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Dry Plum in India (Prunes) Juicy Flesh Fiber Rich 2 Colors Golden Reddish

When it comes to dry plum in India, it means fresh plums are unavailable, so people look for dried plums.

It is also known as prunes.

Dry Plum in India

Plums are grown in thousands of different varieties all over the world.

The variants differ in size, color, form, and flavor.

The plum varieties we see today evolved from two primary types of plums: Indian and European.

Indian plums were introduced to India only 300 years ago by China.

The flesh of the majority of types is juicy, golden, or reddish.

Their skin can range in color from crimson to black-red.

Clingstone fruits are so named because their body clings toward the pit in the core of the fruit.

In 1870, the Indian plum was introduced to the United States and quickly became popular.

dry plum

Dry Plum Features in India

Dry plums have so many features, and people who live in India know this fact.

Here there are some features.

Title Description
Flesh Juicy, Golden, or Reddish
Known As Laxative
Rich in  Fiber
Heath Benefits Improve Bone, Treat Diabetes, and Protect Intestines
  • Protect the intestines!

Dry plums are a well-known laxative, so if you've ever had constipation, eat a dry plum.

Constipation is usually caused by a lack of fiber in your diet.

Prunes are high in fiber and help to feed friendly bacteria in our intestines, which help to protect us from disease-causing pathogenic germs.

  • Improve bone health!

According to a study, dried plums contain a mineral called boron, which aids in the strength of bones and muscles.

  • diabetes treatment

Prunes, which are high in fiber, help keep blood sugar levels regulated.

dried plum

Buy Dry Plum in India

In order to buy high-quality dry plums in India, you must pay attention to some key points.

If you are going to buy dried plums in bulk, it is better to buy a small amount as a sample.

You can order the plums again if their taste was good and they were fresh.

It is a fact that Indians are experienced in this field.

The fact is, how do you find reliable stores?

You should surf the internet well and find sites with high customer satisfaction scores.

Some high-level online shops have a good option for their customers.

They allow people to send back their product if they do not like the taste of dried plums.

sundried plum

Dry Plum Price in India + Buy and Sell

The dry plum price is determined and affected by various criteria, which need to be considered, the most important of which is quality.

Since the sun-drying process is strictly traditional, neither additives nor preservatives are included in the final product.

Type of packaging, product quantity ordered, product quality, and product drying method are factors that affect the final price of your product.

The price of dry plums starts at $2 to $4 in India and other Asian countries.

If you intend to buy this product in bulk, you will pay less.

We have been working as an international exporting country for more than a decade, so contact us for more information.

sun dried plums nutrition

The Answer to Two Questions About Dry Plum

1: What is Dry Plum known for?

Dry plums are a well-known laxative, so if you've ever had constipation, eat a dry plum.

2: What minerals is Dry Plum source of?

Prunes, which are high in fiber, help keep blood sugar levels regulated.

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