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Large Towel; Yarn Cotton Content Temperature Resistant Lightweight

Large towels are made of high-quality yarn and are popular because they quickly absorb water and moisture from the surface of the skin.

Large Towel

The towel has always been one of the most essential goods for daily life, but with time, different types of towels were created for different purposes, which many people use regardless of their type and use.

Besides being essential for everyone, these towels are an ideal option for gifting on special occasions.

Large towels are suitable for both adults and children and this is their most important feature.

These large towels are very easy to wash and do not need special detergents.

This type of towel is very suitable for people who go to the pool a lot because they do not get old due to frequent use.

large towel warmer

Large Towel Features

These large towels are made of material that does not wrinkle after washing and does not need to be ironed.

They have special washing instructions inside the package.

Title Description
Content Yarn and Cotton
Advantages Pressure and Temperature Resistant
Usage Bathroom and Pool
Feature  Lightweight

You can put these big towels in the washing machine without worry and there is no need to wash them by hand.

It has a place to hang and can easily be placed on a clothes rack.

Because it dries very quickly after use, you will not have to worry about the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Although they are large, they take up little space and are light in weight.

This towel is multi-purpose and can be used for the bathroom, pool, and more.

The pressure and temperature of the water do not destroy its fibers.

large towel rail

Buy Large Towel

If you want to buy a large towel, notice this text.

If the towel is heavier, it will absorb more water and dry the skin faster.

The higher the amount of cotton in the towel, the higher its absorption power because cotton fibers can naturally absorb several times their weight in liquids.

People who have sensitive skin and are concerned about the environment should choose organic towels because they are compatible with the environment and no chemicals are used in them.

If you are looking for a stylish towel with a beautiful design, choose silk and satin towels.

If you want to warm yourself with a towel, choose the wool type, but they have little absorption power.

large towel size

Large Towel Price + Buy and Sell

The large towel price is between 20 and 35 dollars, and because it has a larger size than other towels, it is a little more expensive.

The price of cotton and thread has a direct relationship with the price of towels, and if their prices change, the price of towels will also fluctuate.

In addition to these, special weaving machines are used to produce towels, each of which has high costs and affects the price of towels.

The towels in our store have beautiful colors for everyone and their unique appearance attracts everyone.

Our colleagues are ready to help you and answer your questions about this product, so please call us.

large towel rack

The Answer to Two Questions About Large Towel 

1: What is considered a large towel size?

After a shower, the normal bath towel dries your entire body. 20 x 40 is the small size. 30 x 58 is the largest size.

2: How many times can you use a towel before it's dirty?

At least once a week, wash your bath towel and washcloth. If you're unwell, wash towels more often to avoid reinfection.

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