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Buy Mabroom dates | Selling All Types of Mabroom dates At a Reasonable Price

Pakistan is considered one of the most important markets for Mabroom dates. The wholesale buyers can provide Mabroom dates at a reasonable price in many stores. Dates with a flexible texture but a more difficult bite can be found in the Mabroom variety, which is produced in Saudi Arabia. Mabroom dates have a color that can be described as reddish brown and is long and slender in shape. The skin of the Mabroom date is wrinkly, in contrast to the smooth texture of the Safawi date. In both Europe and the Middle East, mabroom dates are considered to be among the most popular. This specific kind of date has quickly become a popular commercial and export cultivar as a result of the abundant supply, appealing color, and flavor that it possesses. Due to the fact that they are rich in both fiber and protein, mabroom dates are an excellent choice for a nutritious snack. Mabroom dates wholesale price Mabroom dates are beneficial for diabetics as well as other people because they contain relatively little sugar. Unripe Mabroom dates are an excellent source of all of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs, and they also play a role in the prevention of illnesses such as anemia, cancer, and osteoporosis. The large and high-fiber content of mabroom dates is just one of the many reasons why eating them is beneficial to one's health. When you buy dates in large quantities from Mabroom, you can be certain that you are obtaining the best possible dates. Our company provides Mabroom dates that are of the highest quality and are prepared as quickly as is humanly possible. We are one of the primary date exporters and provide popular varieties of dates to both local and international markets in bulk or in bundles. These varieties of dates include Medjool dates, Sukkary dates, Deglet Noor dates, and Khalas dates. Visit our website at the earliest convenience if you are considering the purchase of a sizeable quantity of Mabroom dates. It is possible for a number of factors, such as the demand for the product, the cost of manufacturing, and the level of market rivalry, to have a substantial impact on the price that a company charges for Mabroom dates. We differentiate ourselves from other businesses in the supply chain by offering consumers Mabroom dates of the highest possible quality at rates that are comparable to those charged by wholesalers.

Mabroom dates wholesale price

The price of Mabroom dates varies widely based on the brand wholesale or retail form in which they are sold. our company, which is among the most successful date exporters, has been operating in the market for more than 15 years. The company takes great care to provide its customers with the most recent harvest, dates of the greatest possible quality, and at prices that are affordable. The sales staff at Our company is available at any moment to respond to any questions you may have on the current rates of Mabroom dates or other types of dates, such as Iraqi Zahedi dates. Dates, which are considered to be one of the healthiest tropical fruits, are moved throughout the world annually in massive amounts using a variety of packaging options. Mabroom dates are another one of the most popular varieties of dates exported by Saudi Arabia. Dates have been a product that Our company has been supplying for a very long time. They are one of the leading exporters of Mabroom dates in the Middle East. The website of Our company currently makes it possible for customers to purchase Mabroom dates in bulk quantities. As a result of our meticulous selection process and insistence on shipping only the finest and most recently harvested dates, we have established ourselves as the preeminent supplier and exporter of Mabroom dates across the globe. The majority of Mabroom dates are imported by Asian countries such as India, Malaysia, and Indonesia. These dates originate in both the Persian Gulf and Asia. Additionally, there is a significant demand for dates all across Europe. Our Company's team is extremely experienced, and they are happy to assist customers through every stage of the process of buying dates. Dates, such as Iraqi Zahedi and Khinizi, are only two of the many varieties that may be purchased from our business. Additionally, dates are offered for the celebrations of Khalas and Sukkary. The Mabroom variety of soft, dry date palms can be found across the majority of the Western Peninsula of Saudi Arabia. The Mabroom is characterized by its elongated shape and deep maroon hue. Meat that is chewy and has a mildly sweet flavor. The main portion of the Mabroom date is extremely long and skinny. Their skin has a tone that is similar to dark brown and is almost transparent. The surface of the skin is wrinkled but otherwise smooth. In spite of the fact that it is not sweet, the Mabroom date is well-known for having a flavor all its own and having flesh that is chewy. It is difficult to define since it has a flavor similar to that of fiber and a peculiar texture that is soft but firm once it has been dried. The Khudri date is a close relative of these, despite the fact that the latter are shorter and have a lower packing density. They have a light color and a wrinkled appearance, yet they do not flake. Dates purchased from Mabroom come in packaging that is intended to safeguard the food items while they are being transported. Dates of all kinds, including Mabroom dates and other sorts, can be purchased from the Our company in an enticing carton, plastic, or vacuum-sealed packaging, with weights ranging from 450 grams to 10 kilograms. In addition, the client has the option of purchasing particular Mabroom date weights and packages from our Company. Getting in contact with us by e-mail or WhatsApp is the best way to obtain a number of free packaging samples for date products.

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Comments (15 Comments)


Iran is one of the top producers of dates, which exports this product to countries like Pakistan

Zahra movahedifar

Hello, don't be tired, Mabrom dates are one of the most delicious dates that have a very reasonable price.


All dates have a sweet and fleshy taste, which are rich in iron, and try to always include dates in your meals to benefit from its properties.


One of the important markets for selling dates is Pakistan, which is very important for traders


Dates have a very high nutritional value and provide you with daily energy


Definitely, quality and fresh dates have a high price. Avoid buying poor quality and old dates.


Mabrum dates are brown in color and have a narrow and long shape

Taha ale taha

Mabroom dates wholesale price in Pakistan and India Pvt limited and Australia New Zealand

Muhaddith Abbasi

This company is one of the date milling companies that has been very successful


Hello, dates are one of the snacks that are consumed daily by people all over the world. They have a lot of calories and energy for the immune system


Hello, dates are a very tasty and nutritious fruit that is suitable for all people


Due to its properties to strengthen the immune system and it is used as the base product of many sweets, dates have a good price.


Dates are very tasty and have a hot fever


Dates are rich in protein, fiber, and useful fats and are high in calories. They are very memory enhancin


You can also bake it into bread or blend it and add the paste to marinades.

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