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Manuka Honey Price in New Zealand

Manuka Honey in New Zealand is known as the most famous and expensive in the world due to its amazing benefits and features.

Manuka Honey in New Zealand

Manuka honey is one of the most well-known and expensive honeys in the world, thanks to its unique beauty and healing properties.

Even though Australian natives have been using this honey for a long time, it did not become popular until 1980, when the University of Waikato did research on it.

After that, the rest of the world learned about it.

Manuka honey, like other honeys, is named after the plant from which it is derived.

As a result, Manuka honey is defined as honey obtained by feeding bees nectar from Manuka tree blossoms that grow in Australia, particularly in remote parts of the island of New Zealand.

Despite the fact that there are over 100 species of Manuka plants, only three or four of them grow in New Zealand, and their nectar is sold on the global market as New Zealand Manuka honey.

Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey Features in New Zealand

The presence of the following four elements in extremely high concentrations is the main feature of Manuka honey from other natural honeys.

1-Methylglyoxal (METHYLGLYOXAL or MGO): This is a highly active antibacterial agent with excellent antimicrobial properties.

Title Description
Famous for  Antimicrobial Properties
Great Source of  Leptosperin
Rich in  Hydrogen Peroxide
Disadvantage High Price

2- Dihydroxyacetone (DHA): This substance is also found in Manuka flower nectar, and it is converted into MGO during the honey production process, with some of it escaping the conversion process and remaining in Manuka honey.

3- Leptosperin (LEPTOSPERIN): This is a natural substance found in the nectar of the Manuka flower and several closely related species, and it is only found in Manuka honey.

The presence of this substance in honey is required because it distinguishes between genuine and fake Manuka.

4- Hydrogen peroxide: This is a very strong antibacterial that is found in all honeys around the world, but there is a lot of it in Manuka honey, which is quickly destroyed by heating it.

raw manuka honey

Buy Manuka Honey in New Zealand

If you want to buy Manuka honey, it is available in almost every region of the world.

However, there are several factors on its containers that make it difficult to recognize the original Manuka.

There are rating systems and various factors for Manuka honey.

We discuss the most important aspects of this honey below.

UMF, which stands for unique manuka factor, is one of the most important and widely used manuka honey rating systems that takes into account a variety of factors.

The New Zealand Honey Union created the system, which grants producers and beekeepers licenses and requires beekeepers to follow strict rules in order to use the UMF label on their products.

The key components of UMF are leptospirin, MGO, DHA, and HMF, which we will define in more detail below.

shea moisture manuka honey

Manuka Honey Price in New Zealand + Buy and Sell

In any case, if you are interested in buying and selling Manuka honey, you should know that this type of honey is without a doubt, they are among the finest honeys available anywhere in the world.

However, due to its high price, purchasing this honey is not the preferred option for many people.

This product is available in the market for 1000 USD per kg.

Consider the fact that many countries across the world are natural honey growers and make honeys of extremely high quality, all of which have prices that are more affordable.

By cutting of the middlemen, you can have the opportunity to make a good profit in this business.

This is what we have done in advance!

For more information, contact us as soon a possible!

wedderspoon manuka honey

The Answer to Two Questions About Manuka Honey 

1: When does the Manuka honey lose its effectiveness?

If properly stored (i.e., not in the freezer, the fridge, or the pantry), food will keep for a long time past its expiration date.

2: Will heating manuka honey ruin it?

High heat destroys Manuka UMF honey's enzymes, particularly the antibacterial methylglyoxal.

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Hamidreza Hasanvandian