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Orange Peel Extract; Bitter Sour Taste Vitamin C Source

Orange Peel Extract is a delicious and fragrant seasoning that is used in the preparation of various foods and is very widely used.

Orange Peel Extract

Orange extract, like oranges, has many properties, this product has high vitamin C, which is suitable for improving cold symptoms and other cases.

This product is effective in reducing blood pressure and regulating blood pressure, and due to the fact that it has a lot of fibre and few calories, it can be effective in weight loss.

This product can be used to improve breathing problems because it is involved in the treatment of chest inflammations and it is also expectorant to eat.

This extract has a rich source of antioxidants and is therefore effective in preventing premature ageing of the skin and also effective in the prevention and growth of cancer cells.

This product is used in the preparation of beauty masks and is also used in the production of air fresheners.

Orange Peel Extract

Orange Peel Extract Features

Orange peel extract has a natural and aromatic essential oil and therefore gives a very pleasant aroma to various foods.

This product has a bitter and sour taste and has a uniform color without any foreign substances or impurities.

Title Description
Source Vitamin C
Benefit Blood Pressure Regulator
Taste Bitter and Sour
Color Yellow

This product is in convenient and hygienic packaging, which has different weights and is prepared only from orange extract without any additives.

The pleasant aroma and taste of this product show the freshness and high quality of this product, which has a uniform yellow color.

This product has a sour and slightly bitter taste, the bitterness and sourness of which are not unpleasant, and accordingly, it gives a pleasant taste to all kinds of desserts, cakes, jellies and drinks.

orange pekoe extract

Buy Orange Peel Extract

In order to buy high-quality orange peel extract, buyers should pay attention to a series of points in order to choose high-quality products.

This product must be fresh and it is better to buy it in hygienic packaging.

When buying, check the product packaging and check the necessary specifications about the product listed on it

Also, check the production date and expiration date of the product and do not buy products whose expiration date has passed

When to the appearance and color of the product and choose products that have a pleasant and natural color and are completely free of impurities.

organic orange extract

Orange Peel Extract Price + Buy and Sell

The price of orange peel extract is determined according to the quality and brand of this product, and in fact, products that have high quality and are produced by top brands are sold at a higher price.

The amount of production and demand for this product also plays a role in determining its price, and this product is sold in different weights and different packages, and these factors also play a role in determining its price.

The price of this product in a 500-gram package is usually between 2 and 3 dollars, and bulk and direct purchases are made at a cheaper price.

Ordering and purchasing this product through our collection is easy, and major buyers can contact the sales consultants of the collection for more information.

pure orange extract

The Answer to Two Questions About Orange Peel Extract

1: What are the characteristics of orange peel extract?

This product has a bitter and sour taste and has a uniform color without any foreign substances or impurities.

2: What are the benefits of orange peel extract?

Orange extract, like oranges, has many properties, this product has high vitamin C, which is suitable for improving cold symptoms and other cases.

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