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Black Rice Price in Bangalore

Black rice is one of the special and high quality varieties of rice in bangalore, as useful food, rice has a special place in the food basket of many families.

Black Rice in Bangalore

Black rice, which is also known as purple rice among the people of the world, is a special and unique type of rice in Bangalore.

This product is called black because it has a black grainy shell.

Most people are mainly familiar with white rice, and sometimes we use brown rice for medical purposes due to its high properties.

 There are different types of rice, and black rice is known as one of the most complete and nutritious types of rice.

black rice

Black Rice Features in Bangalore

Black Rice is a product that is known among the people especially in Bangalore because of its unique nutritional properties and Features.

The shell of this rice has black pigments in its skin, and in fact, most of the properties of black rice and its vitamins are in this part.

Title Description
known as Purple Rice
Famous for Unique Nutritional Properties
Rich in Anthocyanin Antioxidant
Amount of iron 3.5%

This rice is a product that is rich in anthocyanin antioxidant substances.

Black rice is known as a natural anti-cancer medicine.

Of course, the antioxidant anthocyanin is also present in many other foods.

The antioxidant anthocyanin in this rice is easily absorbed by the body because it is soluble in water.

As a nutritious food, black rice has more calories than brown and white rice.

For example, in 100 grams of this product, there are 8.5 grams of protein, 4.9 grams of fiber and 3.5 grams of iron.

For this reason, it can be said that the nutritional value of this product is higher than other types of rice such as white rice, brown rice and red rice.

black rice recipe

Buy Black Rice in Bangalore

Today, there are many fans of Black Rice, and you can easily buy them in Asian countries especially in Bangalore by going to grocery stores.

Due to limited production, these rice are produced and marketed in small quantities and may be difficult to access in some areas.

Rice is available in 1 kg and 5 kg packages in the market, and it has been tried to pack them in such a way that you can store them for a long time.

black rice vinegar

Black Rice Price in Bangalore + Buy and Sell

Availability of black rice is low compared to other types of rice.

If you are in the countries that produce this type of rice, you can easily buy them in the desired amount by visiting the markets.

But if you live in countries where rice is not produced, you can buy this product online from sites that provide it.

Our collection is one of the providers of quality black rice at a reasonable price, which allows you to access and use this rice.

Just be in touch with us.

The Answer to Two Questions About Black Rice

1: Is black rice healthy?

Black rice has more antioxidants than brown rice and more protein, As a result, eating it may boost eye and heart health, protect against cancer, and aid in weight loss.

2: Can we consume black rice daily?

Black rice helps you lose weight because of its high fibre and vitamin content, It gives grownups energy.

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