interesting approach on these two matters.
Mostly it is difficult to understand and differentiate between them but the writer has marvelously managed to fit today's matters in this context by comparing the two.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

This article clearly shows the importance of business. there is no doubt that all jobs are valuable, and as it can be seen from this article, Certainly, business is one of the ways to achieve wealth. but what perspective do you enter this field with? It is a very important question.



Mehdi lotfi

Actually neither those groups never made a bold move to overcome to the USAs goverment they just pushing the bif and arguement to fill the excuse to apply their unnessacery and selfish rules



Fatemeh Faraji

Khadija was a very successful merchant. It is said that when the Quraysh's trade caravan travellers gathered to embark upon their summer journey to Syria or winter journey to Yemen, Khadija's caravan equaled the caravans of all other traders of the Quraysh put together.Khadija was given many honorifics, including 'The Pious One', 'Princess of Quraysh' (Ameerat-Quraysh), and 'Khadija the Great' (Khadija al-Kubra).



Amene Abbasi

Involving in business and trading is beneficial for everyone. Obviously, many groups would prefer to have the power of business and import or export themselves and manage it. The point is that we need to begin and work on business and trading so everyone would learn and benefit, not only a specific group.



Venus Falahati

This article has pointed out a good point and they encourage society to be hard-working and strive in a path that only helps people make ends meet. I don't know why they don't sing this slogan to their children.



jalal rezaei

The capitalist system encourages entrepreneurship, leading to the creation of diverse businesses and economic growth. Additionally, capitalism tends to provide individuals with the opportunity for upward social mobility and personal financial success through merit-based competition.



Ali AhadTajari

Thank God that the increasing efforts of the Arad Branding team are paying off as expected. It was predictable that people may not trust the team at first when they are invited to the truth, but once they understand that business is the key to wealth, they will realize that Arad is the only one who can help them in this way.



Amin Mirzaei

Imperialism and capitalism have a widespread influence on societies and are always the subject of attention and discussion. The struggle against these two concepts and the realization of social justice is one of the fundamental challenges in the social sciences. I hope that by entering into trade and creating equal opportunities for all individuals, we can confront these policies. This path requires extensive and coordinated efforts by individuals and communities so that we can move towards a fairer society.



Mahdi Alavi

It's by far one of the best articles i have read so far and that's because of some facts behind the scenes of capitalism and imperialism which is rare to find it on the internet.



Hasan Kaviani

Capitalism and imperialism is the reason people think business is not for us and we were not familiar with it. Thanks for informing us



Mariya Salim

Trading has always been the source of wealth in society and all the powerful people engaged in a kind of business related to buying and selling products. So everyone who enters this field will benefit from its huge profit.



hadise motlagh

in bith platforms just normal people will lose thier future. we should stay stronger and keep going forward till the end of the road.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

I believe that people determine their own life path and despite all the beliefs that are created from childhood and in different ways, they also have information and are aware of a number of issues, but because change is difficult, they do not want to do something different, but expect They have different results. Don't easily pass by what you hear and see, for once, step in the path of business in a principled way, you will definitely get results.💛



Hani Rostami

I really am thankful for sharing this important and basic information which affects our lives❤️



Zahra Rezaei

It doesn't really matter how long imperialism and capitalism tried to keep people away from trade, and to what extent they glorified dirty trade and other businesses in this path. The statistics at the end of this news, showing the number of viewers and their engagement on various Arad pages, clearly indicated that despite all the efforts of capitalists and their powerful media, there is still a continuous effort in a place called Iran and Arad. Numerous units are pushing many people towards trade every day. So, people's inclination towards Arad is not only achievable but can also be increased both in quantity and quality every day.



mostafa Cheldavi

Articles that open our minds and we learn something make our minds open to some things and we can improve




Imperialism and capitalism have had really remarkable impact on people's life. This is why we should try to overcome it.



Sharife Nateghi

I wasn't totally aware of the difference between this two terms. Now I realize the difference. Thanks for this article.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Great activities on website and branding method and also sharing the capabilities to our traders and members helps whole team promote and develop in their deals and business



Seyed Mohammad

The Google Analytics statistics for our website, Arad Branding, are truly delightful and pride-inducing. It's not just something confined to the office or charts; it's a fresh perspective on the efforts and enthusiasm of new members and all Aradis. As evident from these stats, it shows that the audience is being drawn towards our site, bringing a sense of pride and joy to friends of Arad and Iranians alike. Surely, this positive trajectory continues, and we demonstrate how with new motivation and energy, we can expand these successes. I hope this same motivation and joy are consistently maintained within our team, helping us achieve even greater goals that lie ahead.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Imperialist powers historically sought to control and exploit resources in other regions, often through colonization or economic domination. This allowed them to extract valuable resources at low costs, maintain a competitive advantage, and accumulate wealth.
Imperialist and capitalist systems create asymmetrical power structures, where dominant nations or corporations exert control over weaker ones. This control can limit access to markets, resources, and opportunities for less powerful actors, hindering their participation in trade.



Marzieh Olamaei

from past years till now there were specific groups that tried to make the international business just for themselves.
but business is for all of the people and everyone has the right to do business and export.,



Sharife Nateghi

People should be very careful with those people who suddenly stand out in a field and become famous out of nowhere. As it was mentioned in this article, all these people who come out of nowhere and become popular among common people, only fill their unaware heads with meaningless and pointless stuff, in a way that the majority of people trust them, believe them, and make plans for their lives according to them.



Mohamad moosavi

According to the words of the mr. Ghorbani
Hazrat Khadijah Kobri was one of the successful businesswoman and capitalists of her time, who also used this capital in the way of Islam. There is always an invisible obstacle for us to plan such content, and this position must be rooted. Many of our elders are businessmen and capitalists, who usually avoid talking about it, and some of the reasons were discussed in the series Way to Wealth.



Rahele Nateqi

In this chaos we need to find those people who give us life lessons, and help us to find a better path to live.



Mohammad Sadeqi

I haven't thought about these two schools of thoughts this way.
One of the best ways through which people will overcome the poverty they are struggling with is to enter the world of trading and business



Rahele Nateqi

In this world we should have our specific way of thinking. sk we wouldn't be an easy target for others.




My view is that definitely this is a great mindset for possibly everyone, should practice and with such a platform, to enable individuals grow even their hidden skills and talents in the marketing industry to transform trade and help bring a stop to all imperialist and capitalist schemes, aimed at keeping people away from trade.



Alireza Sharifi

In a capitalist system, trading and business are very important. But conducting business for ordinary people is a little bit difficult.



Idrisa Ndauke

Hello there! This text offers a critical perspective on imperialism and capitalism, highlighting their control mechanisms and efforts to deter people from trade. It underscores the importance of commerce and suggests a growing interest in reclaiming its principles, despite systemic barriers.



Nabikie Silerian

Capitalist and imperialism still exist because only the children of politicians and the rich get high positions in employment and even in politics
Also people still struggle to do hard work with low wages and people still prioritize money rather than humanity
But may God bless all those who wish to see people succeed and show people the ways to achieve success.

Thanks for interesting information.



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