اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Trade in the Cinema Industry, Writers, Directors, and Actors

In the world we inhabit, the perception of right and wrong in people's minds often diverges from the objective truth.

Given that individuals frequently engage in superficial thinking about various profound matters, what takes shape in their minds regarding right and wrong, truth and falsehood, correctness and error is far away from reality.

Rather than delving into defining right and wrong, our aim is to cultivate in you, esteemed merchants and professionals, an understanding of reading public's mental processes.

This, in turn, will enable you to expedite financial gains in your negotiations and business ventures.


Where does the concept of right and wrong in people's minds come from?

Without preamble, the answer is clear: through the media.

If you delve into history, you'll find instances like Muawiya, cursed be his name, who, wielding powerful media, portrayed Ali ibn Abi Talib in such a way that people believed he didn't even pray.

No evidence or witness was presented for this statement, it was solely propagated by the media at their disposal.

The people of that time accepted this narrative.

When Imam Ali, peace be upon him, attained martyrdom in the mosque, the news reached the ears of the masses, leaving them in astonishment.

The common question of the time was:

"Did Ali even pray?!"

It's the power of the media that can present truth as falsehood and falsehood as truth.

In our current era, the majority of the world sees us Iranians as terrorists, and they perceive our country as entirely engulfed in war and insecurity.

At the beginning of the text, we stated the importance of the truth.

The question now is: How did they implant this perception in the minds of the world?

Through the power of their media.


Cinema, the Greatest Cultural Medium Today

While it's true that news agencies are the largest media outlets, they serve as informational media keeping people informed about events and incidents.

Cinema, on the other hand, is a medium with the power to shape culture across generations, influencing norms, ethics, attitudes, lifestyle, and more within human societies.

Hollywood leads the world's cultural-shaping media, and each country's cinema regionally contributes to cultural development.


The Cinematic Perspective on Trade

Why is our economy so ill?

One reason is our lack of engagement in trade.

Why don't we engage in trade?

Because the culture of trade hasn't taken root in our country, and what has taken root is not favorable.

Why has this cultural shift occurred when our ancestors were businessmen in the past generations, and if we go back in history, there were generally respected and trustworthy traders, merchants, and market owners?

In the last few decades, with the rise of cinema, spearheaded by writers, directors, and actors, every film, from movies to series, has portrayed wealth only in the hands of dirty, immoral traders.

None have depicted prosperity through labor or employment.

They say one becomes wealthy by being a trader.

Thankfully, they can't deny that traders are wealthy.

Unable to deny this fact, they throw in that traders are dirty.

Their wealth, according to them, is gained by stealing people's money, killing, being heartless, having no family, and possessing all the undesirable qualities you can think of.

When this narrative is repeated frequently, it becomes people's mental beliefs about trade.

Oh God, you witness how hard we work in Arad Branding to change this belief.

With limited media resources, we strive to alter people's perspectives.

From the first day of the week until friday, as we are in the middle of it, we do not give up on this effort.

Yet, before the week ends, several films and series will be aired depicting a killer who knows nothing about the ethics of trade but claims, "I am a trader."

They ruin everything positive we've built about trade.

Our efforts seem futile, but relying on your grace and the duty we have, there's no choice but to start the new week with even greater effort.

Lord, see our loneliness amidst the noise of falsehood and be our supporter.


What is the duty?

Countless times, Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali (AS), expressed his readiness to give away his companions to Muawiya's followers in exchange for Muawiya giving away ten of his followers to him.

Ali's words reflected his willingness to part with his companions and take in Muawiya's followers.

Amir al-Mu'minin once lamented that he wished he had ten of Muawiya's companions.

These statements came after he had lost his confidant, Malik al-Ashtar, and no one had remained like Ammar.

Imam always said that they are strong in their falsehood and you are weak in your right.

Imam Ali emphasized that Muawiya's strength did not lie in the wisdom or insight of his rule but in the support of his followers who were steadfast in falsehood.

The weakness attributed to Imam Ali was not his own, but the frailty of the companions who surrounded him.

We, the Aradis, can bring about change if we are not weak and act resolutely.

Those in the cinema industry seek to portray trade as dirty and impure.

We strive to demonstrate that trade is the noblest occupation of God's divine creation, and his pure companion.

Trade is esteemed to the extent that numerous traditions highlight its virtues, such as the one stating that:

Three groups will enter paradise without accountability, including truthful traders.

In contrast, among other jobs, he did not say that the people of a certain job will enter heaven without accounting, except for traders.

God did not praise the workers in any job in his book, while he praised the businessmen.

Cinema professionals work to undermine trade, while we work to strengthen it.

Let alone the fact that they get support for their creations and receive accolades, while we face criticism for our texts and films from various sources.

It doesn't matter who wins this cultural war.

What matters is that our heads are held high in this world and the hereafter and we declare firmly:

O Lord, You are a witness to our promotion of trade, a tradition of Your Prophet, spreading it among people, even when they rejected and denied it.

So, in the face of this adversity, do not leave us alone, O Knower of strangers.

Comments (29 Comments)

Mohammad Reza Shafaie

In many cases, the reality of the world is simply play. Not even game. To game, there are rules. Whoever runs the show can create not the reality, but a multitude of even conflicting realities.



Mahya Soleimaniun

Cinema often changes reality and shows it to people in a different way. This issue is felt more in Iranian cinema



Mahdi Rezaei

The power of the media and the influence of the people's minds is the Cold War, which the foreign media have been using as a lever for years.



Amene Abbasi

The media has a great impact on people. We need to be careful and know our goal so we don't get involve in the media games.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Surely cinema and media are working for their purpose and those are against us through reason we talked here
But in Arad Branding we are going to creat our own media for going ahead



Mohamamd moosavi

And even understanding the power of the media is something that the enemies are afraid of. Because when people are aware of this power, the probability of obeying it decreases.



Azin Fakhr

Perhaps the most concrete example of the media's power in creating wrong images is that when you talk to a person from another country, as soon as they realize that you are in Iran, they start asking about war and insecurity, and it is so real for them that Iran is constantly in war and you need to as well prove they are wrong.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Cinema has a profound impact on popular culture. It shapes fashion trends, introduces new phrases and catchphrases, inspires fan communities, and influences other art forms. Iconic films and characters become part of our collective consciousness and leave a lasting imprint on society.
Some films offer different perspectives on the economic impact of trade, ranging from the housing market collapse to the oil industry and the ethical dilemmas of high-stakes finance. They provide insights into the complexities, risks, and consequences associated with global trade and its effects on individuals and societies.



Alireza Rohani

Many are of the opinion that cultural issues have nothing to do with economy and business, but cultural industries play an important role in increasing employment, economic growth, strengthening national identity and achieving sustainable development. Cinema, as one of the components of cultural industries, can promote and strengthen art-industry and related arts and provide wealth, prestige and employment for this art-industry.



Mohsen Imam

These days, word of mouth advertising is really word of internet. Reach out to your personal social networks and let them know about your business. Ask them to follow your business on social media and spread the word to their friends and beyond. Keep up an active social media presence and use it to stay in touch with your customers.



Zahra Alavi

While it is difficult to find out what is right and what is wrong in real world, other variables also impact this perception.
As we watch out what we eat, we have to be careful about what we feed our brains, too.



Fatima Radmanesh

It's tragic how the whole cinema industry is a supportive clown of the great powers in the world how want to feed us lies.
I believe deep down that we are going to win at the end.
It's hard of course but with the unity of our team, we will beat the clichés.



Mariya Salim

No one can deny the significant role of media in people's lifestyle, attitude and choices. As much as we can overcome the fear of being rejected by this kind of society which has been influenced by media, we will get more success.



Reza Karimi

Unfortunately, apart from the fact that business and its constructive power, both personally and financially, have been neglected in our country, but also severely suppressed. It's like we got used to knocking things that are good for us. Those who reach somewhere through this path, for their own interests and not to get too many hands, forbid others from entering the business.
May God bless Arad which is moving against the direction of this wave and seeks to build the country's economy not only in words but also in action. 🙏



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

The belief of people that leads to the result of their life. That is, what they are now has several important factors, one of which is the media, which has a lot of power, and this is the same for all countries, and this power is in the hands of one percent of people in the world, who do not want people to be rich in any way, and to change this False beliefs and substitutes for correct beliefs are only the person himself who must change in order to change the people around him, the society and finally the whole world.



Sayyed Mahdi

People, through understanding and life experiences, maintain the concepts of right and wrong via connections with family, friends, and various communities. Culture and religions also play a significant role in shaping these concepts. Ethical teachings and articles contribute to solidifying perspectives and values. As a result, people's minds are influenced by diverse factors, forming various attitudes towards right and wrong. However, as eloquently mentioned in the above text, the most important and influential tool in the current world for shaping perceptions of right and wrong in people's minds is the media.



Mahdi Rezaei

The power of the media in recent years has shown that it has led many people's beliefs to wrong and false beliefs.
Wealth and money are great and beneficial if they are in the right hands.



hadise motlagh

If we pay close attention, we will notice that even in Hollywood movies, if they want to show a person as rich, they say that he is a businessman. So business is a lucrative business in any country.



Marzieh Olamaei

These days media is playing a crucial role in our life.

Also our life is not separated from our business issues..

Also more importantly the media has an indirect impact on minds.

So you should be mkre careful to follow what media...



mostafa chaldavi

Excellent and comprehensible internal content, many things are mentioned
Thanks to the media collection team



Zahra Rezaei

The penetrative power of mass media in shaping public opinions and beliefs is undeniable, as evidenced by the prevalent ideologies in society resulting from the continuous and widespread influence of these media outlets. In the face of this ongoing assault that gradually molds the desired effect, what can be done?

The most important and initial step is for us to regularly and consistently be seen, much like them, using the tools at our disposal. We should strive to engage more audiences and gradually remove fossilized beliefs from their minds. Therefore, having sufficient tools for disseminating our views and gathering a substantial audience willing to sit with us and join us are essential components of this path.

In Ardad, we are precisely undertaking this task, aiming to make a lasting impact on the fallacies of societal beliefs through gradual and persistent efforts. Each of us in Ardad is a member of this growing community that has recognized the influence of mass media and is moving forward slowly, steadily, and determinedly against it.



M Amir Eftekhari

The media has the outmost direct impact on folks! Whatever fed to them, they are steered to the way they have planned for them. The audience should raise the awareness and answer the media's promises selectively and wisely.



Mahdi Alavi

Yeah the media has major role in change of our mindset and through all types of media, visionary media is even stronger and we should be very careful what we are feeding to our minds.



Mohammad Sadeqi

The media plays a significant role in shaping the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals in today's world. Moreover, the media has a pervasive influence on various aspects of society, shaping opinions, culture, and even contributing to social and political change. However, it also poses challenges related to misinformation and privacy that need to be addressed in today's interconnected world.



mehdi lotfi

cinema industry has its own giants and pioneers in USA and India , personally its not the type of field i want to engaged with



Roohollah Akbari Salim

Unfortunately, the media works on contents to attract the audience at any costs, which in reality is not the true at all. Apart from the media, we also need to work on schools and universities to promote the culture of business and getting rich.



Javad, Gh.


I wish the cultural media of our country as well as education would inculcate this business culture in people's minds from an early age, so that the next generations' thoughts about this job would change.

I have to mention again and many times that I'm in this path, I have realized that this job is money-making, but with patience and effort.

Both the media and our educational system do not speak well of business. they have to have long term palns.




i dont fully understand the way realities are shown .iranian cinema are miles away from reality and true life



mohsen jabbari

we need to heed the colossal effect the cinema and in general the media has on the society in most of the cases these effects are very carefully planned and the aim to destroy the principles of the society propagate false ideas and beliefs as true among young people .and this is where people who care about humanity must observe the problem and take action to stop such insidious plans



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