اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Business Insights May 23

👈 The total trade exchanges between Iran and Turkey in 2022 amounted to around $5.4 billion, with approximately $3 billion belonging to exports and $2.4 billion to imports.

🌟 Over the past 12 years leading up to 2022, the trade balance between these two countries has been in favor of Iran, and considering Turkey's recent drought, we should focus on exporting not only raw materials but also other products in order to increase its trade balance relative to Turkey.


🍝 In Indonesia, noodle waste is used as animal feed, which is considered to have a better price and taste compared to other options and is suitable for a wider range of animals from birds to reptiles to livestock.

💸Therefore, noodle waste is the best option to enter the animal feed market in Indonesia.


📎 Denmark may be a small country, but it is one of the most competitive and innovative countries in the world when it comes to trade.

⛵ This country excels in terms of welfare, economy, and trade, with important industries such as shipbuilding, maritime transport, pharmaceuticals, textiles, clothing, electronics, and food industries.


⛴ Currently, the best route for shipping goods to Qatar via maritime transport (such as launch (boat) and landing craft) is through the port of Dayer to Ar-Ruʼays, Qatar.

🎲 Additionally, sending goods from Bandar Abbas (Rajaee Port) in containers and from Bahonar Port via landing craft is also possible to Doha, Qatar.


🍒 When exporting fruits and vegetables to Turkey, it is important to consider the following:

If the product is produced and grown in Turkey, stop exporting one month before Turkey's own products enter the market. This is because one month before harvesting, the import of these products in Turkey is prohibited, and some traders have faced difficulties in exporting their goods due to not paying attention to this issue, resulting in significant losses due to corruption.


🚀 In order to send cargo to Turkey, the recipient must be a company, otherwise, the goods will not be cleared by Turkish customs.


🌠 Being a producer of a specific product in a country does not necessarily mean that the country does not need that product.

🍇 For example, India is a producer of dried fruits but also imports dried fruits because it is an exporter in this field and imports dried fruits to maintain supply-demand balance in its market.


🔑 In Pakistan, the monsoon rains that last from mid-June to September can lead to flooding and destruction of crops such as onions, potatoes, and tomatoes, resulting in price increases.

💮During this time, Pakistan imports these products to control market prices.


💯 One important aspect when dealing with African countries is the issue of money transfer.

💰 Some African countries, being part of the East, West, or Southern African Unions, also have the capability to transfer money through their neighboring countries. For example, countries like Ghana, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria can easily transfer money, enabling us to receive the desired funds from any country within the same regional bloc.


☠ When negotiating exports of chemical materials, if a customer requests a sample, ask them to send an analysis of the exact product they want so that you can provide a price and prepare their order accordingly.


⛓ Sometimes your customer in a specific country like Mauritania works on certain categories of products and asks you to send a product like rice from your country. In this case, it is better to research where this country mainly imports the product from and then evaluate the quality and price.

⚓ For example, Mauritania mainly imports rice from India, which may have lower quality compared to the Iranian sample but is more cost-effective for their market. So, if your customer is new to this product, suggest them to start with a small order for evaluation and marketing.


👈 When talking to a customer, make sure to ask detailed information about the product they want.

🍪 For instance, if someone requests dates for use in the cake and chocolate industry, do not suggest expensive varieties like Piarom dates. You can offer lower-priced dates as appearance is not crucial in this industry, only quality and taste matter.


Business insights from previous series

Business Insights May 13

Business Insights May 8

Business Insights March 4

Business Insights February 26

Business Insights February 19

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