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Buy the Best Types of Walnuts at a Great Price

One of the most nutritious nuts is walnut, which has many properties and you can find different types at a great price.

Introductions about Walnuts

Producers and people who are active in the field of wholesale supply and sale of Tuisarkan walnuts have determined the price of this product.

Considering various parameters and factors to determine the price of this product has made its final price very fair and appropriate.

When the buyers and customers of walnut buy this product wholesale, they will spend less money, buying wholesale has many advantages for both sides of the transaction.

In our country, due to favorable climatic conditions, first-class and organic walnuts are cultivated, and this is the reason why this type of walnut is welcomed and noticed by many people in the international market.

Kind of Walnuts

People who buy the best Tuiserkan walnuts directly from the farmer can spend less because the farmers have offered these products at a cheaper price.

The presence of middlemen and profit-seeking people in the market causes a huge increase in the price of walnuts, and our suggestion is to buy these products directly.

These products are priced according to their quality, and the walnuts with large and white kernels are more expensive, and their quality has won the trust of buyers and customers.

It may be interesting for you to know that walnut has many uses and this product is used in other pharmaceutical, cosmetic and furniture industries in addition to food.

Properties of Walnuts

The increase in the demand for the preparation and purchase of walnuts in the country has increased because people are fully aware of the properties and benefits of this type of nuts.

Various methods have been considered to measure the quality of walnuts, and in these methods, indicators have been considered that people with full knowledge can make a good choice.

One of the most important features and characteristics of first grade Iranian walnut is that the walnut kernel is quite large and the color of the kernel is very bright.

Among the other characteristics of first-class Iranian walnuts, we can mention its taste.

If these walnuts are fresh and healthy, they have a pleasant and delicious taste, and the amount of oil in them is very high.


Specification of Walnuts

It is better for you to pay attention to the appearance of walnuts when buying this product.

First-grade walnuts are free of any worm corrosion or holes, and their kernels are not moldy or discolored in any way.

Usually, these walnuts have uniform kernels and a high percentage of their kernels are completely healthy, and these products have been stored in proper conditions and in a special warehouse after harvesting.

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Sirvan Mardoukhi