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made in nature organic dried apricots

One of the types of dried apricots is the organic type that is made in nature. In general, organic products have more fans than genetically modified products because genetically modified products have irreparable effects on the body. In reality, transgenic products are items derived from plants, animals, or microorganisms that have had their genetic material (DNA) tampered with and have been manufactured in a laboratory. Scientists have accomplished this through the use of the transgenic technology. The quantity of food that can be produced using this method has significantly risen, and the foods that are created using this method are, of course, more stable. At the present moment, no one is certain whether or not this method of producing food is fully healthy, and no one also knows what potentially negative affects this method of producing food has on the body. However, a large number of researchers have undertaken a great number of studies in the field of transgenic foods and have discovered that certain kinds of foods pose a threat to the health of certain individuals. The following are examples of these dangers: Toxic effects on the blood and an impaired development of the fetus Researchers from Canada have made history by determining for the first time that pesticides linked to genetically modified food may be found in the blood of pregnant women, as well as fetuses and women who are not pregnant. Researchers found traces of a toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis, which is used in Monsanto's transgenic goods, in the blood samples taken from the pregnant women and their unborn children. They also found that the developing fetus is extremely vulnerable to difficulties that are brought on by the presence of foreign organisms that are not typically seen in living organisms. This was another finding of theirs. Although the manufacturers of genetically modified (GM) products claim that the proteins found in these products are properly broken down in the body and are completely removed from the body during the process of digestion, one cannot put complete faith in these products because of the effect that they have on pregnant women and the fetuses that they carry. provoking allergy responses as a result The transfer of genes from one creature that can cause sensitization to another organism that does not have sensitizing qualities is another topic of discussion. In point of fact, when the DNA of these two different organisms are mixed with one another, it may result in the development of food that, after being digested, creates sensitivity in a human. There is no need to perform an allergy test on foods that are prepared using natural processes. However, GM foods require this kind of test. Inflammation of the stomach as well as celiac illness Following a number of investigations, scientists from the United States came to the conclusion that consuming genetically modified products is detrimental to one's overall health. The situation of gluten-related diseases, such as intestinal permeability, bacterial imbalance, immune system activity, allergic reaction, digestive disorders, and damage to the intestinal wall, might become more severe when transgenic products are consumed. Additionally, individuals who consume these goods develop a more severe intolerance to gluten. According to the findings of these researchers, exposure to transgenic products can trigger autoimmune disorders and celiac disease in humans. Endocrine disorder During the course of their research on transgenic products, the scientists also focused their attention on the herbicide glyphosate. They came to the conclusion that exposure to this chemical can interfere with the function of the endocrine glands in the body, which in turn can lead to growth disorders in the fetus, birth defects, and cancerous tumors. Additionally, breast cancer can be caused by glyphosate in GM soy products since it raises estrogen levels. Exogenous estrogen raises the likelihood of developing cancer, precocious puberty, thyroid disorders, and infertility. This is due to the fact that exogenous estrogen mimics the action of actual estrogen. Some researchers believe that the use of transgenic products should be modified because of the potential problems that these products may cause. These researchers believe that this modification is necessary to ensure that human health is not put in jeopardy. On the other hand, there are many who question the quality of safety and health that GM foods provide. The process of genetic engineering is one that is not very old. Because of this, there has been no extensive study done on the effects that GM foods have on one's health over the long term. The safety standards for GM foods must be the same as those for non-GM foods. However, other people believe there should be a greater cause for concern regarding these goods. Some people are concerned that eating genetically modified foods could make them more susceptible to developing allergies, antibiotic resistance, or cancer. Some people believe that these worries are groundless. We are going to have a look at the findings of the research done in this area in the following paragraphs. Some people have the opinion that this rise is connected to the intake of foods that have been genetically modified. According to a report published by Harvard University, there is no evidence to support the assertion that genetically modified foods are more allergenic than traditional foods. Others have expressed concern regarding the potential for the process of genetic engineering to result in the transfer of specific proteins from one plant to another. The majority of allergic reactions are caused by proteins found in a relatively small number of foods. The most frequent allergies are found in trees, namely those that bear acorns. Researchers conducted a series of experiments in the middle of the 1990s on transgenic soybeans that had been altered to include Brazil nut protein. According to a study that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, those individuals who were allergic to Brazil nuts experienced allergic reactions when they consumed these soybeans. These soybeans were never put up for sale to the general public and were therefore never exposed to the market. As a direct result of this experiment, both the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have established protocols for genetically modified foods. Because of these methods, testing for allergic reactions has been necessary for GM foods. According to the Mayo Clinic's research, none of the genetically modified foods that are currently available on the market have been associated with the development of allergic reactions.

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