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Pure Honey Per Kg (Royal) Light Yellow White Mild Sweet Contains No Additives

Pure honey per Kg is a natural, crystalline sweetener that comes naturally from bee pollination and contains the same nutrients you find in nature.

Pure Honey Per Kg

Pure honey is a product that is consumed in abundance in many countries, making it a major source of income.

Pure honey is the natural liquid honey delivered to you in its original form directly from the beekeeper.

It is pure, raw, and unprocessed; just like it comes from the beehive.

Honey is a natural substance that is produced by honey bees by absorbing the nectar of plants or the secretions of living parts of plants or the secretions of insects sucking plants that are in the living parts of plants.

Pure honey does not contain additives, it retains its benefits, wonderful aroma, and rich taste.

Its taste is powerful and pleasant.

Natural honey is a wonderful food with a unique combination of vitamins and minerals in the form of a delicious treat.

Carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose, and glucose) make up 80% of the composition of honey.

Pure Honey

Pure Honey Per Kg Features

Pure honey has different colors based on its types.

It ranges from light yellow (liquid) to white (candy).

Title Description
Contains  No Addetives
Colors Light Yellow (Liquid) To White (Candy)
Taste Mild Sweet 
Pay Attention  Fluidity of the Honey

It crystallizes quickly and that is why it is stirred until it becomes creamy.

Its taste is mild.

Honey is one of the most popular types of sweeteners.

Especially for children who like its delicate and unobtrusive taste and sweetness.

By sucking the nectar of more than 120 different aromas from plant materials, bees ensure the diverse taste of honey.

Flower nectar, pollen and honeydew of different plants have different properties.

The composition of sugar, its mineral content and other plant components have specific aromas.

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Buy Pure Honey Per Kg

Before buying pure honey per Kg, you can pay attention to the points to make the best purchase.

These tips will help you identify real honey from fake honey.

Real honey is homogeneous, without impurities and stratification, and there should not be sediment at the bottom.

Pay attention to the fluidity of the honey.

To choose a perfect honey, pay attention to its clarity and transparency.

It must be absolutely viscous and transparent.

If the honey is diluted or opaque, it indicates that it has been watered down with water or additives.

Natural honey can be distinguished from fake honey by smell.

The fake smell is very sweet, unnatural, spicy, maybe a mixture of caramel.

Depending on which honey plant the nectar is collected from, honey can change color from light yellow to dark brown.

does pure honey crystallize

Pure Honey Price Per Kg + Buy and Sell

Pure honey per Kg Price is a variable that always changes.

This variable changes under the influence of various factors in the market.

In business management, it is common to distinguish between fixed and variable costs.

Fixed costs are incurred for durable goods that can be used over several years, as well as expenses, literature, etc.

Variable costs apply to consumables such as frames and honey jars.

It is also reasonable for the recreational beekeeper to differentiate between the costs of beekeeping and the costs of honey production.

All these and other things that are not mentioned here, cause the price of pure honey to go up and down.

But, roughly, the price of pure honey starts from 5 dollars and goes up.

If you want to buy and sell this product, contact our sales manage.

raw honey vs pure honey

The Answer to Two Questions About Pure Honey

1: How is pure honey preserved?

Simply keep it in a firmly sealed container in a cool area away from direct sunlight.

2: What happens if you refrigerate pure honey?

Honey can be preserved in the refrigerator, but the chilly temperatures will lead it to form a semi-solid mass.

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Hamidreza Hasanvandian