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Dry Mushroom (White Button) High Antioxidants Copper Glutathione Iron Polyphenols

Did you know that dry mushroom per KG is free of fat and cholesterol and contain a variety of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water?

Dry Mushroom Per Kg

Humans have been looking for food since the dawn of creation, and mushrooms were most likely one of the first goods to catch their attention as a food source.

Although scientific study on edible mushrooms extends back to the early twentieth century, the usage of edible mushrooms for food, medicinal, and religious reasons stretches back far further.

Edible mushrooms are available in a broad range of textures and forms.

White button and oyster mushrooms are two of the most common edible mushrooms.

In the meantime, the emergence of dry mushroom derivatives such as dried mushrooms created a revolution in the human food industry.

Edible mushroom growing has now become a totally commercial and successful industry in many industrialized nations.

Dry Mushroom

Dry Mushroom Per Kg Features

Dry mushroom is high in antioxidants, copper, glutathione, iron, polyphenols, polysaccharides, and vitamins.

These chemicals are important in the therapy of cancer cells.

Title Description
Types White Button and Oyster
Mineral Antioxidants, Copper, Glutathione, Iron, Polyphenols
Vitamins B6 and B12
Price $3 to 5 per KG

Buying and ingesting button mushrooms is therefore extremely helpful for acquiring or decreasing certain ailments.

Among the benefits of dry mushrooms are that they are a good source of folate.

The baby needs varied food sources for growth and development while within the mother's body.

Because dry mushrooms are high in vitamins and b6 and b12, they are the greatest choice for pregnant women to consume.

Now, after all the properties and benefits that have been mentioned, it is time to tell you some important points about buying this product so that you can enjoy a professional purchase.

dry mushroom edible

Buy Dry Mushroom Per Kg

When you buy dry mushrooms, make sure that the cap is closed and that the blades beneath the cap really aren't viewable, and that the mushroom is entirely hard and uncontaminated.

Furthermore, the appearance of brown or black patches on the dry mushroom signals a deterioration in freshness and should be eaten as soon as possible.

Consume as many cooked edible mushrooms as possible.

If you don't have time to prepare mushrooms, purchase blanched mushrooms and store them so you always get fresh and cooked mushrooms on available.

Mushrooms are among the meals that, when consumed uncooked, may induce intestinal upset.

dried mushrooms organic

Dry Mushroom Price Per Kg + Buy and Sell

There were many reasons for people to turn more towards dry mushrooms and they even exported them due to their long shelf life.

Its price also depends on its quality, and as the quality increases, its price also increases.

The average price of dried mushrooms is about $3 to 5 per kg.

You can get this mushroom model from both traditional stores and online stores.

You can also easily place your order by contacting our sales experts.

For this purpose, the required platform has been designed for you and you will be able to place an order.

dry morel mushrooms

The Answer to Two Questions About Dry Mushroom

1: What are the benefits of dried mushrooms?

Among the benefits of dry mushrooms are that they are a good source of folate.

2: How much is the price per kilo of dried mushrooms?

The average price of dried mushrooms is about $3 to 5 per kg.

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Comments (2 Comments)


I use dried mushroom to prepare soup because it has a long shelf life and does not spoil quickly




Hello, I always use mushrooms in my meals because it has a special taste and is tasty and has less cholesterol, it is good for health.



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