Hazelnuts, which are most often used in cooking, are the fruit of the common hazel: fruit containing hazelnut kernels, a little hidden treasure for you their hard light brown shell contains a small round seed the size of a phalanx. Buy To make sure you find the best hazelnuts, look for fruits with a glossy brown skin and a golden hue. There should be no cracks or holes on the peel, as these are signs that insects can colonize the fruits. preparation To fully enjoy the taste of hazelnuts, you need to crack a very hard shell with a nutcracker. The thin brown skin of the fruit comes into its own (this is what makes the flavor so intense, even when roasted). But you can remove it by boiling the fruit in water for a few minutes and then rubbing the seeds with a cloth to remove the membrane. Hazelnuts can be whole, blended, or ground to extract the oil and make a smooth paste. Use Mainly used as a dessert, hazelnut delights young and old alike with its delicious taste. Hazelnuts are great for making all sorts of sweets, from hazelnut biscuits to hazelnut biscuits and generous birthday cake biscuits, in powder, sliced or whole, hazelnuts add value to your desserts. More authentically, hazelnuts are also a great way to flavor and accompany savory sauces, such as hazelnut cream topping a delicious stir-fry. The hazelnuts are caramelized and stirred for a period of time, revealing the oil, and you first get pralines and then a creamy paste called pralines. You can also make delicious chicken or fish breast breadcrumbs by adding hazelnut chips to your bread. Protection Hazelnuts can be stored at room temperature in a moisture-proof basket for several weeks. Forget about the refrigerator, which can speed up the deterioration of hazelnuts. Nutritional value per 100 grams Hazelnuts are very rich, 628 kcal per 100 g (almost two-thirds of their weight are lipids), but it is the fatty acids that are very healthy, as they help protect the cardiovascular system.
Calories, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids 628.00 kcal 15.00 g 17.00 g 61.00 g several flavors Hazelnut with a twist goes well with any exotic fruit or citrus that will add flavor and sourness to your dishes: pineapple, kiwi, lemon, lime... Bold combinations! Delicious hazelnuts are ideal with white meats such as veal or pork in sauce or breading, soft and tender meats that love their pungent flavor and crispy texture. Feel free to serve fresh goat or sheep cheese with roasted hazelnut chunks, which give it a sweet caramelized texture and flavor. Hazelnuts also pair well with chocolate or caramel desserts, whose flavors highlight their complexity. Fresh hazelnuts can be found on the shelves since August. Rich in mineral salts, its lipid content makes it a very energetic fruit. However, keep in mind that this is one of the main food allergens, and children under 5 years old can make a mistake, risking choking. nutritional properties
Hazelnuts are a fruit containing 63% fat and very high in calories, about 700 kcal per 100 g. Primarily monounsaturated fats, which help lower LDL cholesterol (“bad cholesterol”) in the blood. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for hypercholesterolemia. Rich in protein and fiber, this is a satisfying snack. If you are overweight, limit yourself to a handful. Hazelnut is a real concentrate of minerals and trace elements. It contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and copper. It is also rich in B vitamins, especially B1, B6 and B9, which are especially important for new mothers, and contains in the right proportions beta-carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin E, antioxidants that prevent premature cell aging. . Choose from Hazelnuts are harvested in early autumn, so they can be seen fresh on the market since August. If you buy with shells, make sure there are no holes in them (which could reveal the presence of worms). When shaking the hazelnuts, there should be no noise (otherwise the hazelnuts will dry out). Hazelnuts are sold year-round in a variety of forms, including whole, powdered, plain, roasted, and salted. keep Raw hazelnuts can only be stored for a short period of time. It is sensitive to moisture and rots quickly. However, peeled hazelnuts can be stored in a cool, dry place for several months.
Once cleaned, it can be stored in an airtight container for up to three weeks. prepare To remove the brown layer around the hazelnuts, place the hazelnuts in the oven for a few minutes to cool. Place them in a clean cloth and rub them together to loosen the skin. consumption rates Hazelnuts should not be introduced into the diet before age 5 due to the risk of miscarriage (and suffocation). Like other nuts, hazelnuts can pose an allergy risk for young children. For older children and adults, count 5-10 hazelnuts between meals. nutritional value 100 g hazelnuts, 5 hazelnuts (10 g) Energy (kcal) 683 68 Fat (gram): Fatty acids, including saturated fatty acids monounsaturated polyunsaturated fatty acids unsaturated 63
5.2 42 5.4 6.3 0.5 4.2 0.5 Protein (grams) 16.4 1.6 Carbohydrates (grams) 5.6 0.6 Dietary fiber (grams) 8.2 0.8 Magnesium (mg) 88 9 Potassium (mg) 61,606 Calcium (mg) 135 14 Iron (mg) 3.5 0.4 Copper (mg) 1.6 0.16 Zinc (mg) 2.3 0.2 Beta-carotene (micrograms) 96 9.6 Vitamin E (mg) 5.6 0.6 Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.38 0.04 Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.34 0.03 Vitamin B9 (micrograms) 198 20
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