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Kimia dates wholesale price

Dates that are commonly referred to as Kimia dates in India could be referred to as Mazafati dates. The price for the wholesale purchase is considerably lower. Dates from the Kimia variety range in moisture content from 15–35 percent and have a length of between 4 and 5 cm. The greatest Kimia dates are truly black in color, despite the fact that most of the time they appear to be a dark brown. The skin and the flesh of Kimia dates are quite simple to separate. The kind of date known as Kimia has the highest level of popularity in Iran and accounts for the majority of the country's date exports. Dates from Iran's Kimia region are consistently ranked among the most sought-after commodities in India. When you go to make your purchase, you should bear in mind that the price and quality of Kimia dates can be decided by a number of distinct elements, each of which plays a unique role. When purchasing dates, it is important to take the following aspects into consideration: taste, look, size, color, pests, crushing, sourness, sugar crystallization, and the overall health of the fruit. The flavor of Kimia dates, which are softer and moister than Kali dates, can only be maintained in the finest conditions if they are stored. You shouldn't buy Kimia dates from any company or brand that isn't well-known for providing dates and that doesn't have all of the required health certificates and permission from the Food and Drug Administration. Doing so is the only way to guarantee that your dates will be safe and of high quality. The cost of Kimia dates can be affected by a number of different variables. Dates known as Kimia are given grades, which causes a range in their prices. The variety of packaging and the brand of Kimia dates are other essential considerations, in addition to the cost of the product. The price of Kimia dates is determined by a number of different factors, some of which are the method used to harvest the dates, the method used to sort the dates, and the method used to package the dates. When it comes to the domestic and worldwide markets, reputed distributors of Kimia dates work hard to give the best, freshest, and highest-quality dates at rates that are as low as they can be made to be. When you buy in bulk from the manufacturers of Kimia dates, you can realize significant cost savings on imports. The mission of our Company is to eliminate the need for middlemen in the process of exporting fresh and high-quality Iranian Kimia dates and other varieties of dates directly to nations in Asia, the Persian Gulf, as well as European countries. Get in touch with our Company via Whats App or email to enquire about the cost of Kimia dates. Because of the uncommon flavor, Kimia dates can only be grown in Iran due to the climate conditions there. As a result, many countries import Kimia dates due to their excellent quality and distinctive flavor. The Kimia and Piarom date varieties are responsible for a sizeable amount of Iran's revenue from the sale of dates abroad. The requirement for Kimia dates in India is met in large part by Iran. Our Company is one of the most well-known and experienced Kimia date producers and exporters in Iran. They export Kimia dates to nations all over the world, including those in the Persian Gulf, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh. The company possesses all of the required health certificates in addition to dates that are up to date and comply with national and international standards. It is recommended to purchase Kimia dates from businesses that produce them on their own, as these dates are more likely to be fresh. Direct date suppliers are responsible for overseeing the entire supply chain of Kimia dates, from the farm to the market, in order to provide their customers with the freshest and highest possible quality Kimia dates. If you buy dates directly from the manufacturer, you can avoid paying a significant amount of money in import fees. Our company, a wholesaler of Kimia dates, supplies a diverse selection of dates and date-related products to global markets directly, without the need for any intermediaries. These products include date syrup, pitted dates, and chopped dates. Dates that are soft and moist, like Kimia dates, have a lower sugar content than dates that have been dried, which implies that diabetics can use them as an alternative to sugar in their diet. Dates from the Kimia variety contain a variety of essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming a few Kimia dates or other date products such as chopped dates on a daily basis is one way to provide your body with the iron it requires. Dates have a magnesium content of around 63 mg per 100 grams, which is sufficient to fulfill the 310 mg magnesium requirement that the human body has on a daily basis. The presence of magnesium and phosphorus in Kimia dates contributes to the enhancement of both the neurological system and the brain. Dates from the Kimia variety also contain a sizeable amount of both vitamin A and vitamin B. After being harvested, Kimia dates should be handled with caution and kept in refrigerators that are adequately equipped due to the considerable amount of moisture that they contain. In order to prevent spoilage and ensure that they stay healthy, Kimia dates need to be transported in a container that is chilled. There is a possibility that the quality of some types of wet dates, such as Kabkab, Kalute, and Shahani dates, could be damaged if they are not transported or stored correctly. When it comes to the design of the packaging for a product, it is essential to keep in mind how long the product can be stored after it has been opened. If you keep these things in mind while importing Kimia dates, you shouldn't have any problems. Our company owns and operates all of the date sorting and packaging facilities, as well as the health certificates. They provide the highest-quality Kimia dates in bulk, in a variety of weights, and in creatively packaged forms at reasonable prices. Additionally, the company offers customized packages to both domestic and international clients that comprise the customer's favorite brand of product. If you would like extra information on the packing of Kimia dates, please get in touch via Whats App or email.

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Kimia dates have a great taste and can be eaten with tea

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