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Dried Kidney Beans; Anticancer Properties 3 Minerals Iron Potassium Calcium

Dried red kidney beans are one of the special edible seeds that are classified in the legume category.

This red bean is more elongated than other beans.

Dried Kidney Beans

The reason behind the name kidney red bean is its resemblance to a kidney.

The plant of this seed grows in a temperate climate, and several seeds of red kidney beans are located in one cluster.

Dried red kidney beans are the most widely consumed foods that are used in many dishes.

There are different types of red beans that are slightly different in appearance, but their properties are similar.

Dried red kidney beans are used in the preparation of many foods such as soups, stews and canned foods.

Red kidney bean food is very nutritious for breakfast, which can be consumed by athletes and children.

Dried Kidney Beans

Dried Kidney Beans Features

One of the characteristics of dried red kidney beans is that it is a rich source of fiber and protein, so it can be a substitute for red meat for vegetarians.

Also, red beans are rich in antioxidants and various vitamins.

Title Description
Good for Athletes and Children
Properties Anticancer
Minerals Iron, Potassium and Calcium
Benefits Effective in Skin and Hair Health

Red kidney beans have many properties, including:

  • Effective in skin and hair health
  • Good for the heart
  • Anticancer
  • Treatment of kidney stones

Among other properties of dried red kidney beans is the presence of iron, potassium and calcium in it, which is the best and most complete food for growing people.

There are amounts of folic acid and copper in dried red kidney beans, which are very useful for pregnant and lactating women.

Dried red kidney beans is sold in the market in a cleaned and dust-free form in different package.

Also, consumption of red kidney beans prevents premature aging.

red Kidney Beans

Buy Dried Kidney Beans

When buying dried red kidney beans, pay attention to the type of packaging and its contents so that there is no dust or stones in it.

Also, pay attention to the red kidney bean seeds in the package that they are not affected by worms and are healthy.

The larger the size of dried red kidney beans, the more customer-friendly it is and the more suitable it is to buy.

One of the important points in buying dried red kidney beans is that they are cooked early, which depends on the freshness of the red beans and its breed.

At the time of purchase, make sure by checking the expiration date and the standard mark of the red kidney beans purchased.

Kidney Beans

Dried Kidney Beans Price + Buy and Sell

The price of dried red kidney beans depends on the type of beans, the size of the beans, the type of packaging, the manufacturer's brand, and how quickly it is cooked.

Climatic conditions and the amount of watering of red kidney beans at the time of planting have an effect on its quality and, as a result, its final price.

The best time to buy dried red kidney beans in bulk is when this product is harvested, when the price is lower.

The price of dried red kidney beans in a 1 kg package ranges from one 1 dollar to 2 dollars.

If you need to get more information about the bulk purchase of this product, you can contact our contact number.

red Beans

The Answer to Two Questions About Kidney Beans

1: What are the benefits of Dried Kidney Beans?

There are amounts of folic acid and copper in dried red kidney beans, which are very useful for pregnant and lactating women.

2: Is Dried Kidney Beans good for children?

Red kidney bean food is very nutritious for breakfast, which can be consumed by athletes and children.

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