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fresh piarom dates | buy at a cheap price

Piarom dates, also known as Maryami dates or 'chocolate dates,' are a delectable semi-dried date variety. Piarom dates are one of the most costly types of date since their production is confined to Iran, where they are grown and harvested. Among the many components in the Piarom date, fruit is vitamins (A, B, C and E), minerals such as iron and potassium as well as protein and fibre as well as carbs and simple sugars. Approximately 70% of Piarom dates include carbs, 2.2 per cent protein, and 0.6 per cent fat. Fresh Piarom dates have around 160 calories per 100g, however, 100g of dried dates have roughly 300 calories. dates benefits sexually All dates, including Piarom dates, are high in fibre, which is good for digestion and may help prevent malignancies including colon and stomach cancers. The high quantities of potassium and magnesium in Piarom dates assist to keep blood pressure in check and help muscles and nerves function properly. For guys, Piarom dates are very beneficial. Piarom dates, commonly referred to as Maryami dates or "chocolate dates," are delicious. Due to the fact that Piarom is only cultivated and harvested in Iran, it is one of the most expensive varieties of dates.

dates benefits sexually

Dates are generally associated with dessert because of their inherent sweetness and sumptuous flavour. In addition, are you aware that they provide many health benefits and are sexually beneficial? Here are several date benefits you didn't know about before reading this article! Men and women's reproductive organs benefit from dates because of their high concentration of vitamins A for improved vision, B (for stronger cells, and E for better gonad function. Because it is rich in phosphorus, this dry musk has a positive impact on the number of brain cells and the production of hormones and sexual potency. Eating dates with milk has a positive influence on breast milk production, weight loss prevention, and sperm production. side effects of dates Dates mixed with milk and egg yolk, or dates mixed with milk and cinnamon, are advised for enhancing sexual vigour. Those who are afflicted by illnesses including anaemia, rheumatism, gout, and kidney stones, as well as those with hearing loss, pancreatic cancer, and other blood diseases, may find that dates are an effective treatment option. Also, it has the potential to be therapeutic. Male infertility has traditionally been treated with dates in traditional African medicine. However, according to one study, there is insufficient scientific evidence to justify the use of dates for this purpose. This research has yet to be examined. Dates were used to examine the impact of neurotoxin-induced infertility on the fertility of rats. Menstrual problems in rats are alleviated by eating dates; nevertheless, a reduction in testosterone levels has been seen, and this may have an impact on fertility. In summary, because of their natural sweetness and decadent flavour, dates are often linked with desserts. On top of all that, they're great for your health and can even improve your sexual drive.

side effects of dates

When it comes to dates, some love them fresh, while others prefer them dry. The drying process not only makes food more convenient but also raises the concentration of certain minerals, consequently leading to side effects while altering the flavour and texture. Reading on, you will notice what these problems are. benefits of dates for women's   Dried dates may include significant quantities of polyphenols antioxidants, minerals, and fibre; yet, these characteristics might be troublesome for certain individuals. The high quantities of sulphites, which are compounds that may be found in some foods, that dried dates possess is another cause for worry. Some people have a sensitivity to sulphites, which can cause them to experience a wide range of unpleasant side effects. Before beginning to use dried dates as a nutritional supplement, it is essential to discuss the matter with your primary care physician. It should be mentioned that two dates have 110 calories. They're fantastic for energy-dense trail mix, but not for weight loss. Try other dried fruits that are rich in nutrients but fewer in calories than dried dates. Date fruits have the potential to cause an allergic response in certain individuals. In addition, the sulphites that are present in dried dates might trigger allergic responses in certain individuals. The symptoms might vary from person to person, however, rashes on the skin are common. After consuming them, some people may experience ocular sensitivity, which manifests as itchy, watery, or red eyes as well as a runny nose. The bottom line is that while some people enjoy their dates fresh, others prefer them drier. Because it increases the concentration of some minerals and also preserves nutrients, drying food can have undesirable impacts on the nutritional value, taste, and texture.

benefits of dates for women's

There has been some research into the benefits of dates to help pregnant women in the latter stages of labour by promoting and easing the process. In this article, you will gain deeper insight into what these benefits are. top 10 health benefits of dates Pregnant women who consume these fruits in the last stages of their pregnancy may see a reduction in the requirement for induction of labour. Reduced work time is another possible benefit. Women who ate six dates per day for four weeks before their due date had a 20% higher chance of spontaneously going into labour and spent a lot less time in labour than those who didn't. Another research of 154 pregnant women revealed that those who ate dates had a much lower risk of being induced than those who did not. In a third trial, 91 pregnant women who ingested 70–76 grammes of dates daily starting in the 37th week of pregnancy had comparable outcomes. When compared to women who didn't eat dates, their time spent in active labour was cut by four hours on average. Despite the fact that dates appear to stimulate labour and minimise labour time, further study is needed to establish these benefits. Due to oxytocin-binding chemicals, dates may have a role in pregnancy since they appear to replicate oxytocin's actions in the body. It is the hormone oxytocin which produces labour contractions in women who are about to give birth. Additionally, dates contain tannins, which are substances that have been demonstrated to aid in the contraction of the uterus. To keep up energy levels throughout labour, they are an excellent supply of natural sugar and calorie. To conclude, when taken in the last few weeks of pregnancy, dates may stimulate and ease natural labour for expectant mothers. benefits of dates for men

top 10 health benefits of dates

Evidence shows that dates have high amounts of vitamin and nutrient content, including vitamin and nutrient B5, potassium, copper, and B6. When it comes to dates, the top 10 health benefits include super nutrients, neuro-boosting properties, blood sugar lowering, assistance with male infertility, healthy skin maintenance, natural childbirth facilitation, improved gut health, an abundance of antioxidants, stronger bones, and the ability to multitask. Dates have a great nutritional profile that is both balanced and complete. The calories in only three dates are almost 200! Carbohydrates provide the vast majority of the energy, with protein providing the remaining ten per cent. Dietary advantages aside, dates also have a positive effect on brain health. Anti-inflammatory indicators, which can contribute to Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders, may be reduced by eating dates. They have the capacity to treat oxidative stress in the brain and inhibit the development of amyloid beta-protein. Cell death can occur as a result of the formation of plaques caused by the amyloid-beta proteins. As a result, there are several serious abnormalities of the brain. Dates may be used as a natural sweetener because of their flavour. Caramel-like flavour comes from the fructose in dates. Using date paste in place of white sugar can save you money and help you stay healthy, too. The current state of male infertility is alarming. It's becoming a regular problem for many males. dates benefits for sperm Drinking, smoking, and long-term exposure to electromagnetic waves are all factors. It's possible that dates might really assist relieve this issue. Due to their high nutrient content, they may aid in the production of more sperm. Sexual desire and performance are aided by flavonoids and other amino acids, as well. During research on rats, dates were shown to have a positive effect on fertility.

benefits of dates for men

Dates have been studied extensively for their potential to cure male sexual dysfunction, and the results show that dates are effective. Flavonoids, which are found in dates, have been shown to improve sperm count in males with sperm deficit and to be a treatment for infertility in men. The greatest cure for infertility in males is to consume dates, milk, and honey together, according to traditional medicine. A recent study has shown that eating dates help heal sexual difficulties since the dates have several components that are effective in treating men's sexual issues. Dates include a kind of phytochemicals known as flavonoids, which have been shown to enhance sperm count and cure male infertility. Dates, milk, and honey blended together are indicated as a treatment for infertility in traditional Chinese medicine. In order to make this all-natural mixture, first, bring a cup of goat's milk to a boil. Next, smash up a date and stir it into the milk while simultaneously adding a half spoonful of natural honey. After the temperature of the milk has lowered, drink it. Equally important, due to the enormous amount of energy that is needed during severe activity, athletes need to consume foods that provide adequate energy to restore what is lost in the body. Because they include natural sugars like glucose and fructose, dates are an excellent choice for supplying the body with the fuel it needs to function properly. To summarise, studies have shown that dates may be used to treat male sexual dysfunction, and the results are encouraging, having revealed that flavonoids found in dates, can help men with low sperm counts and may even be used as a therapy for infertility. According to traditional medicine, the best therapy for male infertility is to eat dates, milk, and honey together.

dates benefits for sperm

All year round, dates are one of the best-tasting dried fruits. People consume dried fruits mostly for the energy they contain, which these foods provide. As a result, dates are traditionally used by Muslims to break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Dates, which are high in calories, are a good source of energy because fasting depletes your body of energy. According to research, dates can do more than simply boost your mood. Dates have been shown in studies to increase libido, boost sperm quality, and even save marriages. The conventional wisdom has been confirmed correct by recent research. The desire and sexual performance you experience on dates are enhanced, resulting in a more fulfilling sex life overall. Another reason men should eat dates frequently is that dates are scientifically shown to improve sperm count. However, how do dates increase sperm count? The pollen of the date palm was utilised by traditional medicine practitioners to treat male infertility. They decided to explore the antidote's composition in light of this information. In 2006, Bahmanpour et al. conducted experimental research. The investigation on mature male rats revealed that dates had an effect on their sperm and reproductive systems. The quality of the DNA in the sperm of rats that ate dates increased dramatically, according to the researchers. Testicular and epididymal weights rose as a result. Dates' estradiol and flavonoid content, which appears to improve sperm quality, got the credit. In addition, two Lagos-based sexual health specialists recommended that men eat dates in November 2016, claiming that doing so would improve their sexual performance and libido. Dates are delicious dried fruit consumed for their energy. Muslims break their fast with dates throughout Ramadan. High-calorie dates are a wonderful source of energy while fasting. Dates do more than increase mood, study shows.

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Comments (30 Comments)


Male infertility has traditionally been treated with dates in traditional African medicine.


Pyaram dates, like other Iranian dates, are full of properties and energy and have a great taste


There are different types of dates and they have many properties and have a warm character. I have bought this type of date from this collection. It is very delicious.


Pyaram dates are among Iran's export dates, due to its large and fleshy seeds, long shelf life, most of the domestic production is exported to European countries.


Hello, good time. Before starting to use dried dates as a dietary supplement, it is important to discuss this with your primary care physician.


Hi Piarom dates are one of the most costly types of date since their production is confined to Iran, where they are grown and harvested.

Mohammad amin Razavi

Different types of dates are cultivated in the southern regions of Iran. Based on this, the type of date killed and the quality of the obtained product can be considered among the influencing factors in the access of users to the best type of date, such as the export species of this product.


There are different types of dates and they have many properties and have a warm character. I have bought this type of date from this collection. It is very delicious.


Pyaram dates are known as chocolate dates and are a semi-dry date and are widely used due to the presence of various vitamins and carbohydrates.


This type of date is one of the most expensive types of dates and contains all kinds of vitamins


Dates are suitable for ceremonies


When my wife gets tired from work, the first thing that comes to her mind is to have tea with some dates.


Based on this, the type of date killed and the quality of the obtained product can be considered among the influencing factors


Hello, the health benefits of Pyaram dates are for the heart, liver, height, bones and many other properties that can be counted on this product.

Ali Vafadar

Due to their high levels of potassium, Piarom date can help to maintain healthy blood pressure and their high levels of magnesium is effective for muscles and nerves. Piarom dates are particularly good for men.


The dates I bought from this site are very delicious


Dates contain minerals and fiber and taste very good


Dates are an excellent and delicious product that has many benefits. I recommend using them


This date has a very good quality and health product and you can always use it

Mohammad Navid Arabi

One of the most expensive types of dates is this type, which, of course, has many flavors and properties


Dates can be exported that have good quality and the customer is satisfied with it.


Dates are rich in nutrients such as phosphorus
And because of its inherent sweetness and luxuriousness, it is used with tea and various drinks


Today, with the establishment of the best premium date sellers, it has reduced the intermediaries in this field to zero, and for this reason, all people can make their purchases without intermediaries and wasting time, as well as without the presence of dealers and profiteers. have had full satisfaction.


Dates are a sweet food with natural sugar, very nutritious and delicious, and contain many vitamins


Piarom dates are very sweet and you can get enough sugar from them


Consuming these fruits in the latter trimester of pregnancy may help pregnant women avoid needing to induce labor.


In the section of the store that contains the product, be on the lookout for the label that is bright yellow.


Dates are a product brought from the south of the country, a large amount of which is exported every yea


Hello good day.This type of date is one of the most expensive types of dates and contains all kinds of vitamins


Dates are very useful for the body, full of vitamins, the best option to eat with tea

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