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Fortified Rice; Vitamin B E Zinc Iron Content Uniform Monochromatic Shape

Fortified rice is transformed into a product with more nutritional value through a process with enriched extrusion that adds more additives to the food matrix.

Fortified Rice

Enrichment is a method in which a certain amount of material is permanently added to rice food.

Rice processing is called the process of paddy and bran removal from rice grain and whitening it.

This product also needs some care after harvesting.

Fortified rice absorbs more water when boiled in water.

Research has been done on them in order to enrich them.

There are more zinc, iron and beta-carotene in the product than other elements in this type of rice.

This product is one of the dominant cereals in Asian countries.

This rice is one of the most widely consumed cereals that contain countless micronutrients.

Standard planting, along with agricultural care for the crop, is one of the important production factors.

Fortified Rice

Fortified Rice Features

Among the important features of enriched rice, the following can be mentioned:

This product grows up to three times its length during rinsing.

Title Description
Mineral Zinc, Iron
Shape Uniform and Monochromatic
Contain Vitamins B and E
Dominant In Asian Countries

Rice grains are completely uniform and monochromatic.

The aroma of rice is very pleasant.

Fortified rice contains vitamins B and E.

If you look closely at the effect of product characteristics on cooking, you will notice that the rice is extremely impressive.

Another characteristic of the product is the change in the appearance of rice after processing.

In fact, this product has a lot of nutritional value.

The most important feature of fortified rice is its semi-boiling, which changes the color of rice from white to golden yellow.

A product whose appearance is not much different from freshly harvested rice.

fortified rice upsc

Buy Fortified Rice

When buying rice, it is necessary for your product to be completely dry, and its moisture should be removed with special devices.

Buy enriched rice directly from the manufacturer.

It may seem that you have suffered by buy fortified rice, but the quality of this product will make you more satisfied.

Uniform and zero-boar rice are considered the best options for shopping.

Be careful when buying rice according to product classification.

Pay attention to the production and expiration date of the product.

The purchased product must not have lice or pests.

Also, enriched rice should be free of stones and clean.

Its seeds should be smooth and without cracks.

When buying enriched rice products, try to buy products that have a health approval seal.

oliria fortified rice

Fortified Rice Price + Buy and Sell

The type of packaging, zip, freshness, and first-class quality of enriched rice has a great impact on the price of the product.

Quality is another factor in increasing the price of the product.

Also, the price of rice in the country depends on several factors such as currency price fluctuations.

But the most important reason is the high production of the product.

The abundance of water and the cultivation of more rice take away the opportunity from the profiteers to increase the price.

Middlemen and brokers have the greatest impact on increasing the price of the product.

Currently, the price of fortified rice or buying a 10kg bag is estimated to be between 10 and 11$.

For a free consultation, you can ask us your questions by phone now.

fortified white rice

The Answer to Two Questions About Fortified Rice

1: What are the minerals in fortified rice?

There are more zinc, iron and beta-carotene in the product than other elements in this type of rice.

2: What vitamins are there in fortified rice?

Fortified rice contains vitamins B and E.

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