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golden raisins in tamil specifications and how to buy in bulk

Golden raisins, known as “பச்சை உலர்” in Tamil, are a delicious and versatile dried fruit that brings a touch of sweetness to a wide range of dishes.

These raisins are made from Thompson Seedless grapes that have been treated with sulfur dioxide to preserve their golden color and enhance their flavor.

In Tamil cuisine, golden raisins are a popular ingredient used in both sweet and savory dishes, adding a burst of natural sweetness and a chewy texture to a variety of recipes.



golden raisins in tamil

One of the most common uses of golden raisins in Tamil cooking is in biryani, a popular rice dish that is flavored with a blend of spices and herbs.

The sweetness of the raisins balances out the savory flavors of the dish, adding a delightful contrast of flavors and textures.

Golden raisins are typically added to the biryani towards the end of the cooking process, allowing them to plump up slightly and release their natural sweetness into the dish.

Another popular Tamil dish that features golden raisins is korma, a creamy and fragrant curry made with a blend of spices, nuts, and yogurt.



The raisins are added to the korma towards the end of cooking, where they absorb the rich flavors of the curry and add a burst of sweetness to each bite.

The chewy texture of the raisins also provides a delightful contrast to the creamy sauce, making each mouthful a sensory delight.

In addition to savory dishes, golden raisins are also used in a variety of sweet treats in Tamil cuisine.

One popular dessert that features golden raisins is kesari, a sweet and fragrant semolina pudding made with ghee, sugar, and flavored with saffron and cardamom.

The raisins are traditionally added to the kesari towards the end of cooking, where they plump up and infuse the pudding with their natural sweetness.



Golden raisins are also a common ingredient in various Tamil sweets and snacks, such as ladoo, a traditional sweet made with roasted gram flour, ghee, and sugar, and flavored with cardamom and nuts.

The raisins are added to the ladoo mixture before shaping into balls, where they add a burst of sweetness and a chewy texture to each bite.

Beyond traditional Tamil dishes, golden raisins can also be used in a variety of other culinary applications.

These golden gems can be added to salads for a touch of sweetness and chewiness, mixed into granola for added texture and flavor, or even used in baked goods such as cookies, cakes, and bread.

When selecting golden raisins for your dishes, it’s important to choose high-quality raisins that are plump, moist, and free of any signs of spoilage.



Store your raisins in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness and flavor.

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Abolfazl Darbanali