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Introducing hand-woven rugs + the best purchase price

The weaving of carpets, especially handmade rugs, consumes more than 70 percent of Iran's total sheep wool production. The majority of these magnificent carpets are exported to the UK and other industrialized nations all around the world. Understanding the qualities of sheep's wool, including its pros and downsides, might reduce some of the difficulties associated with the production of Iranian carpets. To successfully increase the value added by carpet weaving, it is required to execute fundamental operations during carpet cream preparation. These techniques involve the enhancement of suitable breeds, adherence to wool and Chinese wool breeding principles, scientific sorting and washing, spinning, and dyeing. Therefore, the most crucial question is whether or not the wool of Iranian sheep, or at least a percentage of it, has a competitive advantage when it comes to carpet creation. Which canine breeds are the most prevalent?

Hand Woven Rugs UKRug

How can we take advantage of the existing opportunities? Due to the substantial price disparity between wool and meat during the past two decades, Chinese wool producers have less incentive to butcher sheep. As a direct result, the use of tanned wool in the weaving of Iranian carpets is one of the industry's greatest hurdles. It is not totally understood how these fibres are woven and utilised in the creation of carpet cream. Consequently, the processing of wool and the raising of sheep are two of the most important factors that affect the quality of a carpet. Numerous types of carpet flaws, such as discoloration, streaking, felting, graininess, corniness, and lack of colour transparency, can be avoided by using suitable wool in the production of carpet cream; however, the manner in which this wool is utilised has a substantial impact on the final price of the woven carpet.

Handmade Wool Rugs UKHandmade rugs

Hand Woven Rugs UK

Persian hand-woven rugs and carpets which exported to UK and other countries produced in different sizes. There are various names for handmade rugs with certain dimensions. carpet 3x2 metre, 2.5x3.5 metre, 3x4 metre, and 6x4 metre rugs are categorised as small, medium, large, and extremely large, respectively. Compared to the other options we'll discuss in the following section, carpet is the most prevalent and commonly used. We even use the term carpet as a synonym for carpet. rug Rugs and carpets are hand-woven rugs that are fewer than four square metres in size. The dimensions of presentation carpets are 20,2 by 1.40 inches, while curtain rugs measure 5,2 by 1.5 inches. Clumsy Kalgi is a type of hand-woven carpets about which we may not know much or by name. These rugs are narrower and longer than they are wide. be under 4m.

Kalgi is 1.5 x 3, 1.7 x 3, and 2 x 3.7 metres.

Handmade Persian Rugs UKMachine Woven Rug

part Surely, you've seen this hand-woven carpet in hallways and stairwells. It has a width between 1.07 and 0.5 metres and a length between 3 and 10 metres. A quarter-and-a-half zare and a half are rugs measuring 1.04 × 1.5 feet and 1.10 x 60 feet, respectively. Carpets measuring 1.30 x 0.80 metres are known as zare and charak. Backside In ancient times, pushti referred to the massive supports that are leaning on the wall. In the past, carpets were woven to cover these surfaces, and they were utilised by wealthy individuals. Smaller than one square metre rugs Most backs measure 60 by 90 centimetres. In Gorgan and Bojnoord, a rug is woven and stuffed with chicken feathers and clouds for the backs of the backs. Padri Padri is the final available size and dimension for handwoven rugs.

Padri is small doormats.

Handmade Rugs UKKashmir handmade 100% silk rugs

Handmade Wool Rugs UK

Persian handmade wool rugs which export to the UK, have been made from more than 28 distinct sheep breeds that have been identified in Iran, out of the two hundred sheep varieties known to exist globally. They are Baloch sheep, Sanjabi sheep, Mehrabani sheep, Shawl sheep, Moghani sheep, Kolkohi sheep, Golfangarh sheep, Shiraz blue sheep, Qezal sheep, Afshari sheep, Turki sheep, Makoi sheep, Farahani sheep, Kermani sheep, Bakhtiari sheep, Sangsari sheep, Naini sheep, Zandi sheep, Gosfandleri sheep, Kordi sheep, Gos The wool of Iranian sheep is divided into three groups based on its softness and coarseness: soft, semi-coarse, and coarse. Soft wool is more prevalent in Khorasan and parts of the Kerman and Khuzestan provinces, semi-coarse wool is more prevalent in Mazandaran, Kurdistan, and a number of cities in Khorasan province produce coarse wool. Handmade Rugs For Sale UK The Baluchi sheep of Khorasan, Arabi of Ahvaz, Kermanshah, and Makoi produce the highest quality wool for carpet weaving, as measured by fineness, softness, thickness, colour, dyeability, and colour transparency. Given that there are more than seventy million sheep in Iran, and assuming that each sheep produces one kilogramme of cleaned, ready-to-spin wool, and that 70 percent of the wool produced can be utilised for carpet weaving, Iran produces more than seventy thousand tonnes of wool annually. It is produced in Iran, with 49,000 tonnes available for manual carpet weaving. Alternatively, if we assume that the current carpet production is an annual average of five million square metres, and that each square metre of carpet requires four kilogrammes of wool (taking into account the loss of spinning), then the carpet weaving industry requires only 20,000 tonnes of wool. It can be shown that not only is there no need to import wool for the creation of Fali cream, but also a considerable portion of the generated wool may be utilised in various textile subgroup components or hand-woven suede. Handmade Carpets UK

Handmade Persian Rugs UK

Particularly handmade examples of the Tabriz rugs are widely considered to be among the world's finest and most renowned Persian rugs. These rugs are taken all over the world, including to the UK, where they are sold. In the following paragraphs, we will provide a concise overview of the most notable characteristics of hand-woven carpets from Tabriz. Because an in-depth analysis of these carpets would take an inordinate amount of time and because the carpets of Tabriz city and their design each have distinctive characteristics and parameters, we will only discuss these aspects of the carpets in broad strokes: 1) The fact that the city of Tabriz is home to a sizeable number of professors who specialise in the art of designing and weaving handwoven carpets has resulted in the carpets of this region being woven and produced not only in Iran but also in accordance with the principles of international standards. 2) A very large range of colours is one of the qualities and specifications of Tabriz patterned carpets, and it is safe to say that no other local or international samples can compare to them in this regard. This is something that can be genuinely asserted. 3) Since the quality of the weave is one of the main principles in the carpets of this region, the majority of the Tabriz weaves are created and woven in a high index and in fine weave. This is because the quality of the weave is one of the important principles in the carpets of this region. 4) The use of high-quality and high-quality fibres, particularly silk and wool, has contributed to the exceptionally high durability and strength of handmade Tabriz carpets. 5) The employment of light shade in the weaves of the carpets produced in this region has resulted in depth becoming a characteristic shared by all varieties of Tabriz carpets.

Handmade Rugs UK

Historically the UK is one of the key importers of Persian, especially Tabriz handmade rugs and carpets. There are some similarities and differences between Tabriz carpets and other carpets that are made in Iran and the region. In this section, we will quickly discuss the similarities and differences that exist between Tabriz carpets and other carpets that are very similar. 1) As was previously stated, the design is the primary focus in Tabriz carpets. In fact, the carpets produced in this part of Iran are so orderly and accurate, and their piles are so small, that they give the impression that they were produced by a machine rather than by hand. The hand-woven carpets of Qom are considered to be Tabriz's chief competitor in this arena. Kend. 2) One of the disadvantages of hand woven carpets is that they tend to be on the heavier side, which is especially noticeable after they have been washed. Tabriz carpets are two-ply, and the piles that are used in them are often shorter, thinner, and lighter than the piles that are used in other weaves. Because of this issue, the problem of these carpets being too heavy has been able to be minimised. 3) The varieties of Tabriz carpets are less velvety than other woven samples of Iran. The utilisation of coarser and rougher wools that are produced in the Mako area is the basis for this difference in texture from other woven samples of Iran. 4) The colours that are employed in Tabriz carpets typically have a dark undertone, and the majority of the time, these hues have a raw and abrasive quality.

Handmade Rugs For Sale UK

If you visit important carpet sellers in the UK, you can find the best-preserved Tabriz rugs which are provided for sale. We won't tell you which design is better or worse because it depends on your taste and desire. Our criterion for providing this list is the best-selling Tabriz rugs, which we ranked from top to bottom. 1.    Harris Tabriz carpet We've already researched the hand-woven carpets of Harris, Azerbaijan. These carpets are world-famous, and many Tabriz carpets replicate their designs. The Harris carpet's pattern and maps make it impossible to utilise curved lines in its texture, while Beaufort uses slender geometric shapes and broken lines. 2.    Salari-designed Tabriz carpet Tabriz's Salari design is a good choice for dark-themed carpets. In the past, Salari designs had a single-color background, but practically all Salari designs currently include two texts. A plaster-like pattern divides the Salari carpet's blue and black background. This carpet, one of the most expensive and best-selling Tabriz carpets, used to have more than 50 rows, but today it has 40 rows, lowering its price. 3.    Fish-design Tabriz carpet The fish design is a popular Tabriz carpet due to its colour and gloss, and the usage of silk is almost nonexistent. It's good. Today, fish design carpets are generally created between 40 and 50 rows, which is less cheap due to greater production expenses. 4.    High-design Tabriz hand-woven carpet This Tabriz carpet is less expensive than the others we've studied and has several distinguishing features: This hand-woven carpet features a cream background, an onion or brick border, and a circular central border. This carpet is one of the best-selling Tabriz designs since it costs less than Khatibi, Salari, and Novin Far but has the same texture and substance. Is. 5.    Nam1e-design Tabriz carpet Underground design is another Tabriz carpet rug pattern. This carpet's bowl and cup designs make it unique. Symmetry in a name's context is another trait. This carpet's different colours and motifs make it look attractive. This design works for residential or office entrances.

Handmade Carpets UK

We now move on to a historical option, and we would like to present to you the most expensive and famous handmade Tabriz carpet among other carpets in the UK and all around the world: The Rothschild Tabriz Medallion is widely regarded as among the most pricey carpets in the world. Unfortunately, it was taken from Iran during World War II by a German soldier, who also looted the country in the process. Due to the presence of an extraordinary and one-of-a-kind design in this Tabrizi carpet, they decided to set the price at approximately 70,000 dollars. As a result of its high popularity, today's handwoven carpet designs are designed under the name "medallion." In this article, we will go over the different varieties of Tabriz carpets that are accessible to you and introduce the designs that are the most popular as well as the most expensive. This will allow you to make the most informed decision possible when making a purchase. You are welcome to communicate with us in the comments area any inquiries or thoughts you may have concerning the aforementioned materials and headers.

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Comments (37 Comments)


Rugs not only dress up your floors, but they also dress up the entire room. Floor coverings can change the whole look of a room by adding fun, color, and a unique vibe.




The best carpets in the world are produced in Iran and have a beautiful appearance




I have bookmarked your website and i will visit your website again soon.




Hello, is there a rug made of carpet available?



Ayda jabari

These silk carpets are woven by hand and that is why they are very valuable




Handwoven carpets are very valuable because a lot of time and energy was spent to make them




Handwoven wool carpet has been one of the most popular and popular carpets around the world. This type of carpet is more expensive than other carpets.




The carpet is a symbol of the continuity of a house
Especially the hand-woven carpets, which have a unique beauty
They are also strong and high quality



Behzad mohamadzade

Rugs that are woven by hand with silk thread are more durable




Hand-woven rugs are some of the most popular and unique carpets in the world, thanks to the incredible variety of textures that can be produced using one of the available traditional or modern weaving technique



Sahar kamali

Carpet weavers use a map to weave a carpet, where all the details and instructions are written so that these people do not get into trouble.




Hello good day.Hand Woven Rugs are an excellent quality product that has a long lifespan and is reasonably priced




Hand Woven Rugs are an excellent quality product that has a long lifespan and is reasonably priced




Producing a machine-knotted rugs takes approx. one hour depending on size, compared to a hand-knotted carpet which can take months and even years, which is also the main reason that machine-knotted rugs are significantly cheaper.



Hossein inanloo

The hand-woven carpets are very soft and almond-shaped




The models on the site are very diverse and beautiful, how can I see more models?




Handwoven carpets are usually made of wool and some of them are made of silk and have many fans




The oldest hand-woven carpet in England dates back to 1570 AD. Most of the old hand-woven and needle-embroidered carpets were copies of Turkish designs. Some newer carpets have linen threads. Old carpets were ordered with military and family motifs.




Hello, I bought a hand-woven carpet from the products of the export site, which was in different designs and very high quality and beautiful




Wool rugs are known to be quite durable



Evans Cooper

There is point, It can be demonstrated that making Fali cream does not require importing wool, and that a sizeable amount of the created wool may be used to make different textile subgroup components or hand-woven suede.




Hello. That's cool , Some newer carpets have linen threads. Consequently, the processing of wool and the raising of sheep are two of the most important factors that affect the quality of a carpet.This will allow you to make the most informed decision possible when making a purchase.This hand-woven carpet features a cream background, an onion or brick border, and a circular central border.




Hand-woven carpets have a thicker texture and higher thread density than machine-made carpets, that's why silk threads are more prominent in them.




Precious and valuable old and hand-woven carpets that show the art of hand-weaving




How great, it is very good for countries to get to know each other's handicrafts. Iran is unique in weaving and producing beautiful carpets




Hello, good time. The content of your site was very new, useful and excellent. Thank you for your very good siteThank you very much
The content was very useful and informative




What beautiful carpets, what a good texture



Parsa samanyrad

High work experience in buying and selling carpets and acquaintances from all over the world is very good, I am satisfied




persian handwoven carpet is one of the most beautiful and luxurios carpets in the market which is madewhith engilsh wool



Seyyed Mohammad Babaei Chigini

These hand-woven carpets are sold in different sizes and designs, they are made by hand and they are like hand-woven carpets and they are of excellent quality.




These quality handwoven carpets are well produced and have very high quality material




This hand woven Iranian carpet is comfortable and light and it is a very excellent and widely used product with a long life, high quality and a good price.




The carpet has good texture quality and is very beautiful




Handwoven woolen carpets are very high quality and have a good material and only have a beautiful role




Carpets that are hand-woven have a very high quality and also their thickness makes them sell more




Iranian hand-woven carpets are the art of Iranian hand-weavers. They have many fans in the world. These carpets have very clean texture and beautiful patterns




Today, this sheep's wool has a better brightness than merino wool, and these carpets are very good



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