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nutrition amount of calcium in dried figs

Certainly, figs are a good source of calcium and nutrition.

Every 100 grams of dried figs contains 162 milligrams amount of calcium.

dried figs price

However, figs are not merely a source of calcium but a good nutritious snack.

Figs are a great source of fiber as well.

Fiber, which aids digestion, is known to keep people regular.

It's like a greased chute, helping food make its way through your digestive system.

In addition, fiber helps improve nutrient absorption.

On top of that, fiber can enhance your body's sense of fullness, reducing your hunger and ensuring you eat exactly what you need.

Also, figs have a lot of healthy antioxidants, which you might not realize.

Dried figs have higher levels of high-quality antioxidants than tried-and-true vitamins C and E.

Furthermore, among dried fruits, figs and prunes score the highest in terms of nutritional value.

The antioxidant benefits of eating figs last for up to four hours.

Raw figs provide 4% of the calcium RDA with 35 mg per 100g.

Calcium content is 22.4 mg per standard serving size of 1 big (2-1/2 dia) (or 64 g).

This is equal to 2% of the Recommended Daily Allowance.

Adults are supposed to get around 1,000 milligrams of calcium each day, hence the percentage of RDA is calculated from that amount.

List of the five best calcium-rich fig products. 

dried figs benefits

A quick rundown of the top five figs in terms of calcium content per 100g is provided below.

Dried, raw figs include 162 milligrams of calcium (16% of the recommended daily allowance).

  1. 70mg (7%RDA) from dried stewed figs.

Raw figs contain 35 milligrams (4 percent of the recommended daily allowance).

The nutrient density of canned figs (solids and liquids) is 28mg (3%RDA).

A three percent daily requirement can be met by consuming 27 milligrams worth of solids and liquids from a can of figs in a light syrup pack.

In addition to the top five figs goods or foods, below is a detailed breakdown of the calcium content of raw figs and the highest calcium-containing item, which is dried, uncooked figs.

We also evaluate the effects of storage and preparation on the 7 varieties of figs, and we compare the figs to other dietary categories.

Complete data on the calcium content of figs, broken down by type and serving size (in grams and ounces, among other units of measurement), can be found at the page footer.

Comparison of Raw Figs to Other Fruits and Vegetables and Their Nutritional Value.

Take into account not only the calcium content of figs, raw but also their RDA percentages and levels of nutrition. 

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mohamad faghih mirzaei