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Nantucket Veneer Stone; Faux Natural Thin Full Bed Types easy installation

The Nantucket veneer stone is a real stone veneer in the style of Castle Rock with a beautiful shade of dark gray and light blue.

Nantucket Veneer Stone

Individual Nantucket veneer stone has subtle depths of color ranging from natural mica patterns to textures.

Nantucket veneer stone is one of the most popular brown stacked stone shapes.

The classic elegance and intricate detailing of the small stones, combined with the simplicity of the paneling system, give this stone the appearance of precision hand-set dry inlay.

4" tall and 8", 12" and 20" long stones allow for easy installation on wide walls and columns.

Nantucket veneer Stone is manufactured from Eldorado Stone and is available in flat and angular shapes.

In Pittsburgh Magazine's Ultimate House, architectural Nantacket veneer stone can be seen on three separate pages for the house's facade and outdoor kitchen.

Nantucket Veneer Stone

Nantucket Veneer Stone Features

Engineered Nantucket veneer stone is often just as impressive and beautiful as the natural stone they mimic.

Engineered Nantucket veneer stone, also known as engineered stone, is a man-made material designed to replicate the appearance of natural stone in a variety of architectural applications.

Title Description
Composed of Portland Cement, Lightweight Natural Aggregates and Iron Oxide Pigment for Coloration
Types Faux Stone Veneer, Natural Thin Stone Veneer and Full Bed Veneer
Size 4” Tall and 8”, 12” and 20” Long Stones
Manufactured from Eldorado Stone

These applications range from facades to unique walls.

Some stone veneer products are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and color gradations.

Even a trained eye can have difficulty distinguishing engineered stone from natural stone without careful inspection.

Nuntacket veneer stone can provide the terms of features as look, feel and durability that only natural stone can provide.

Veneer Stone

Buy Nantucket Veneer Stone

When you want to buy Nantucket veneer stone, you had better get the one with engineered finishes since they are often just as impressive and beautiful as the natural stone they mimic.

You had better also to look at the variety of shapes, sizes, and color gradations since even a trained eye can have difficulty distinguishing engineered stone from natural stone without careful inspection.

As you browse through collection of Nantucket veneer stone before you buy it, try to carefully check the variety of color combinations because the best color for the project complements andcontrasts it.

Also before you buy this types of veneer stone, be careful to narrow your options down to just a few contrasive combinations that immediately catch your eye, and choose the one that appeals to you the most.

veneer stone panels

Nantucket Veneer Stone Price + Buy And Sell

Nantucket Veneer Stone price can vary from $5 to $11 per square foot, compared to natural stone siding costing $13.00 to $36.00 per square foot.

Rising demand from residential and commercial sectors is expected to drive the growth of the global Nantucket veneer stone market price over the period of 2014 to 2022.

However, operational problems, lack of technological information, and transportation issues are the factors restraining the growth of Nanttucket Veneer Stone industry.

My company has for decades been leading the world market in both supply and export of Nantucket veneer stone to the entire countries around the world.

So for a memorable best qulity purchase please contact my colleagues.

veneer stone siding

The Answer to Two Questions About Veneer Stone

1: What is veneer stone made of?

Portland cement, lightweight natural aggregates, and iron oxide pigment for coloration.

2: What are the different types of stone veneer?

Faux stone veneer, natural thin stone veneer, and full bed veneer.

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