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Figs are not only good for digestion and the cardiovascular system, but they also help with weight loss, disease prevention, muscle and skin care.

dried figs price per kg

The cost of dried figs Reasonable for each and every person and every one.

Coconut: All the properties and benefits of a fatty, lean tropical fruit.

Chaga: All the benefits and traits of "Diamonds of the Jungle" Sardines: the benefits and properties of the most important fish for the heart Figs are also a healthy fruit.

A nutrient bomb beneficial to our cardiovascular and digestive health, it still has many other properties hidden in it: the fruit of the mulberry family fig (Ficus carica).

However, it's technically a defect rather than a fruit, a set of upside-down flowers that explode inside black pods.

Thought to have come from the Middle East, there is evidence that people collected them as early as 9000 BC.

However, it soon spread throughout the Mediterranean and became very popular in Greece, where the philosopher's fruit was nicknamed In Spain, it is mainly grown in Huesca, Avila, Caceres, Murcia, Alicante and Lleida.

Figs are a sweet, nutritious food that you might think are high in calories, but they have no calories, no fat, no protein.

It will also be a strong ally of diet.

In addition, its fiber content is beneficial for digestive problems such as constipation and as a probiotic.

In addition, according to research from the University of Isfahan (Iran), this fruit reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.  

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Nutritional value of figs The nutritional value of figs per 100g is as follows: Charles III has forbidden Prince Harry from taking Meghan Markle to Balmoral to see the Queen on her deathbed.

Raul Rodriguez Additionally, royal protocol is unclear where the Duchess of Sussex will hold her state funeral on September 19.

Some of them are Cadota, Mission, Adriatic, Brown Turkey, Celeste and Conadria.

Cabrahigo_This product is the simplest product that combines flowers with short pistils and functional vegetables.

Most of them are not edible, but are cultivated because they require small bees for pollination.

Smyrna or Smyrna figs.

Fruit does not develop unless the flowers are pollinated by male flower pollen from the tiny salirope wasp.

Medium figs or San he Pedro.

His first impression is known as his Barwa.

No pollination or flower fertilization is required, but like the Smyrna variety he will only grow a second crop if the flowers are pollinated.

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Javad Karimi parchian