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Marble Tile Yellowing

One morning as I was working in my office, a very angry home builder called. He informed me that he was constructing a $2,000,000 mansion on Florida's west coast. A white statuary marble tile covering around 3500 square feet had been placed. A bathroom's water pipe burst throughout the course of the weekend, flooding the entire house. He explained that after determining the damage's extent, they could vacuum out all the water to prevent yellowing. The marble tile appeared to be in good shape other than the warped wood, wet drywall, and an upset homeowner. After a few weeks, he started replacing the warped wood and drywall when he realized the white marble tile was beginning to turn yellow. They attempted washing the marble with some bleach and water at first since he initially assumed it might be some residue. However, the yellowing persisted. The homeowner was threatening to sue and was becoming increasingly furious. He requested that I go down there immediately soon to examine the marble and offer some recommendations for what to do. The incident described above frequently happens on white marble tiles that are not unusual and exposed to water. Is it necessary to replace the item, or can the yellowing be removed? Will the yellowing worsen, and what is its cause? Here is a description of how white marble yellows and some possible solutions. It is a regular issue to find white marble that has turned yellow. I have seen marble that has turned yellow or brown all throughout the United States. There are a number of causes for this hue change.

  1. IRON STAINING: Oxidation was the cause of the yellowing in the home builder's sample from above. Iron deposits are found naturally in many white marble tiles. The stone contains the mineral iron, which can appear randomly throughout the stone. If the marble tile contains iron, water, or other oxidizers like acids or household bleach will cause it to oxidize. Years without any fading can pass before white marble tiles on a floor start to gradually become yellow and, in extreme circumstances, entirely brown. This oxidation process is expedited when the tile is wet, as in the flood example above. The oxidation process is comparable to how metal rusts. When exposed to water and air, a brand-new nail will rust and turn brown. The marble's iron is going through the same process. Iron won't oxidize if water and/or air aren't present. This is the cause of the sudden yellowing of some white marble. The process is challenging to undo, and it could be essential to replace the tile.

The following stain removal method has demonstrated success in a number of circumstances. It is crucial to establish whether iron is the cause before testing this process. Detecting iron Be sure to take into account factors #2 and #3 listed below before concluding that the marble is discolored owing to iron. Testing for iron will be required if these treatments are unsuccessful.

  1. First, check the water for iron if there has been a flood or if too much water has been utilized. To determine the iron content of water, a number of affordable test kits are available. Consult your neighborhood plumbing supply or water softening supply store. Iron may have entered the stone through the water supply if any amount of iron is found. To get rid of the iron, To stop the iron from staining, chelating compounds can be added to the water. This is crucial if the tile is being cleaned with this water.
  2. The tile itself should be examined for iron content regardless of whether the water is iron-free. Remove one tile, and have the total iron measured at a testing facility. Test any spare tiles that have never been used, if there are any. If iron is naturally present in this stone, it will likely be found in the extra tile. The following tests should be performed if the findings show that the tile contains iron:

  1. Check for moisture in the tile. Useful equipment that may be used to check the tile for the moisture is a moisture meter. Iron is likely starting to rust if the tile is damp.

Getting Rid of Iron Stains

  1. Combine water, sodium hydrosulfite, and sodium metabisulfite to create a poultice solution with the consistency of peanut butter. (These chemicals are offered by your local plumbing supply or home center in a product called Iron-OutTM.) To the afflicted tile, apply the poultice. Give it time to seep into the tile and remain wet. Don't let the solution dry out. After a few hours, remove any excess solution with a wet vacuum and thoroughly rinse with water and an EDTA-type chelating agent. Since these chemicals can etch the marble, be ready to re-polish it.
  2. If the aforementioned method doesn't work, mix some diatomaceous earth and Iron OutTM into a poultice (one part Iron OutTM to five parts diatomaceous earth). Apply a thin layer of the thick paste to a small area after mixing with water. Give it 24 hours of covering with plastic. Remove the poultice after 24 hours, then wash the region with water and a chelating agent. The entire floor can be treated after the stain has been eliminated. If the stain is still there, the only option is to replace the item.
  3. It's crucial that the damaged tiles are dry before carrying out the aforementioned treatment. The oxidation of iron might continue if there is still water or moisture present.

Additionally, there are several brand-new compounds on the market that contain ammonium thioglycolate, which shows promise in the removal of surface iron oxidation. Check with several suppliers of stone maintenance equipment. It is a regular issue for white marble to turn yellow due to oxidation. A high-quality penetrating sealer (impregnator) should be used to seal new installations since it helps prevent iron oxidation by removing moisture. The aforementioned technique has worked well in some instances of iron staining. I would advise replacing the damaged tiles, though, if the test as described does not yield the required results.


The highly polished surface of marble starts to fade as it ages. When this polish is worn down, the surface becomes rough and attracts dirt. This dirt will build up in the stone's pores and turn it yellow if the wrong cleaners are applied. It's amazing how frequently I've seen this issue with marble. When I looked into these incidents, I regularly discovered that dirty mops were being utilized. The marble floors were cleaned with the same mops that were used to clean the bathrooms and/or kitchens. Strong cleansers, wax cleaning mixtures, or no cleaners at all are used to mop floors. Cure: Use an alkaline marble cleanser to clean the marble tile if you detect yellowing as a result of incorrect care. I would advise using a powerful stone cleaner. To avoid dulling the shine:

  1. Make sure the stone cleaner you purchase is alkaline rather than acidic.
  2. Use a gentle brush to scrape the marble after applying the cleanser.
  3. Rinse the floor properly.

To completely remove all of the embedded dirt, it might be required to repeat this process multiple times. If the marble is dull after cleaning, I would advise re-polishing and using a high-quality penetrating sealer (impregnator). If the yellowing persists despite multiple cleanings, continue on to the following potential cause.


Many marble floors have wax, acrylic, urethane, or other coatings applied to them. Many of these coatings aren't intended for marble floors specifically. Some of these coatings are of poor quality and will start to deteriorate with time. Coatings can frequently be applied in many coats. As the coatings accumulate, they become softer and more easily penetrated by dirt. These coatings demand regular stripping, which is frequently skipped. Cure: Use a commercial wax stripper to eliminate discoloration on the marble caused by wax or coating buildup. I would strongly advise utilizing a floor wax or coating stripper made by the same business. This will assist in preventing compatibility issues. Make careful to thoroughly rinse the floor and adhere to the instructions on the stripper's label. These strippers frequently call for the use of abrasive pads, which can mar and scrape marble. Perform a tiny test to gauge the results before starting the larger project.


Recrystallization is another technique used to polish marble floors (also referred to as crystallization). A white marble floor that has moisture will become yellow if this method is used on it. The marble needs to be dry if recrystallization is to be employed. Treatment: If the marble tile has been recrystallized, the layer will need to be scraped off. This layer is frequently removed by polishing the tile with a powder marble polish containing oxalic acid. Apply the powder to the tile, mix in the water, then use a hog hair pad and a regular buffing machine to create a slurry. Work on it until the yellowing is no longer present. If this method doesn't work, the tile will need to be refined again. Training persons are strongly advised to carry out the polishing and sharpening process.

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