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How to avoid pests and store bulk dried figs

Figs are among the fruit trees that have been used and even cultivated in bulk by man since ancient times and long before the creation of civilizations. Now there are many pests that can affect and rot these products if not avoided. You might ask how to avoid pest and store dried figs in bulks, here are some information that will help you to avoid pests in dried figs. Fig fruit is one of the most nutritious and popular fruits from mid-summer to autumn. Although figs are in most cases grown as part of other orchards, special fig orchards with large areas have also been established in recent years, and its industrial cultivation and harvesting has also flourished. Figs are used fresh and dried, and for this reason they are attacked by various factors, including various pests, both in the garden and in the warehouse. The importance of preserving figs is very important due to the relatively long ripening time of the fruits of this tree. It is also important to properly store it in the warehouse to prevent colonization and damage by warehouse pests. In this article, we will present the most important pests of figs. Pest in dried figs The dried fruit moth is actually a willow with the scientific name Simaethis nemorana that damages figs in the larval stage. These parasites are mainly present on leaves and cause damage to the leaf parenchyma, but may also be limited to fruit in later generations or under conditions of high abundance. This parasite is monophage, which means it only attacks figs. The adult insect of this pest is small, fan-shaped and has brown wings. The larvae are also milky in color and feed on leaf parenchyma. After the larvae feed, the venous region and lower leaf cuticle remain and give the leaf a reticulate shape. The larvae migrate to the reverse side of the leaves to pupate and, weaving a cocoon around themselves, make the leaves look like tubules. This pest can have several generations in different regions, and a high population of this insect can cause up to 50% damage to fig orchards. On other fruit trees, mites are usually classified in the second or third category of harmful pests, but in the case of figs, the situation is different, and mites are considered one of the most important pests. Store dried figs in bulk Among the mites that infect figs, Eriophide mites and tartan mites are among the most harmful mites. Feeding on cell sap and leaf parenchyma, these mites cause pale spots with a burnt appearance to appear on the leaves. With more damage, the leaves may look dirty, curled, and eventually withered. These organisms sometimes make connections between different parts of the plant by weaving very fine threads and spreading rapidly. Ticks have a high population growth rate and in hot and dry weather (i.e. the typical climate of fig producing areas) they begin to multiply at a faster rate and flood. Another damage of these mites is the defeat of the buds and their destruction. These pests are also very important in another aspect, namely the transmission of fig mosaic virus in orchards. This virus also causes pallor and reduced productivity in figs. Dried figs in bulk

Pest in dried figs

Here are six different dried figs pest that you have to know them inorder to avoid them while storing your goods:

  • Destruction of mites on figs. Poisons such as propargite, bromopropylate, and abamectin effectively reduce the population of these mites, but as these insects rapidly develop resistance to poisons, they should be used as a preventative measure to increase the pest population.
  • Wild bees. These insects are not considered pests, but when the fruits are ripe and sweet, they can attack and damage the fruit.

All kinds of red and paper bees can destroy the nutrients and presentation of ripe figs. Spraying poisons against these insects is not logical and, in addition to poisoning the fruits ready for presentation on the market, it also harms the environment.

  • Reduce the damage caused by wild bees. The best way to reduce the damage caused by these insects is to use a thick mixture of water and sugar in the garden so that the bees are attracted to the figs instead of being trapped. It. It is also proposed to use animal entrails such as white liver to attract red carnivorous bees to gardens.
  • Fruit flies figs. Various types of flies can attack figs. A species of Mediterranean fly with the scientific name Ceratitis capitata is considered a truly important fig parasite.

By laying eggs inside the developing fruits, this parasite causes its larvae to grow into these fruits. In fact, feeding the fly larvae on fetal tissues causes damage. The damage of this fly sometimes reaches 50%. The spectrum of this pest extends to other fruits, making it difficult to control this pest. But besides this fly, other flies attack figs, but these pests are limited to ripe, sweet fruits. We can mention, for example, the fruit fly, which attacks figs in the final stages of ripening on a tree or after harvesting, and feeding the larvae of this insect on the sweet tissue of the fruit causes the fruit to sour and reduce their presentation.

  • Fight against fig flies. Dealing with these pests is a little tricky and with the many generations these pests create in gardens, the problem becomes even more difficult.

Harvesting infested fruit as soon as the first damage is detected can lead to a significant reduction in the number of these pests in the garden. Additionally, because the wintering and pupa phases of these pests occur in the soil at the base of trees, winter plowing and winter water freezing can be effective in reducing their early spring population. Using yellow sticky traps is another non-chemical solution. The poisons dipterex, diazinon, and dichlorvos may also be effective in reducing parasite populations.

  • Stellar weevil. The scientific name of this parasite is Ceroplastes spp. For the creation of a waxy structure, it is 6-8 sided and has the shape of a star on the body of an insect.

Like a shield, this waxy layer protects the parasite from harsh environmental conditions and chemical toxins. This pest, like other aphids, causes general weakness in trees, feeding on plant sap. Fruit drop, leaf lethargy and a decrease in the vegetative growth of the plant are symptoms of damage to figs by this pest. But these pests also cause secondary damage, and by producing sweet droppings around them, they attract insects such as fruit flies, bees and ants to fig trees and cause more damage to these trees.

Store dried figs in bulk

Considered a rich source of vitamin B6, dried figs are one of those fruits that are used both fresh and dried. with the difference that dried figs contain much more sugar than fresh figs. Therefore, dried figs should be consumed less and are easy to store in bulk comparing fresh figs. Fresh figs keep for 2-3 days at room temperature. Therefore, it is better to buy them if you are sure of the moment of consumption. Figs are a nutritious fruit that aids digestion, reduces the risk of heart disease, and regulates blood sugar levels. The best temperature for storing fresh figs in the refrigerator is -0.5 to 0 degrees Celsius, and the best relative humidity is 85 to 90 percent. Under these conditions, fresh figs can be stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. In general, fresh figs are very difficult to store in the refrigerator because figs are a delicate fruit. Therefore, it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, unless it is dried. Dried figs are safe to store in the refrigerator next to walnuts. A temperature of 2 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 60 to 75% are suitable for storing dried figs. In this state, dried figs can be stored for 6 to 12 months. The most serious complications that occur when storing figs in the refrigerator are fungal and bacterial diseases. Fresh figs stored in cold stores contain two types of fungi, Alternaria and Aspergillus, which usually appear from the field and at harvest time. In addition, figs can be attacked by various insects due to their high sugar content. These conditions can cause acidity in fresh figs. In many cases, people store this type of dried fruit in the refrigerator and even in the freezer. The shelf life of this type of dried fruit in these premises can be more than one year. In the next article on how to store dried figs, you can say that to store this type of dried fruit in the refrigerator, you need to put containers with lids in glass. It should be noted that no air enters these glass containers, and the figs do not harden and are easy to eat. You can also use the same glass containers to store them in the freezer. It should be noted that people should be careful if they store this type of dried fruit in the freezer, they should take it out of the nylon. Since nylon absorbs moisture and, as a result, this type of dried fruit loses its taste. People should make sure that the freezer temperature for storing this type of dried fruit is between minus two and minus four degrees Celsius. For the rest of the article on how to store dried figs, many people find cupboards a good place to store this dried fruit because it's dark, but that's not the case. It is true that the space in the closet is dark, but it is not cool and has a high temperature, so storing this dried fruit in the closet spoils it.

Dried figs in bulk

Preservation of dried fruit in bulk has its conditions. But it is important to know that dried figs must be stored away from humid places so that they can retain their freshness. If you have dried figs at home, it is best to store them in the refrigerator. As for market dried figs, it can be said that keeping this dried fruit in a dry and cool place increases its shelf life. Dried figs can generally be eaten within 12 months if stored properly. Temperature is the most important factor affecting the preservation process of this dried fruit, for this reason it is recommended to store dried figs at a temperature close to zero so that they do not absorb moisture. Drying figs is one of the best ways to take advantage of their wonderful properties, and for this reason the consumption of this dried fruit is recommended for many people. Dried figs have unique benefits that can be used for a longer period of time if stored properly. Dried figs are one of those foods that are good for the health of the body. Among the most important benefits of dried figs are treating colds, constipation and strengthening the body's immune system. Light and yellow figs (e.g. one hundred and one figs) have a longer shelf life than brown and dark figs. Figs are one of the special fruits that are grown in different regions of the country. According to studies, the properties of dried figs are very high compared to fresh figs, and for this reason many people tend to cook this dried fruit. The figs are dried in several stages. The drying process of this fruit takes place both at home and in the factory. Of course, it depends on the consumer's opinion how he wants to use dried figs. Dried figs have various designs that you can buy in yellow, purple or black in the market. Of course, there is no difference in consumption between the different models of dried figs and each person can use the yellow or black figs according to their taste. In general, we can say that yellow figs are a very suitable option for drying compared to other figs. It is for this reason that today the yellow fig is produced more than its other models. Compared to yellow figs, black figs contain more antioxidants and the only difference between them is the following. It is reasonable to say that if dried yellow figs are properly refrigerated, they will have a longer shelf life than other types of figs.

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