اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

How do we transform a merchant whose entire lineage were noble merchants into an illiterate shepherd?

Most people believe that the occupation of the Messenger of God, may God's blessings be upon him and his family, was that of a shepherd.

However, as we discussed in the previous article about the Quraish, and as it became clear from the scientific comments and research at the end of that article, the occupation of the Prophet's ancestors, paternal grandfather, uncles, and even the confirmed reports indicate that the occupation of the Prophet's maternal grandfather and uncles, who are the brothers of Ameneh, may God's peace be upon them, was trade.

Now the question is, how can a boy who is the pride of the Arabs and non-Arabs, and whose sharp-mindedness, intelligence, and good qualities surpass all his peers, and has shown such traits from his childhood, not choose such a prestigious and classy occupation and remain illiterate?

Is this not an insult and slander against the Messenger of God?

Has the title "Amin" been obtained from his trustworthiness toward the wealthy and other merchants, or has he been called "Amin" because he has taken care of some sheep, taken them out in the morning, and returned them safely at night?

Do the other shepherds who take the sheep out at night either kill or steal them, that the Prophet (PBUH) has given him a special privilege?

Is this statement not from Ibrahim (PBUH), which God has mentioned in the Quran, Surah Ibrahim, verse 37?

"O my Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Your Sacred House."

Did Abraham (PBUH) refer to someone other than Isma'il (PBUH)?

Was that valley without water and vegetation where the house of God is located not Mecca?

So, according to God's confirmation, Mecca did not have cultivation and greenery, where shepherding was common, and if there was any shepherding, it was specifically for camels.

Even today, the sheep that are sacrificed during Hajj are imported to Arabia, and there is no domestic production of sheep in Arabia.

How can a man, whose is adorned in his family and whose family members are all merchants, and in a region where there is no cultivation and greenery, and a wife he chooses, and he himself is the greatest merchant of the time, and all his trade affairs are entrusted to this man, be considered a shepherd in our minds?

Did Khadijeh (RA) not realize that she should not entrust her great trade to a shepherd?

Does it make sense for any wise or even less intelligent person to leave his eighty thousand camels in the hands of an illiterate shepherd and then say, "I and all that belongs to me belongs to you"?

O people,

If your Prophet is a shepherd, does it bring more honor to you or if he is a merchant?

Ask others which religion and faith is more attractive to them?

The religion where the first person is an illiterate shepherd or a cultured merchant?

It has been narrated from Imam Sadiq about the illiteracy of the Messenger of God, which people mistakenly translate as being illiterate.

They said that because he was fatherless and an orphan, God called him "Ummi" or one who is raised by a mother.

And because Mecca, the mother of all cities at that time among the Arabs, and he was from Mecca, he was called "Ummi."

May God bless Majid Majidi for making the film of our Prophet, which showed how Abdul-Muttalib, the grandfather of the Prophet, fed all the people when he was born, and then, to protect him from the turmoil and enmity of the Jews during his childhood, sent him to the surrounding deserts of Mecca with some sheep to keep him safe.

Is it fair that a person with such wealth and status raises his orphaned grandson - whom we all know is dearer than a son - as an illiterate shepherd?

Is it just that our parents, who may not even have proper education, send us to school and take our learning seriously, but Abdul-Muttalib, who was a great figure of the Quraish, as they say, did not provide any guardianship or care for the upbringing of the Prophet, leaving him as a shepherd with sheep?


The occupation of our Prophet was trade, and a part of the Prophet's commercial travels was also depicted in the movie "Muhammad: The Messenger of God" by Majidi.

It is natural that every group would either attribute their own occupation to the Prophet or remain silent about it in order to claim ownership of its glory.

It has even been said that our Prophet was a teacher, and teaching is the profession of the prophets.

There is no doubt that all the prophets have been teachers of humanity, but provide evidence that our Prophet or other prophets have taken a penny or a dinar for teaching people.

Therefore, the teaching was the mission of the prophets, not a profession to earn income through it.

Do you want to know what the common occupation of all the prophets was?

Surah Al-Furqan, verse 20, God addresses His prophet:

"And We did not send before you, [O Muḥammad], any of the messengers except that they ate food and walked in the markets."

With this verse, God wants us to understand that if you are a prophet, you have worldly needs.

God has chosen eating food among these needs because it is possible that someone may not have a place to live and live under the open sky, or even not wear clothes or change them only once a year and take from others, but the need for food and eating is daily, so the prophets also had this need.

The prophets had ways to meet this need.

God did not say they ate and built or carpentered or worked as laborers or teachers or any other profession.

He said "and they walk in the markets."

Markets mean the plural of "souq," which means market.

"Walk" means to go.

"And they walk in the markets" means to move in the market, which means some of them were engaged in trade and some of them in buying and selling.

God, in mentioning His messengers' participation in trade and movement in the market, has not made any reference to other things that are a common point among the prophets in many people's minds.

O merchants and Arad employees,

May God reward you for entering into trade and reviving the forgotten tradition of your prophet.

Others refuse to say that the Prophet of Islam was a merchant.

Let its reason remain for the Day of Judgment.

If each of you dear Aradis could make it clear to their own community that the Prophet of Islam was a merchant and the attribution of his blessed existence to shepherding is not more than a great lie, surely it will please the Prophet, as it distances a great slander from him.

And whoever pleases the Messenger of God, surely God will make his blessing flow in his wealth, life, spouse, and children.

We as Aradis, if we make an effort, we will definitely succeed in this great mission.

Make the intention from today.

For example, I will convey this to ten, twenty, a hundred, or two hundred people from our surroundings that the Prophet of God was a merchant.

Comments (36 Comments)

Mark C Wobil

Amazing insights, it's amazing how the key to increasing wealth and advancing has always been in trade and business



Reza Karimi

Our Prophet and Imams were the best people on earth. So common sense does not accept that these people have an ordinary or insignificant job. On the other hand, God is rich and the prophets and imams are also the mirror of his entire face.
Therefore, it cannot be said that a prophet or imam was poor; That is the great prophet of Islam and his family, who are the cause of God's existence and creation. Apart from business, there is no other job for these great people that can bring them class and prestige and bring them wealth so that they can lead the people.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Boniphace Maruchu

Integrity is the foundation of all great achievements including trading as we all understanding that trading was here on earth from so many year ago and forever will!
---Boniphace - Tanzania, Sales Agent.



Hassan Abdulhameed kehinde

Maa shaa Allahu baaraaka Allahu feekum.This shows the importance of been a trader.The religion of islam is a complete way of Allah.Islam encourages trading.And there is blessing in it.



M Amir Eftekhari

Literacy and wisdom are of the top must-have features prophets should possess! O Muhammad, peace be upon you that showed us the right wealth path.



Rahele Nateqi

we need to look for truth everywhere and shouldn't accept what others say without knowing their sources!



Zahra Rezaei

It is really crucial to convey the ethical message of Islam to others, highlighting that the great Prophet was engaged in an honorable and lucrative trade, and not only he but also his acquaintances and relatives were involved in similar professions. The hope is that by following this path, your actions will have a positive impact on others and persuade them to join this righteous path.




The text was excellent and increased our awareness.
Thank you



jalal rezaei

all people around the world know that the profits and our leaders were rich but for no reason, we always think and tell others that they had poor lives. we better change our mindset sooner.



Ahamd Reza

The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him), is renowned for his humility, modesty, and ethical conduct. He led a simple life, avoiding the accumulation of significant wealth, and emphasized principles of moderation in material consumption. His teachings promoted ethical values, including respect for others' rights, social justice, and aiding the needy. The Prophet's life serves as a model for a humble and principled existence.



Ali AhadTajari

Unfortunately, most of them are satisfied with what they have heard and accept the same if they find out that the truth is something else with a little study from real sources.
As in this post, with the facts that were presented, there is no longer any ambiguity in the real job of the Prophet.



Marzieh Olamaei

All our prophets, from the first prophet to Prophet Muhammad, have all been engaged in business



Azin Fakhr

It was explained with clear and excellent reasons what the job of the great prophet was and the beauty of his greatness and education was expressed. We will certainly use these facts in every discussion and conversation to fulfill this mission to the best of our ability.



Mohammd Sadeqi

This article has a lot to tell.
Most people don't know that the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) was a businessman.



Alireza Sharifi

Mohammad (peace be upon him) was a great feague and the most influential person in history. He was a great trader before being sent as a prophet. He and his wife were the richest persons of their time. We should follow him.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

"being needless to what in people's hands are" is a very important point. The self-esteem and honor of a Muslim is very important.
Business is a job with which I can achieve this goal, but the enemies have always kept Muslims away from it in different ways throughout history.



Fatemeh Faraji

All of prophets have been engaged in shepherding at a short period in their lives, but their main occupation was something else.



Venus Falahati

Maybe they mistakenly introduced our Prophet as a shepherd because the Prophet's nanny and the Prophet had lived in that nation for some time as a child. While the Quraysh family was known for business and wealth.



Sharife Nateghi

With all the virtues that the Prophet Muhammad had, it is not reasonable to consider him just an illiterate shepherd. As stated in the article, why did people call him Muhammad Amin and why did Hazrat Khadija entrust him with all her wealth? If you think about it deeply, and consider all the mentioned facts, you will understand the truth.



Rahele Nateqi

we've always been told that our prophets and our Imams were poor and had a difficult life, but it's not true!
Because of that, people think if they remain poor, they don't do anything wrong and they are following their leaders, but they should be aware of the truth.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Mentoring and guidance: Connect the individual with experienced shepherds who can serve as mentors. These mentors can offer guidance, share their knowledge and experiences, and help the individual adapt to their new role.
Exposure and immersion: Immerse the individual in the shepherding lifestyle. This may involve spending time in rural areas or working on a farm. Encourage them to observe and learn from experienced shepherds, gaining an understanding of the day-to-day routines and challenges involved.
Mindset shift: Help the individual embrace their new path and develop a mindset suitable for a shepherd. This may involve shifting their perspective on success, and finding fulfillment in the simplicity and closeness to nature that shepherding offers.

It's important to note that such a transformation would require the individual's willingness and motivation to embark on this new journey. It's also crucial to respect and honor the individual's heritage and background, regardless of their new occupation.



Fatemeh Afrad

Being the most powerful and professional merchant needs to learn exact points from those who experienced the past ways. Here all of us know that Prophet Mohammad(peace be upon him) was the best creature of Allah to give us the Rules of a better life, especially How to make our life when he informed us doing business is the best way for it.



Muhammad Fazeli

The messenger of God Muhammad (PBUH) was a great businessman himself and his nickname was Amin and it means honest and the first principle in business is honesty



Mohamad moosavi

Our Prophet's job was business, and a part of the business trips of the Messenger of God was also depicted in the film Muhammad Rasulullah Majidi.
It is natural for any group to confiscate the Prophet's job in their own name or keep silent about it



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

People's beliefs are formed from the inputs that enter their minds and are formed from childhood, and it is difficult to change beliefs, but it is possible.
Our collection, Arad, has proven that we can influence beliefs and bring many people, both in Iran and in other countries, into business, which is the job of our prophet.
and slso, which is definitely in the person's own interest.
I hope I can contribute to this mission.💛



Javad, Gh.


This is enough for me that I understand my prophet was not a shepherd. Second, he made me understand that money and wealth are in business. I hope that God will not leave us steadfast in this path so that we can achieve Iran's place in the economy with the highest volume.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Leaving out crucial details that might have otherwise contributed to a usually preconceived image is what seems to be the source of a lot of misunderstandings, in systems both religious and non-religious. Perhaps the images in our minds are more static than we imagine. There is, it seems, an element missing, in the essence of how we perceive things, as time.



Ahmad Ashkian

Our dear prophet, was the idol for both earthly and spiritualy way of living.



hadise motlagh

our history is our future...



Mariya Salim

We feel proud of our dear Prophet and our Imams since they were powerful, wise and wealthy. We are under the wrong impression that religious people should avoid wealth but it is very wrong as poverty is the root of all the sins.



M Amir Eftekhari

The more we review the history, the deeper our believes become!



Mahya Soleimaniun

It was the first time I heard this topic and it was very interesting to me, and from now on, we must share this topic with everyone so that everyone knows what the Prophet's (PBUH) job was, and in addition, we must try to follow the path of the Prophet's job. It is the same business, let's take a step.



Zahra Alavi

There is a common misconception that all our ancestors were into primal activities but rather they were the first founders of the modern world business.
We can learn a lot from our significant figures that not only stand out in religion, but also in all human life aspects



Hasan Kaviani

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was chosen by God and had knowledge beyond imagination. It is not right to call the prophet illiterate. And of course he was the best trader



Sepideh Afshar

Greetings and may God bless you, dear ones
How many articles on the site are written with love and truth about the definition of the Holy Prophet.
Regarding this issue, it should be said that this matter was created by the enemies of Islam and the Prophet to make the leader of the people look down and the Muslim to enter the business, and it is clear that they do not want and do not want the Muslim to achieve wealth and happiness, but they are unaware of the fact that he is a companion of the Prophet. They were both engaged in business and had no job except promoting religion and trade.



Mohammad Ali Hussain Babla

Yes, our prophet, peace be upon him, was definitely a merchant and being a shepherd was for a just a while.God knows the best about what happens in one's life.You can be successful and popular in your every aspects of life like our prophet, peace be upon him, if you are honest,trustworthy,wise and a great policy maker where it does not matter whether you are literate or illiterate.And, finally, be praised and liked by all.As well as be rewarded for that in the life here after by the all mighty God.You know angels will call you with the best name in the field of hashar, you have been ever called in this worldly life.



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