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Purchase price walnut kernels + advantages and disadvantages

Walnut leaves have long been used to treat diabetes, rickets, and digestive parasites. how to prepare walnut kernels? And use that? On the other hand, walnut tincture is recommended for digestive disorders such as diarrhea. Nuts are used in creams, body scrubs, and lotions for sunbathing. for aesthetics such as: Walnut is a deciduous fruit from the nut family. It is a plant that grows in southeastern Europe, the Balkans, southwest, central and eastern Asia, the Himalayas, and southwest China. Walnuts have been known for many years. Its sanitary properties were discovered in ancient times, when it was applied to livestock and used as an insect repellent. Walnut leaves are used to treat diabetes, rickets, bleeding, and digestive parasites. Walnut tincture, on the other hand, is a remedy for diarrhea. At the end of June, one walnut leaf is removed, and in July the immature fruit is medicinal. Dried leaves are a source of vitamins B1, B2, K, PP, ascorbic acid, mineral salts and flavonoids. Nuts are really caloric, with 65% fat, 25% protein, and 10% carbohydrates and other compounds.

  1. Therapeutic effect of nuts

Peanuts have an antibacterial effect and act against streptococci, typhoid, staphylococci and dysentery. In addition, it exhibits anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, anti-hemorrhagic, bactericidal and astringent properties. Eating nuts improves digestion and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Walnut tincture or infusion of dried walnut leaves is used for bacterial diarrhea, ulcers, poisoning, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal bleeding and diabetes. Externally, it acts against purulent inflammation, acne, varicose veins, excessive sweating of the feet. To get the health benefits of nuts, simply crush the leaves and pour warm water. The mixture is ready to drink after 5 minutes. It is best to drink half a glass before eating. Walnut and chamomile extracts prepared in the same way can be used for irrigating, lengthening, compressing, washing and bathing. See also Grains and nuts? Soak just before eating Cure Diabetes with Nuts! Pecan Nuts - Properties, Uses

  1. Use of Nuts in Cosmetics

Nuts are commonly used in body tanning products. Thanks to them, you can achieve the effect of beautiful gold and subtle chocolate. In addition, these cosmetics can be selected individually, depending on the type of chocolate you want to achieve. 3.1 Nuts in cream and scrub Another use of nuts in cosmetics is the crushed husks added to peels and exfoliating creams. These extremely tough pieces are great for removing dead skin cells and leaving skin smooth and soft. In addition, nuts are used in pore cleansing creams and masks. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help to keep delicate and sensitive skin in good condition. 3.2 Walnut face mask Peanut face masks that you can make at home are worth a look. Simply chop the peeled walnuts and pour in the hot milk. You need to add honey to this porridge and leave it for a while. Once the beans have swollen and cooled, the mask is ready to use. Apply to neck and face and leave on for 10 minutes. Finally, massage gently and rinse with warm water. 3.3. Walnut Hair Conditioner See how our pea conditioner works for your hair. To prepare it, use the skin of green peas. It must be crushed, and its hard shell must be crushed. Then add olive oil and warm water and apply to your hair. Leave for approximately 30 minutes. Wrap your hair in foil or a towel so you don't stain your clothes.

  1. Walnut tincture

How to prepare walnut tincture? It will take 20-30 green grains and a liter of 40% alcohol. Wash and dry the beans and (don't lose the green skin!) Cut them into quarters or cubes. Nuts stain the skin strongly, so cut them with gloves. Pour the chopped nuts into a jar and fill with alcohol to the top. Leave the container closed for 30-40 days. During this time, the beans will be absorbed, so shake the pan from time to time. The finished tincture will turn dark brown. However, the tincture reaches its maximum medicinal properties in about a year. During this time, sugar syrup is usually added to the alcohol to soften the taste of the medicine. This is because the mixture is very bitter. However, for medicinal purposes, the sugar-free option is best. Sugar is bad for the stomach, but there is a way out of this situation. Honey can be added to the tincture, or spices such as cinnamon, cloves, orange peel, and vanilla pods can be added.

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