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Red Adzuki Beans; Protein Fiber Sources Liver Detoxifying

Red adzuki beans are one of the types of beans that have high properties and are grown in the heart of the Himalayas.

Red Adzuki Beans

Red adzuki bean, which is also known as red mung bean, is a small oval bean that is found in abundance in East Asian countries, especially Japan and the Himalayas.

Different types of beans are found in nature, but red adzuki beans are used more than other types.

Different countries consume the dry seeds of this type of plant and export them to other countries as well.

Note that in addition to the seeds of this plant, its fresh leaves and stems can also be used as vegetables.

The flowers of this plant can also be used as fodder for livestock and can be very beneficial for them bring a lot.

Red Adzuki Beans

Red Adzuki Beans Features

Adzuki red beans are small in size compared to other beans.

This type of bean has a red-brown color.

Title Description
Known as Red Mung Bean
Growing Place East Asian Countries
Source Protein, Fiber
Benefit Liver Detoxification

In terms of appearance, this product is very similar to a kidney.

Red adzuki beans are the seeds of flowering plants of the legume family and are classified as legumes.

They usually grow in pods.

The pod consists of capsules, each of which contains a bean seed.

This material is a rich source of protein, fiber and many other nutrients.

These little red seeds help improve digestion, kidney and heart health, bone strength and muscle mass, liver detoxification, and cholesterol reduction.

Compared to other protein sources such as dairy products, this substance has lower calories and saturated fat.

Red Beans

Buy Red Adzuki Beans

Observe various points when buying red adzuki beans.

Try to use the type of packaging that has a standard mark and approved by health organizations.

In the type of packaging, special attention should be paid to the expiration date.

The beans that are inside the package must be uniform because, during cooking, this non-uniformity becomes a problem because they do not have the same cooking time.

When buying, shake the package and make sure that there are no insects and even sometimes the presence of soil inside the package indicates the presence of insects in the beans.

The most important concern for buying red azuki beans is its cooking time.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if it is quick-cooking or slow-cooking, but if you are in a hurry, you can buy it canned.

red kidney beans

Red Adzuki Beans Price + Buy and Sell

The price of red adzuki beans is determined according to various factors, such as the cooking quality, size, whether it is a handful, and whether it is old.

The price of the bulk type of this product varies with the packaging.

Advanced sorting equipment is used to prepare Azuki red beans for packaging.

In this mechanism, broken, pale, worm-eaten and shrivelled beans are separated.

That is why the price of packaged beans is always higher than bulk beans.

In addition to packaging, other production and supply costs of red beans, such as storage costs, transportation and The salary of manpower affect the final price of this product.

Currently, the price of a kilogram of red adzuki beans is in the range of 1.5 to 2 dollars.

Contact our experts for more information.

organic red beans

The Answer to Two Questions About Red Beans

1: What nutrients do red beans contain?

This material is a rich source of protein, fiber and many other nutrients.

2: What does red bean look like?

In terms of appearance, this product is very similar to a kidney.

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