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hazelnut kernels fruit Put an end to iron deficiency

Hazelnuts are "real" nuts. Fruit hazelnut kernels eliminate and put an end to iron deficiency. the botanical sense, nuts are considered nuts only if the seeds are surrounded by the pericarp of the tree. Unlike walnuts and almonds, which are drupes, chestnuts, chestnuts and chestnuts also meet this need. Like most nuts, hazelnuts are very high in fat: eating about 100 grams of hazelnuts is equivalent to consuming 650 kcal (2700 kJ). It's a complete meal. However, about 60% of the fat in it is made up of good unsaturated fatty acids, so it's still healthy and minerals like vitamin C. Source: Hazelnut Hazelnut is the fruit of the common hazel tree and belongs to the birch family. Hazel bushes, which reach 5 meters in height, are mainly native to Europe and Asia Minor. The hazelnut has been a food product for thousands of years and its nut oil is sometimes included in cosmetics. Hazelnuts imported into Germany mainly come from the vicinity of Lambertian hazelnuts, which are grown in Turkey because they are sensitive to cold. A small part of hazelnut exports come from Spain, Italy or Greece. Hazel bushes, native to Germany, are less productive here due to the harsh climate. Use: Hazelnut In the kitchen, hazelnuts are very popular for making cookies and cakes. However, crushed and chopped hazelnuts are also ideal for dressing salads and enhancing seafood dishes. Hazelnut ice cream or spread Hazelnut cream and yogurt are available in all supermarkets. During the Christmas period, hazelnuts are indispensable in the preparation of gingerbread, gingerbread, prints and macaroons. Hazelnuts, which taste like mixes and trace mixes of roasted and salted nuts, are a popular staple. Storage location: Noji Dark, dry hazelnuts can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months and up to 1 year. Unpeeled hazelnuts should be stored in a dry perforated bag for better air circulation. As moisture builds up, mold forms. healthy hazelnuts Hazelnuts are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetics. Similar to witch hazel leaves, cosmetics and medicines can be made from hazel leaves. This bed is usually astringent (astringent) and used for phlebitis, varicose veins, etc. The composition of the oil strengthens the cardiovascular system, prevents heart attacks and cancer, among other things, and is effective against anemia. Walnuts are said to be effective against urinary tract diseases, diarrhea, flatulence and muscle spasms. In the workplace, hazelnuts are also used as an aphrodisiac. Hazelnut season: Hazelnuts are harvested from September to October. Hazelnut flavor: delicate and nutty flavor Hazelnuts are sold whole with hard, cracked shells. Shelled hazelnuts can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to a year, while crushed hazelnuts quickly become inedible as vegetable fats and oils are released. The zeller variety of hazelnut, originating from Germany, is less tasty and has a slightly sweeter flavor than the lambert nut, originating from Turkey. There can be many subspecies and varieties, but most are found in commercially available packages. Unlisted. The forest hazel (Corylus avellana), which grows mainly at the edge of the woods, is somewhat forgotten. In ornamental gardens it is best to find hazel, red leaf wood pulp or cork hazel. The aroma of hazelnuts is a very delicious fragrance, especially specific to fresh dried fruits. When buying shelled hazelnuts, the nuts should not vibrate in the shell. Fresh hazelnuts completely fill the shell, but fat and vegetable oil leak out from old hazelnuts, leaving them dry and crackling when shaken. The freshness of hazelnuts can also be recognized by the color of the fruit. Fresh hazelnuts have very light flesh, while older hazelnuts have mostly yellow seeds. It is therefore always important to check the expiry date when buying hazelnuts. Composition Hazelnut The heart of this fruit is rich in calories because it contains many fats and various vegetable oils. After all, 100 grams of hazelnuts contain about 700 calories. About 60% of the fat in hazelnuts is unsaturated fatty acids, so consuming hazelnuts Hazelnuts are particularly popular in desserts. Since then, hazelnuts have mainly enriched sweet dishes. The main uses are sweets, ice cream and sweets. Hazelnuts are an integral part of many cookie recipes, especially around Christmas. Hazelnut oil is considered very good for its pungent aroma. The food industry, among others, uses the oil as a flavoring agent. Hazelnuts are versatile and are also included in some savory recipes as chopped, ground or whole nuts - they go well in sauces and marinades. Vegan alternatives to hazelnut milk are very popular among vegetarians and vegans. The nuts are also distilled into schnapps and liqueurs. Hazelnut: symbolically universal Happiness, fertility, immortality and spring - all this has been personified for centuries by the hazel tree and its small fruit - the hazelnut. The Romans used hazel branches as a symbol of peace, Some used it as a vine to find water and gold. Walnut branches are also said to repel snakes and witches. Not only are hazelnuts centuries old, they are at least five million years old, as evidenced by fossil discoveries. It grows in Europe from the Arctic to Asia Minor. Especially in Europe, nuts had a symbolic meaning. Hazel branches have been found during excavations of many Christian and pagan tombs. nutty twins in store Most hazelnuts on the market today are not "real" at all, but are made from different types of hazelnuts. regular hazelnuts and even Lambertian hazelnuts. However, it does not distinguish between the two shrubs, as hazelnuts are genetically very similar, differing only in size due to specific growing conditions. Lambert hazelnuts prefer warmer temperatures than regular hazelnuts, there therefore has very few locally grown hazelnuts in Germany. In Anatolia, hazel trees are very dense. As such, Turkey is the world's leading exporter of hazelnuts, supplying nearly 70% of its reserves. Italy is the second largest exporter of popular nuts. It has been known as a source of energy since ancient times. Hazelnuts have been eaten by humans for over 12,000 years. Considered a valuable source of energy since childhood, it contains important nutrients such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and vitamin B9. calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc. However, it has a very high fat content of over 60%. Although high in calories, these fats are about 45% unsaturated, which may help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart attack. Experiments have shown that hazelnuts improve mental performance. Hazelnuts are usually served roasted or processed, which is largely unaffected by heat and therefore does not compromise their nutritional value.

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