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Paddy Straw Mushroom in Odisha (Volvariella Volvacea) High Protein Fiber Iron

Paddy Straw mushroom in Odisha is one of the mushroom farm's by-products that can be cooked with other grains as an additive.

Paddy Straw Mushroom in Odisha

In Odisha Paddy straw mushroom is a kind of mushroom that has been grown in East and Southeast Asia for human use.

Fresh versions are common throughout Asia, although canned or dried versions are more common beyond their native range.

Although less popular in the West, straw mushrooms are the third most consumed kind of mushroom in the world.

Paddy Most straw mushrooms sold commercially are harvested from rice straw beds when still in the "unpeeled" button before the mushroom's veil bursts.

They may be cultivated everywhere, but thrive in the subtropics because of their high yearly rainfall and short growth cycle.

Paddy Straw Mushroom

Paddy Straw Mushroom Features in Odisha

According to Odisha experts, in the digestive tract, paddy straw mushroom has been shown to lower cholesterol features.

Because it contains natural insulin, it can help diabetics, the beta-glucan in it can stop the formation of cancer cells, and the vitamin D in it helps make bones stronger.

Title Description
More Common Canned or Dried Versions
Grown in East and Southeast Asia
Popularity Third Most Consumed Kind of Mushroom in the World
Purpose For Human Use

In addition, it protects against anemia and promotes healthy cardiac function.

These straw mushrooms are perfect for the hot summer months since they are served chilled.

In addition to being high in protein, fiber, iron, vitamins B and C, and additional folic acid, potassium, and copper, they are rich in all of these minerals.

straw mushroom spawn

Buy Paddy Straw Mushroom in Odisha

You can buy Paddy straw mushrooms from a wide variety of retail outlets around Odisha.

To get the most out of the shopping experience, however, it is recommended that you utilize an online provider.

They provide you with a wide variety of this fungus so that you can learn about your options and make an informed decision.

Typically, orders placed with such retailers incur little shipping fees, and delivery may be scheduled at your convenience.

A team of helpful advisors is available 24/7 across the board to answer any queries you may have and steer you in the right direction.

Aside from being able to distinguish between the aforementioned items, these specialists also tell you about other types of this product.

straw mushroom chinese

Paddy Straw Mushroom Price in Odisha + Buy and Sell

The paddy straw mushroom is best purchased from reliable merchants in Odisha, as we said before.

Besides serving as a major supplier in this region, our firm also ships these mushrooms all over the globe.

In whatever question you may have about this product, our staff is here to help.

Information such as the kind of cuisine that can be served on this mushroom, the fungus's durability, and the most recent cost would be helpful.

In comparison to the market price of $3.20 per kilogram for these mushrooms, we can provide them to you at a far lower price per unit.

straw mushroom benefits

The Answer to Two Questions About Paddy Straw Mushroom

1: Which paddy straw is best for mushroom?

Fresh, disease free paddy straw.

2: Is paddy straw mushroom is highly perishable?

Highly perishable.

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Comments (5 Comments)


Mushrooms are useful for humans but it should be known that fungi should not be poisonous and that it is purchased in a reputation

William Allen

Paddy Straw Mushrooms from Odisha are known for their freshness and quality standards, making them a favorite among chefs and food lovers alike.

Harry Brooks

This unique mushroom has a sweet, nutty flavor and a distinct texture that makes it popular among food enthusiasts.

Richard Butler

The result is a deliciously chewy texture and an intense, earthy flavor that can't be found anywhere else.

Joe Davidson

Enjoy these mushrooms as a side dish or add them to your favorite dishes for an extra layer of depth and complexity.

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