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Heart Shaped Potato; Large Small Contain Starch Antioxidants Reduce Cancer

Exporting Heart Shaped Potato to other countries means more profit for traders, which has a positive impact on the economic cycle.

Heart Shaped Potato

The heart-shaped potato is a plant with cut leaves with purple or white flowers, the fruits of this plant are round and red in color, but they are poisonous.

The root of the potato plant is edible, this fruit is considered one of the most important sources of starch after wheat and rice.

The main root of this plant comes from the Americas, and its variety can reach 4000.

It is considered one of the most important goods in international trade.

It can be difficult not to have this edible product in everyone's home, since it is one of the main raw materials in the cooking of all kinds of dishes.

Heart Shaped Potato

Heart Shaped Potato Features

Heart-shaped potatoes grow in a wide variety in the world, this variety may be due to different characteristics.

There are large, small, extra-large, heart-shaped, oval, circular, and extra-small potatoes used to classify them.

Title Description
Origin Americas
Contain Starch, Antioxidants 
Size Large, Small, Extra-Large
Health Benefit Reduce Liver Cancer Cells

The different pigments of this plant are another thing to classify which can be red, purple, white, yellow, and brown.

The flesh color of this fruit is white or the same color as the outer skin, which is another characteristic of this plant, but of course, the taste will be different.

Lab tube studies show that the antioxidants in potatoes can reduce the growth of liver and colon cancer cells.

Studies have shown that colored potatoes contain 3-4 times more antioxidants than white potatoes, so colored potatoes are more effective at releasing free radicals.

heart potato

Buy Heart Shaped Potato

When buying heart-shaped potatoes, it is better to take into account several points, one of the most important is its hardness.

If the potato is soft when you squeeze it with your hands, eat it soon because it has reached the stage of spoilage.

Note that when you want to buy potatoes, some of them have a very small set of sprouts, these sprouts are not suitable for consumption, and it is better not to buy them.

Of course, when buying wholesale for export, you also have to consider shipping and labor costs, and of course shipping costs.

hollow heart potato

Heart Shaped Potato Price + Buy and Sell

The heart-shaped potato price in export markets can change at any time.

This product is exported to Persian Gulf countries and there are price fluctuations in the domestic market.

With the export to different parts of the world, the quantity of potatoes in the domestic market is decreasing, which leads to an increase in the price.

As mentioned in previous sections, it has a very wide variety compared to potato varieties and is offered at different prices in the market.

The price of this product, which you can currently buy online or in person, is between $12 and $15.

Of course, we recommend that you contact our sales service specialists for a detailed price list of potato varieties to have a safe shopping experience.

heart potato fries

The Answer to Two Questions About Heart Potato

1: What are the health benefits of potatoes?

Lab tube studies show that the antioxidants in potatoes can reduce the growth of liver and colon cancer cells.

2: What are the sizes of potatoes?

There are large, small, extra-large, heart-shaped, oval, circular, and extra-small potatoes used to classify them.

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