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Hydrated lime compound Calcium hydroxide buy with specific price

Hydrated lime compound Calcium hydroxide buy with specific price

In the realm of construction, agriculture, water treatment, and beyond, there exists a versatile and indispensable compound known as hydrated lime.

Derived from the chemical process of adding water to quicklime, hydrated lime, also referred to as calcium hydroxide, boasts a myriad of applicatio Lime (Calcium Hydroxide)?

Hydrated lime, scientins that make it a cornerstone material in various industries. 


What is Hydrated

fically known as calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂), is a colorless crystal or white powder obtained by adding water to quicklime (calcium oxide).

This chemical compound is produced by the hydration of high-calcium or dolomitic lime, resulting in a substance with a pH level of approximately 12.4. Renowned for its alkalinity and versatility, hydrated lime finds extensive application across diverse industries due to its unique properties.

Benefits of Hydrated Lime

1. pH Regulation One of the primary benefits of hydrated lime is its excellent pH-regulating properties. In various industrial processes, particularly in water treatment, agriculture, and construction, controlling pH levels is imperative for optimizing performance and ensuring the desired outcomes.

Hydrated lime serves as an effective pH stabilizer, aiding in neutralizing acidic substances and maintaining a balanced environment.

2. Soil Stabilization In the realm of agriculture and civil engineering, hydrated lime plays a pivotal role in soil stabilization. By treating soils with hydrated lime, the compound helps improve soil compaction, reduce plasticity, enhance workability, and strengthen load-bearing capacity.

This application is crucial in road construction, foundation preparation, and agricultural land management.

3. Water Treatment Hydrated lime finds extensive use in water treatment processes due to its exceptional properties as a coagulant and flocculant.

When added to water, hydrated lime facilitates the precipitation of impurities, such as heavy metals and suspended particles, allowing for easier removal through filtration its alkalinity also aids in neutralizing acidic water bodies.

4. Construction Industry In construction, hydrated lime serves as a versatile material with applications in mortar production, soil stabilization, and as a component in various building materials.


When used in masonry, hydrated lime enhances workability, bond strength, and durability of mortar, resulting in superior finished structures it also contributes to efflorescence control and resistance to sulfate attack.

5. Chemical Manufacturing The chemical industry leverages hydrated lime in the manufacturing of various compounds and products.

From the production of calcium-based chemicals to the treatment of industrial effluents, hydrated lime's chemical properties make it a valuable ingredient in diverse processes.

6. Environmental Benefits Hydrated lime offers environmental benefits by assisting in the neutralization of acidic gases and liquids its alkaline nature enables it to absorb and neutralize pollutants, making it a valuable tool in environmental remediation efforts.

Uses of Hydrated Lime

1. Agricultural Applications In agriculture, hydrated lime is utilized for soil pH adjustment, soil stabilization, and as a component in livestock feed.

By reducing soil acidity, hydrated lime promotes healthy plant growth and enhances nutrient availability for crops. It also serves as an additive in animal feeds to aid in digestion and prevent mineral deficiencies.

2. Water Treatment Water treatment plants utilize hydrated lime for wastewater neutralization, drinking water purification, and industrial process water treatment.

By adjusting the pH levels of water, hydrated lime facilitates the removal of impurities, disinfection, and clarification processes.

3. Construction and Building Materials Hydrated lime is an essential ingredient in mortar production, providing enhanced workability, adhesion, and durability to masonry structures.


It is also used in the manufacturing of plaster, stucco, and lime wash for decorative finishes in construction projects.

4. Chemical Industry The chemical sector incorporates hydrated lime in various processes, including the production of calcium-based chemicals, chemical synthesis, and effluent treatment.

Its alkaline properties make it a valuable reagent for neutralizing acids and facilitating chemical reactions.

5. Remediat ion Environmental Remediation Hydrated lime is utilized in environmental cleanup efforts to treat acidic soils, neutralize industrial waste streams, and mitigate the impact of acid rain.

Its ability to neutralize pollutants makes it an effective agent in remediation projects.

Buying Guide for Hydrated Lime

When considering purchasing hydrated lime for your specific application, several factors must be taken into account to ensure optimal results Here are essential considerations and a general pricing guide for hydrated lime.

1. Purity and Quality The purity of hydrated lime directly impacts its performance in various applications. Higher purity levels ensure consistency and effectiveness in pH regulation, soil stabilization, and other uses.

When selecting hydrated lime, opt for reputable suppliers known for providing high-quality products.

2. Particle Size and Form The particle size and form of hydrated lime play a crucial role in its application. Fine particles are often preferred for water treatment and chemical processes, while coarser forms are suitable for soil stabilization and construction.

 Consider the specific requirements of your project when selecting the particle size and form of hydrated lime.

3. Packaging and Handling Hydrated lime is typically available in bags, bulk shipments, or custom packaging based on the quantity required.

Ensure that the packaging is suitable for your handling and storage needs to prevent contamination and maintain product integrity.

4. Price Range The cost of hydrated lime varies based on factors such as purity, quantity, supplier reputation, and market conditions.

On average, the price of hydrated lime ranges from $50 to $200 per ton, with bulk purchases often available at discounted rates it is advisable to request quotes from multiple suppliers to compare prices and quality before making a purchase.

5. Supplier Selection When sourcing hydrated lime, it is essential to choose a reliable supplier with a proven track record of delivering high-quality products.

Look for suppliers with certifications, testimonials, and industry experience to ensure you receive a consistent and dependable supply of hydrated lime for your requirements.



Hydrated lime, also known as calcium hydroxide, stands as a versatile and indispensable compound with a wide range of applications across various industries.

From pH regulation and soil stabilization to water treatment and construction, hydrated lime plays a crucial role in enhancing processes and outcomes.

By understanding the benefits, uses, and buying considerations of hydrated lime, individuals and businesses can harness the full potential of this remarkable compound in their projects and operations.

As you delve into the realm of hydrated lime and its myriad applications, remember that its alkaline properties and chemical versatility make it a valuable asset in numerous industries.

Whether you are embarking on a construction project, seeking to improve soil quality, or addressing water treatment challenges, hydrated lime emerges as a reliable ally in achieving your objectives.

With its unique properties and multifaceted benefits, hydrated lime remains a cornerstone material essential for driving efficiency, sustainability, and excellence in diverse sectors.

Remember, for all your hydrated lime needs, prioritize quality, reliability, and compatibility with your project requirements. By selecting the right hydrated lime product from a reputable supplier at a competitive price, you can unlock the full potential of this remarkable compound and pave the way for success in your endeavors.

So, embrace the wonders of hydrated lime, explore its diverse applications, and witness firsthand the transformative impact of this exceptional compound in your projects and initiatives.

Unlock the potential of calcium hydroxide and embark on a journey towards enhanced performance, sustainability, and innovation with hydrated lime by your side. 

As industries continue to explore new technologies and sustainable solutions, the applications of hydrated lime are also evolving to meet changing demands and environmental considerations. Some innovative trends and future applications of hydrated lime include:

1. Green Building Materials The incorporation of hydrated lime in sustainable and green building materials is expected to grow, driven by the increasing focus on environmental impact reduction and energy efficiency in construction projects.

2. Bioremediation and Environmental Cleanup Hydrated lime's role in bioremediation processes, such as soil and water cleanup, is poised to expand as environmental remediation efforts gain momentum worldwide.

3. Carbon Capture and Sequestration Hydrated lime's potential for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) applications is being explored, offering a promising avenue for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

4. Advanced Water Treatment Technologies Innovations in water treatment technologies may lead to the development of more efficient and sustainable methods using hydrated lime for water purification and remediation.



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