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Japan Apple Fruit; Fuji Akane Sekai Ichi Red Golden Smooth Surface

Japan apple fruit does contain many varieties covering many global tastes, color, and shapes.

Japan is the origin of many apples.


Japan Apple Fruit

Japanese apples are offered in different colors.

Even though USA is the origin of many apples, Japan has made a reputation for herself as the origin of many delicious apples.

Japan should also be considered as an old rival for the dominance of USA apple cultivation.

Thus, Japan distinguishes itself from newer rivals such as Italy and China.

For example, one of the Japanese apples that has made a global reputation for itself is Fuji.

Fuji was introduced in the 1930s and is known globally as a cultivar between Red Delicious and Gala in terms of taste and color.

In the next section, we will try to introduce to you other apples from Japan.


Japan Apple Fruit Features

There are six most popular apples produced in Japan.

Two third of them are red and two other of them are golden.

Title Description
Colors Red and Golden
Appearance Smooth Surface
Taste Sweet
Types Sekai Ichi, Fuji, Akane

The Fuji apple is the older kind of Japanese apples.

Interestingly, you can find the most expensive apple in Japan.

The name of this apple is Sekai Ichi.

More of the apples that are produced in Japan is sweet, except for a few of them such as Akane.

The Japanese apples are known for having the smoothest surfaces.

This is mostly due to the care of their farmers after production.

For example, the producers of Sekai Ichi, would saturate them into honey and will make sure that their surface would be free of any kinds of blemish.


Buy Japan Apple Fruit

Can you even buy the Japan Apple Fruit?

The answer is yes, but that would be so hard.

Japanese apples are so hard to find.

Even some of the South Asian countries do not offer these apples.

So if you decided to buy Japanese apples, first you have to look for a credible store.

Make sure that you know the different types of Japanese apples perfectly.

Because, it is too easy to mistake another apple in their stead.

Moreover, many stores would take advantage of the obscurity of Japanese apples and would sell other kinds instead of them.

You would find Fuji easier than other kinds, because other countries are also producing them now.


Japan Apple Fruit Price + Buy and Sell

There is no surprise then to see that the Japan Apple Fruit price is high.

The unavailability of these apples is the most important reason.

These apples are also offered in the highest quality.

Making some of them a luxurious fruit.

The price of Sekai Ichi is more than 20 US dollars in some of the markets.

The other reason is that many of these apples are only available in large sizes.

We have been trying to make these apples available globally through our international network of suppliers.

For more information about the price and other inquiries, please contact us.

For starters, apples are an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the immune system and promote healthy skin.

They also contain significant amounts of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

The Answer to Two Questions About Japan Apple

1: What are the characteristics of Japanese apples?

More of the apples that are produced in Japan is sweet, except for a few of them such as Akane.

2: What is one of the most famous Japanese apples?

For example, one of the Japanese apples that has made a global reputation for itself is Fuji.

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Mohammadreza Mirhasanzade