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Dry Plums in Sri Lanka; Fiber Source Sour Taste Bone Health Protecter

The dry plums price in Sri Lanka is determined based on their quality and freshness, and dry plums in Sri Lanka are popular snacks.

Dry Plums in Sri Lanka

Dry plum is one of the most popular dried fruits that has many fans because of its different and excellent taste.

This product is used in many foods because of its sour taste, and also some people consume this popular dried fruit as a snack.

You can soak these plums in water before eating them to soften them and then consume them.

Dried plums are good for the body if they are consumed in the right amount, but if they are excessive, they may cause heartache.

Among the different types of dried fruits, dried plums are more popular than other fruits because of their sour taste.

dry plums for constipation

Dry Plums Features in Sri Lanka

Now we are going to talk about the dry plums' features.

Because it contains a substance called fiber, which helps the digestive system of the body a lot the fiber in plums helps to increase the volume of feces and speed up the movement of waste materials.

Title Description
Taste Sour
Advantages Bone Health Protecter
Source of Fiber
Useful for Pregnant Women

The fiber in dried plums prevents the absorption of excess fat and thus prevents high blood sugar and blood pressure.

Strengthening and maintaining bone health can be considered one of the most important properties of prunes, so it is very useful for pregnant women who are exposed to calcium deficiency.

The elderly are also susceptible to osteoporosis and may experience frequent constipation, so they should consume more prunes.

dry plums in hindi

Buy Dry Plums in Sri Lanka

If you want to buy dry plums in Sri Lanka, pay attention to these instructive points.

Visit a store that sells organic and fresh produce.

There should not be any dust on the dried plum and it should be dried with special devices and in safe conditions.

Check the plum packaging and if you see worms or mold, stop buying it.

Fresh plums are clear and bright, but old plums have a dull color.

If the dried plum smells of mold, it means that it has been stored in improper conditions for a long time.

Plums should not be crushed or their cores should be clear.

Plums should not be over-dried, nor should they be less than standard, and should not be juicy.

dry plums during pregnancy

Dry Plums Price in Sri Lanka + Buy and Sell

The dry plums price in Sri Lanka is between 5 and 15 dollars and it has a reasonable price among dried fruits.

Unfortunately, in the market of buying and selling dried plums, to lower the final price of the product, some people try to mix other cheap plums with dried plums.

The price of dried plums depends on various items, such as the farm or region where the product is grown, the type of plum ordered, and the cost of transporting the product.

This site sells high-quality and healthy dried plums and has been able to compete well with other sites.

If you want to taste the real taste of high-quality dried plums, contact our colleagues.

dry plums benefits

The Answer to Two Questions About Dry Plums

1: How long will dried plums last?

Prunes, apricots, and raisins last six months. After opening, refrigerate or freeze for six months.

2: What are the benefits of dried plums?

Hunger-satisfying dried plums alleviate obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

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Comments (1 Comments)

Harry Barker

With no added sugar, you can be sure that you're getting all the health benefits of this superfood without any of the guilt.

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