Bam is a garden city in Kerman province, Iran, famous for its Arg-e Bam and being the origin of the soft black dates called Mazafati,In some
countries like India and Pakistan, they call them Kimia.
What is Mazafati Dates?
A nutritious type of date well-known in the world and, as such, they have a very delicious taste.
These dates are located in the southeast of Iran, particularly Bam city.
The harvest period is between August and November and then must be
carried out to the cold storage warehouses with a temperature of -5 to 5 °C.
The shelf life of Mazafati dates is as follows:
- Soft (wet) one in the refrigerator: Almost 18 months
- Dry and semi-dry ones out of the cold storage: 14 to 18 months
- Dry and semi-dry ones in the cold storage: About 24 months
Types of Mazafati Dates
The soft cultivar must be preserved in cold storage.
The dry and semi-dry ones must be in a dry, cool, clean place with proper ventilation.
Many people earn money from this type of date in Bam and the suburbs for picking the fruits, packing, sorting, and other processes.
A fantastic thing about Bam is that many houses have Mazafati palm trees, even one.
Specifications of Mazafati Dates
Mazafati dates have an oval shape with a soft and juicy texture and have multiple benefits for health.
They have smooth, shiny, thin, and dark skin.
They include minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and a variety of vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C),
fatty acids (omega six and omega 3), protein, and dietary fiber, etc.
Mazafati dates are a good substitute for sugar under the doctor’s instructions.
Price of Mazafati Dates
The stone of Mazafati dates is apart from the flesh, which means the stone can be removed easily from the flesh, same as the skin.
- Some people deficient in calcium, magnesium, and copper are recommended to eat ten dates a day for a while.
- Athletes are recommended to consume 14 pieces after doing heavy sports.
- In pregnant women, it is recommended to consume at least six dates a day in the last month of pregnancy.
- In growing children, consuming at least 5 Mazafati dates is recommended daily.
- In the elderly, between 2 and 3 dates are needed as a snack to get the lost energy.
- For ordinary people without any underlying disease, it is better to consume three dates daily.
Interesting Tips About Buying Mazafati
Many new and even experienced importers who intend to enter the business of Mazafati dates look for and need a directory to be successful.
Here are some key points regarding this business.
One of the things that the importers of Mazafati dates deal with is the quality.
They demand different qualities due to their customers and somehow don’t recognize the elements to determine the quality.
The best time of purchase is just the beginning of the harvest, which initiates from August to November because the products are fresh and the
prices are usually affordable.
Our company offers Mazafati dates with all standard features mentioned above in various packages.