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Kalmi Dates Price in Mumbai

As a source of fiber, kalmi dates in Mumbai at reasonable prices help control blood glucose levels, preventing the formation of glycation end products.

Kalmi Dates in Mumbai

Kalmi dates in Mumbai stop the formation of glycation end products, compounds produced in the body by excessive sugar consumption.

These compounds can cause an increase in free radicals and inflammation of the skin, promoting premature aging.

Dates are rich in tannins, carotenoids, and flavonoids, which are compounds with antioxidant action.

They prevent the oxidation of fat cells and balance the levels of so-called "bad" cholesterol.

In addition, the fibers present in this fruit also help reduce the absorption of fats from food.

So they help control total cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent diseases such as myocardial infarction, or stroke.

Kalmi Dates

Kalmi Dates Features in Mumbai

Although Kalmi dates features in Mumbai can go unnoticed, dates have incredible benefits and properties.

We must emphasize that it is a seasonal food that we have during the fall, coming from the date palm tree.

Title Description
Rich in Tannins, Carotenoids, and Flavonoids
Health Benefits Reduce the Absorption of Fats
Widely Used In Countries Where This Tree Is Abundant.
Dates Back to More than 50,000 Years Ago

For this reason, it is not surprising that it is widely used in countries where this tree is abundant.

The date is a fruit from a long time ago, more than 50,000 years ago.

It is notable that they reduce bad cholesterol because, according to various studies, they help keep cholesterol balanced.

We can say Kalmi dates have a good amount of fiber, which helps regulate our digestion system.

queen kalmi dates

Buy Kalmi Dates in Mumbai

Buy Kalmi dates in Mumbai since they can control hunger because they offer satiety, which helps reduce the risk of developing diseases.

These benefits arise because they have a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as A, which prevents eye-related diseases.

Their vitamin B5 controls the nervous system, and their minerals, such as calcium, are perfect for strengthening bones.

Another condition of dates is that they have B9 (folic acid folate), iron, and vitamin C; this union of nutrients makes us stronger.

kalmi dates origin

Kalmi Dates Price in Mumbai + Buy and Sell

By eating Kalmi dates in Mumbai, which you can buy and sell at a good price, we do not lack iron.

So we prevent anemia and other risky processes with vitamin deficiencies.

We can mention Kalmi dates' ability to transport oxygen from the blood, while vitamin C included in them can absorb iron.

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The Answer to Two Questions About Kalmi Dates

1: What are the advantages of eating kalmi dates?

Dates are rich in potassium and iron and also include beta carotene and the B complex vitamins.

2: What is the origin of Kalmi dates?

They are grown in the Saudi Arabian area of Madinah.

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