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Barite Crystals; Transparent Hazy Opaque 4 Colors White Blue Green Yellow

Barite crystals are an intriguing mineral with many uses.

It has medicinal benefits, such as reducing nerve pressure after certain procedures.

Barite Crystals

The history of barite crystals dates back to ancient times, when the Greeks and Romans used them as a pigment for white paint.

In the 16th century, German alchemist Georgius Agricola named the mineral "barytes" after the Greek word for "heavy," due to its high specific gravity compared to other minerals.

Barite crystals became an important industrial mineral during the 19th century, when they were discovered to be a valuable source of barium.

It is used in the manufacture of various products, including glass, and medical applications.

Today, the largest producers of barite crystals are China, India, and Morocco, and the mineral is still used extensively in the oil and gas industry as a weighting agent in drilling muds.

Barite Crystals

Barite Crystals Features

Barite crystals have a specific look and properties.

Colorless, white, or mild tints of blue, green, or yellow crystals are common.

Title Description
Application Glass, and Medical
Largest Producers China, India, Morocco
Colors White, Blue, Green, Yellow
Appearance Transparent, Hazy, Opaque

The mineral's Mohs strength ranges from 3 to 3.5, indicating that it is malleable and readily scratched.

Because of its higher molecular weight, which ranges from 4.2 to 5.3, barite is one of the highest density minerals known.

Barite crystals are generally tabular or prismatic in form, with smooth or striated faces.

Crystals may develop in a range of forms, including rosettes, aggregates, and nodules.

Barite is often found in association with other minerals such as calcite, fluorine, and silica.

Depending on its impurities and crystal structure, the mineral can be transparent, hazy, or opaque.

golden barite crystals

Buy Barite Crystals

There are various factors to consider when buying barite crystals to assure the highest quality.

Check their reviews, ratings, and customer feedback to get an idea of their product quality and customer service.

Consider the size, shape, and color of the crystals you want to buy.

Barite crystals range in size and shape from microscopic shards to huge, well-formed crystals.

The color and clarity of the crystals can also vary, so choose the ones that meet your preferences and requirements.

Consider the purpose of your purchase.

If you are a collector, you may want to choose specimens with unique features, such as rare crystal habits or inclusions.

white barite crystals

Barite Crystals Price + Buy and Sell

The price of barite crystals can vary depending on various factors, such as the quality, size, and color of the crystals, as well as the supplier and market demand.

The price of barite crystals is typically quoted in terms of dollars per metric ton or dollars per pound.

In recent years, the price of barite crystals has fluctuated due to changes in supply and demand.

The market for barite crystals is highly influenced by the oil and gas industry, as the majority of barite consumption is for drilling purposes.

Barite crystals can be found for as little as $2-$3 per gram, but high-quality pieces can cost up to $30 per gram or more.

Also, if you need to buy this product in bulk, contact us!

smoky barite crystals

The Answer to Two Questions About Barite Crystals

1: How do Barite Crystals look like?

Depending on its impurities and crystal structure, the mineral can be transparent, hazy, or opaque.

2: What are the colors of Barite Crystals?

Colorless, white, or mild tints of blue, green, or yellow crystals are common.

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