اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Through trade, especially snail trading, be a great figure in your family and relatives.

Some individuals perceive greatness solely through age, associating family greatness with being born earlier.

Indeed, age is a factor in greatness, and respecting elders is paramount however, throughout history, a more critical factor than age in appointing someone as the family patriarch across all cultures has been universally acknowledged.

And that factor is the individual's utility to the family.

Imagine a young person who contributes significantly to the family compared to an elderly individual who brings no benefit.

Whom do people select as their family leader?

Now, if we blend these two aspects together, the result would be even more ideal.

As our age advances, our efficacy and usefulness to the family should also increase.

If you are a big fan of Arad and you believe us, we must inform you that in the current era in which we live, family utility can be summarized into 2 issues and the other issues are less effective and even Ignored.

  1. Economic and Financial Matters
  2. Intellectual and Scientific Issues


What are economic and financial matters?

You can categorize economic and financial matters into four main headings:

  1. Your presence should reduce the expenditures and costs of your family.
  2. Your presence should augment the income of your family.
  3. You should be able to generate employment opportunities for family members and hire them.
  4. You should be capable of extending loans to family members, providing financial assistance, and forgiving debts.

The implementation of any of these four issues within your family will earn you recognition as a prominent figure.


Intellectual and scientific issues

Undoubtedly, family members and relatives suffer mental and physical harm in certain aspects of their lives due to ignorance or lack of knowledge about various issues.

Surely, if your presence as a rational and knowledgeable individual is acknowledged, and your advice leads to the well-being and benefit of family members, and you prevent harm wherever intellect and consultation are needed, you will be the sought-after source of wisdom.

This being the case, being the reference point for advice will bring greatness to your family along with it.


What is the use of the greatness and usefulness to the family?

It has been narrated from the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his family) that he said: "The best among people is one who is more beneficial to the people."

And he also said: "The best among you is one who is better for his family, and I am the best among you for my family."

Wouldn't it be delightful for God and His Prophet to rank you among the best for your usefulness and to attain excellence so that you become esteemed in the eyes of the Prophet of God?

The difference between being cherished and respected in one's family and merely existing without any impact is immense.

Indeed, we all will die.

But isn't it different to pass away without having benefited anyone, compared to having left behind a life full of positive influences?

At the end of our worldly journey, only one thing remains for each of us:

Either they will say God forgives his parents, or they will say God does not forgive his parents, or they will say nothing, meaning his existence or non-existence made no difference to anyone.

Indeed, the wise prefer dignity and honor over humiliation and insignificance, striving to achieve this dignity.


Trade and its intellectual role in the greatness of a family

All of you, especially the elders among you, surely acknowledge the significant impact commerce has had on the growth of your wealth and intellect.

Even those who have recently joined the business world and have not yet experienced commerce directly, but have embraced its teachings, have witnessed the effects of intellectual growth within themselves.

Many individuals have mentioned in comments how since they entered the business world, changes in their behavior and actions have led their families and acquaintances to view them differently and with admiration.

Their perspectives are heard among relatives, and their words are given special consideration.

All of these blessings stem from the same two-thirds of intellect mentioned by Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) in commerce, without which they would not have come to fruition. 

A person once approached Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and said:

"O Amir al-Mu'minin

I wish that God would provide sustenance to His servants in such a way that they would not need worldly work, so that we could engage in worshipping our Lord day and night without any other responsibilities."

Imam Ali replied: "If God knew of a better way for His servants to worship Him than seeking lawful sustenance, surely He would have commanded that very action that you mentioned."

Then he added: "I heard from the Messenger of God that prayer consists of seventy parts, the best and highest of which is seeking lawful sustenance."


Trade and its economic and financial role in the greatness of a family

As mentioned, we can engage in four types of behavior to demonstrate our economic greatness.

The fourth type is lending and forgiving, which is the most honorable and prestigious form of greatness and traders who have excelled in commerce have indeed attained such powers, and praise be to God.

The Prophet and his pure family were exemplary in this regard.

Some claim that Shia Imams mostly obtained their wealth from people's khums and zakat and then distributed it among others, but they are gravely mistaken. 

If they only read a bit of history, they would find that after Imam Ali and a brief period of Imam al-Mujtaba's caliphate, all our Imams were severely isolated from both communication and economic ties, and their followers were very few.

Even Imam Sadiq, who had many students (over four thousand as mentioned), most of them were Sunni, accepting the Imam as a knowledgeable and good person from the Prophet's descendants but not accepting him as an Imam who they should give their khums to.

Imam Ali even said, "If I had forty supporters, I would rise against oppression," meaning that not even forty of them were Shia.

It is narrated from Imam Kazem that he said, "The number of my Shia is less than the number of sheep in this flock," and they continued their path while we stopped and counted the sheep, seeing that there were seventeen. 

There are numerous narrations from the Ahl al-Bayt stating, "Khums was our right, but it never reached our hands."

Even if we assume that a small amount of money reached the Imams from khums and zakat after Imam al-Mujtaba, we must realize how wealthy Shia and supporters of the Imam were to provide such a large amount of khums, giving it to the Imam out of love and devotion, because the Imams did not have governmental or military power to collect money from the people.

Furthermore, distributing other people's money does not have such virtue that people would say, "The bag of Musa ibn Ja'far reached so-and-so." rather, they should say, "The khums of the people reached him."

Therefore, it is easily proven that this money came from the efforts and work in commerce, extensive agriculture, large-scale livestock farming, and also the participation of the Imams in entrepreneurial projects.

There are numerous reports in this regard, indicating that the Imams invested in individuals who were worthy of investment, and because their economic activities were profitable, they shared in their profits.

Jabir ibn Hayyan, known as the father of chemistry and one of the students of Imam Sadiq, is one prominent example of this.


Trade and creating jobs and income for family members

There are two other paths to demonstrate this greatness.

Increasing income and creating jobs for family members.

We recommend not partnering with family members in your business ventures, and if you see familial collaborations in Arad, consider them exceptions.

Instead, utilize family members as sales representatives and technical staff to attract more leads and signals.

For example, assign a family member who is articulate and has good business acumen to the sales department to focus on increasing product sales.

Another family member may have limited business acumen but possesses technical knowledge and expertise, assign them to computer-related tasks such as content creation, website management, or social media management to grow your signals.

If your financial capacity allows, offer fixed salaries or a combination of fixed salaries and bonuses, if you currently lack sufficient financial resources, consider working with them on a commission basis, however, never let them see themselves as your partners, as it will deprive you of your intellectual and financial independence, which will become problematic in the future as you become a bigger and more renowned merchant.

We do not want to completely negate the concept of partnership in business, but it has conditions and limitations, especially for newcomers.


Snail trading and reducing current expenses in family life

If you have studied business school lessons, you are familiar with the concept of snail trading.

Most old Aradis are familiar with this term and the name "snail" being associated with this type of trade.

Even if you cannot currently use the first three models—lending and forgiving, job creation, or increasing income—for your family's economic growth, you can definitely benefit from this last model and be beneficial to your family.

All families have needs that need to be met.

Surely you have seen how crowded and busy supermarkets are in every city and village that supplies all needs at a lower price to the people.

There, people are only buyers and do not sell.

They pay and do not receive money.

But snails do not have genders.

They are both male and female.

If we interpret buying and selling as a kind of contract, like a marriage contract, just as this interpretation is well known with the term "trade contract," you are both buying and selling in snail trading.

Let's elaborate on the topic a bit more.

Suppose you can raise this claim with your family that anyone who wants any item should tell me so I can provide it to them at the lowest price and the best quality.

This means the same as a large supermarket.

This means reducing family expenses.

It means providing your family's needs to them with better quality and at a lower price.

You may ask yourself, "How can I make this claim a reality?"

Do you remember a few days ago when we discussed the tribe of Quraysh, and we said that God said: "Their affection is in journeys, winter and summer"?

What purpose did this affection among the Quraysh serve in trade?

It wasn't that each of them handled everything in trade individually, rather, each of them focused on one or at most a few products.

But when there was affection among them, each of them could claim to have expertise in all trades.

The other party would ask, "I want such and such a product."

If they had it, they would explain and sell it.

If not, they would introduce them to a fellow tribesman with whom they had friendship and affection, and they would sell it, giving them a percentage as commission.

This way, they never missed a customer.

In trade, it often happens that your customer asks for multiple items, like chickpeas along with saffron and pistachios.

Most Iranians engage in bargaining in such situations, meaning they whatever the customer says, they say I have it and enter by themselves and end up losing the sale because the customer realizes they lack expertise.

But in Quraysh's affection, they only focused on their own product and personally dealt with it.

In products that didn't belong to them, they introduced their friend to handle it.

This means the same as commercial expertise.

It means sales growth.

I personally sell my product and hand over the sales of my merchant friends' products.

Now, it's possible that my customer sees me as trustworthy, and there's no harm in doing all the negotiations with other merchants myself and then taking the goods and delivering them to my customer.

In families, due to the existing trust, there's no need to introduce other merchants to family members, and your affection and camaraderie with other merchants suffice.


What should I do to grow snail trading?

At the same time as publishing this claim among the family as a big trader, contact other willing Aradi businessmen.

There are numerous reasons why we insist on leaving comments, and you will reap more blessings from it in the future, one of its blessings is that Aradi merchants introduce each other to one another.

This introduction isn't just based on names, cities, product names, and website addresses, you become acquainted with each other's spirits.

Those who leave comments with love and read others' comments with love know how much mutual feelings they share, even though they've never met each other.

One of them is from Shiraz, and the other is from Mashhad.

One is a gentleman, and the other is a lady.

One is young, and the other is old.

Yet, common beliefs have bound their hearts to one another.

And how much these affections in business relationships can affect a merchant's commercial power.

So, we recommend visiting each other's websites.

Getting to know each other properly.

Become friends.

Assist each other in business growth.

Strive to be one spirit in a multitude of bodies.

It may seem a bit exaggerated at first, but it's achievable and will happen by God's grace.


What's the point of having a snail trading companion?

There comes a time when you buy from him, and there comes a time when he buys from you.

You have a customer in his city whose trust in you is lacking, so you send them to his office to build trust in your place or to collect money.

As once a dear one used to say, the homes of Aradi merchants residing in all cities of Iran are our houses of hope.

The house of hope means that if a knot is tied in this city one day, we know there is a house where we can stay.

Perhaps this event may not happen once in a lifetime, but the existence of such a volume of houses can keep a person's heart warmer.

And since this article is also translated into other languages, we tell our foreign friends that in Iran, you have many houses of hope, and we are certain that your houses in different countries will also be our houses of hope.

And this affection continues...

Comments (44 Comments)

Mohammad Sadeqi

This type of snail business or way of trading helps all beginners in business to start making small profits.



Fatima Radmanesh

We are in a very special era in the whole history and we have to persue the path of our Imams to have a better life while it's hard to find their their true emphasis since enemies have tried to hide them from the whole world.
I'm happy that we have our own belief system here with true words of our role models now and we are moving toward making it whole real.
+ the sayings and words we have learned from nature and have our own belief system and new ideas, like snail ans the business.
Thank you 🍀



Mahua soleimanium

Using spiral trading is a very good way, so be sure to tell your relatives, friends or colleagues about this trade, as everyone will benefit from it.
The article was very interesting and engaging, and working with it will make everyone grow.



Rahele Nateqi

In any field we should start with taking the small steps first.



Fatemeh Faraji

We should be great but before that we have to learn how we can be great. through snail trade we can learn it.



Azin Fakhr

How great it would be if all the members at Arad Branding, with their hard work and learning, could first of all change their own lives and economic conditions, and then they could change the conditions of other family members, so that the blessings of these people will be along with their business.



Fatemeh Afrad

Having a good partner in our business leads to pass the all the process as soon as possible
This partner can be your relatives or your family members or friends because they can be more trustable than others.



Hassan Abdulhameed

It is very important to learn trading.and we should avoid wasting our time on unnecessary things.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Great lesson and great plan for those rookie merchants.



Muhammad Fazeli

snail trading is has so many benefits not only for you but also for people in your family, friends and your environment



Marzieh olamaei

Business is the only way that can make you rich in its right way!

You can receive both reputation and richness simultaneously by doing business.




This text was truly captivating, particularly the concluding segment where you articulate to representatives and international traders that in Iran, there are abundant houses of hope. We are confident that your residences in various countries will also become beacons of hope for us.



Rahele Nateqi

To be successful in any field it would be great if you involve some companies beside yourself, and it would be even better if they are from your family.



Zahra Rezaei

At times, you can act as a financial resource and someone who can lend a helping hand in times of need. Somewhere along the line, you can be a source of counsel and guidance because family members perceive you as knowledgeable and wise. Sometimes you can create opportunities for your family members to pursue suitable and lucrative careers. In some instances, you can create conditions where the products or services of your family members and relatives are seen and offered. Truly, all of these are divine gifts that can be part of your life and greatly enhance your status and value within the family, leading to numerous breakthroughs due to your influence, and what could be sweeter than that for any individual.



Marzieh olamaei

I am so proud of being a part of Aradbranding family because it not only improved my life from economical side but also from ethical side



Zahra Alavi

This is a specific kind of idea and innovation by the one and only, Arad.
Hope all the traders join this kind of business worldwide.



Hasan Kaviani

It is best when do business, help others in our family, relatives and friends. The best way is to bring them into your business. You trust them and rely on them to expand your business



Reza Karimi

Hello to Arad and Aradies

Arad's final goal is to build a large family in which every member of this family, would benefit other members in order to grow simultaneously.
This goal is admirable and you cannot find similar corporation in the world 👍

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Rahele Nateqi

To start anything you must take the small steps first.



Marzieh olamaei

9 tenths from 10 tenths of the wealth is in business.

(Prophet Mohammed)



Ahmad Ashkian

Never ever forget that helping each other in each other businesses, will create trading family that will bring prosperity for all of our community.



Haniyeh Rostami

Learning this kind of important points, regarding to snail trading, will change our business, and improve the potential that we have ,so thank to Arad❤️



Olamaei marzieh

We can start snail business by inviting our family, relatives, friends and everyone that is around us.



Sepideh Afshar

Greetings and may God bless you, dear ones.
According to the initial text of the text, it is obligatory to respect the elders, and in my opinion, the great one is
a person who is acting great.
And if this greatness is for economic issues, it will be very difficult, especially the creation of employment. It is to do business and since we learned business in Arad, we can convince them with our certainty and teachings.
It is enough for the inviter to have a strong belief in the path and to have tasted the success of the path.
The case of rationality and guidance and greatness based on great wisdom should be seen as successful and intellectually perfect and correct behavior.
Snail trade can also start from the people around us and invite them to work so that they can make a profit and widen this cycle, and this is a great example.



Ali AhadTajari

At present, one of the major indicators of large income and business is the person who has a large income can help most of his family and friends, probably we have all experienced and heard that such-and-such costs of operation, wedding costs, funeral costs, etc. Of course, the elders are very dear, respected, and valuable in their place, and we have seen a lot. For various ceremonies, including marriage, we all go to the elders first to take the lead. In my opinion, both family elders and a person with high financial resources He likened it to two pillars and two paths, God willing, that all loved ones will be path-finders and pro-balls so that they can do good deeds.



Ahmad Reza

Wishing you health and happiness on Mab'as Eid and every day of the year!



hafise motlagh

In snail trading, we can enter a market more easily and then expand it worldwide.



mohammad mousavi

What a greater pleasure to be a reliable and reliable person in the family, which will give us permanent signals.



M Amir Eftekhari

It is undeniable that through snail trading, we can reinforce our relations. The more relations, the higher the chances of us closing more deals!



Roohollah Akbari Salim

In my opinion, snail trading is a new type of business for creative merchants who are interested in achieving good results. For new traders it can be very good and grow them.
Family or friends are always looking for some profit. Now, if we give them this benefit, they will certainly rely on us, and on the other hand, we will try for mutual growth.



Sharife Nateghi

In every family, we see people who are wealthier amd more effective for that family and people who have the financial ability to help the family and solve their problems, they will be counted on in another way, and are known as the head of the family.



Venus Falahati

As we know, one of the most important factors in business is relationships. The more relationships you have, the more successful you are in your business. The deeper and older the relationship is, the more trust there is, and trust is the basic principle in business.



Ahmad Ashkian

Indeed our greatness and our social position is depend on our mindset and our benefits in helping others.



Farzin Farasat

Hi every dear arad partner,
As a matter of fact to become the first character in the whole big family burdens that person the highest hardened responsibilities both in cultural and financial eras that nevertheless it is not bearable ,anyway.But in any way snail trade is good practice in the middle and round around any families like ourbdear arad family and extentions of it to others.thank you farzin farasat



Farzin Farasat

Hi every dear arad partner,
As a matter of fact to become the first character in the whole big family burdens that person the highest hardened responsibilities both in cultural and financial eras that nevertheless it is not bearable ,anyway.But in any way snail trade is good practice in the middle and round around any families like ourbdear arad family and extentions of it to others.thank you farzin farasat



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

Exactly the one who is influential in the family becomes the great figures in the family, and for the growth of the snail trading, we must communicate with willing businessmen to strengthen the heart.💛



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Since trust is a prerequisite in business, one way to ease things a little bit is to engage people we already trust.



R Rezaei

The snail trading is a really great opportunity for people to develop their business



Rahele Nateqi

Family, relatives and friends could be the first customers in our business.



M Amir Eftekhari

Thank Arad for launching such schemes! This way of business gives everyone the opportunity to make money and do business.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Engaging in trade, including snail trading, can certainly bring opportunities for financial success and potentially elevate your status within your family and relatives. However, it's important to note that becoming a "great figure" within your family is not solely dependent on trade but also on various other factors such as personal qualities, relationships, and contributions to the well-being of your family.
Remember, success in trade takes time, effort, and perseverance. It's also essential to balance your business aspirations with your personal relationships and responsibilities. Strive to maintain harmonious relationships with your family and relatives as you pursue your trade ventures.



Saba sadeghikia

Good day
Having people in business who can promote your access to the other real people in business is a favor that shouldn’t be missed.



Mohammad Ali Hussain Babla

Yeh, the snail trading is really a good idea because you are really and undoubtedly an expert in the product you trade in directly but if you say i can provide you this provide(what you do not trade in directly) to you(your customer) from my acquinted shop who is really an expert in that product, it definitely increases trust and profitability in business because of the direct and indirect transaction in it for you.Snail trading and other trading can be done not only outside business but also in the inside family.If you trade and earn mone, you not only be a prominent member in your family who solves many kind of problems with the power of money and also keep your mark in the society nationally and internationally.Just have a look at the world across borders, whatever plans are planned by the plan makers are implemented by the businessman's money, for example, establishing universities,mills, factories, churches, mosques, road, towers, hospitals and many more.



Boniphace Maruchu

The best way to implement "Snail Trading" is by focusing on our expertise, leveraging connections especially by partnering with other Arad merchants and building relationships.

Boniphace Maruchu



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