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Business Insights: Customs duties in India, packaging of agricultural fertilizers in Africa, best way to ship to China, similarities between Indonesian and Iranian culture and 8 other facts

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💯 Food products in India usually include initial customs duties that are applicable to imported goods.

📜 Customs duty rates for different food products can vary significantly.

🔢 Some food items may be subject to lower or zero duty rates, while others may be subject to higher rates.

🔶 For example, staple food items such as rice and wheat may have lower duty rates, while luxury food items or products similar to those produced in India may have higher tariffs.



♋ In South Africa and some other countries, there is an interesting custom where the bride announces her wedding date in the newspaper along with a contact number.

✅ This can be very useful for individuals involved in wedding-related businesses, as they can contact her and send their suggestions for bridal and groom attire design and many other wedding-related matters.



🌌 In African countries, agricultural fertilizers are often found in packaging ranging from 10 to 50 kilograms.

🧲 Liquid and granular fertilizers are usually packaged in drums, while enhancers and micronutrients are packaged in cardboard boxes and smaller containers in grams.



👈 Exporting raw materials like granules to a country like Libya, which may not have a strong industry in producing polyethylene products, may not have much economic justification.

❌ This is because these few factories likely have their own suppliers and may have monopolies and pricing control over these materials.

🔶 Therefore, it is better to export finished products such as pipes, fittings, and related products to enter these markets.



✔️ When negotiating with Arabic-speaking countries, it is important to consider the negotiation times with these countries.

⚠️ For example, Arab countries have many holidays during the holy month of Ramadan, or in the UAE where weekends are on Saturdays and Sundays.



🚀 Given the energy and power crisis in Western African countries, solar panels and power generators for electricity are highly considered in the import sector.



🎑 In Ghana, for all imported consumer goods such as food items and supermarket items, in addition to a 17.5% value-added tax, a 20% final consumer tax is also taken into account.

🔢 These costs will be added to the customs costs of imported products.



✍ Sending food items to China is only possible with a registered commercial card, and the best method for delivery to China is through the Haiphong ports in Vietnam.



💲 Indonesia, like many other countries in the world, imports Iranian carpets as a luxury and expensive product.

🔴 While Indonesia has a culture very similar to Iran, it has great potential for importing Iranian products.



📍 In the market of Nigeria, cleaning products such as washing powders and laundry soaps have high demand.

🦠 Washing powders are available in packaging sizes of 70, 170, 250, and 400 grams, and soaps are available in weights of 200 and 250 grams in their markets.



📎 In European countries, especially in Denmark, Iranian pictorial carpets with fantasy designs as well as designs of humans, temples, and churches are highly popular.



🤝 In exporting dried fruits to European countries like Germany, it should be noted that there are brands like Ja! in this country that are solely engaged in packaging and repackaging products.

💭 Therefore, there is a good opportunity to negotiate with them to supply their products in bulk.




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Aminu Abdulhameed

Keep the good work Arad branding



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