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dehydrating dried figs purchase price + Properties, disadvantages and advantages

One of the most popular snacks and dried fruits is dried cotton figs, which has a good export, and many traders choose figs for business, and it has a very good buying and selling market, so this site offers high-quality figs with the best The price of the day is offered.

Dehydrating dried figs

The method used to dry figs is to pass them through a thread.

Here we will explain a few traditional methods using string to dehydrate figs.

In this method, figs are hung on a thread in the form of a rosary and placed in a place exposed to the sun.

Sometimes they add flour to the figs before they dry so that they don't stick to each other. First, we will try to talk about fresh figs and their properties.

Fig is a sweet and tasty fruit whose tree has wide leaves and grows in hot areas and is very sensitive to cold.

This fruit contains very small seeds, its skin is very soft and it is harvested in the summer season, it is also available in yellow and purple colors.

This fruit is used both fresh and dried, both of which are rich in properties and have been recommended since ancient times.

Therefore, it is better to buy and consume this fruit fresh in the summer season, or if it is out of season, you can get it dried from dried fruits and include it in your daily consumption.

 Nutrients and salts present in dried figs and cotton flour have made it trade in a very large volume, which these days has become very popular among foreign countries as well as inside the country, and this is a positive point for businessmen.

The properties of dry and fresh figs are different, so we will first describe the types of fresh figs so that you can get to know a little more about this delicious fruit.

  • Brown figs: There is a brown fig tree in Turkey, whose skin color is brown, and it is one of the tastiest figs that bears fruit twice a year, once in early summer and the second time in autumn.
  • Black fig: As its name suggests, this fig is black in color and has a very sweet taste, which is harvested in the middle of summer.
  • Sierra fig: This fig is very big and green in color and the source of this fig is Turkey.
  • Figs are rich in iron, potassium and vitamin C.

Eating figs is very useful during illness and cold due to the vitamin C present in them, and it is very helpful in improving respiratory inflammations.

The consumption of this fruit is highly recommended for people with severe anemia because it is rich in iron.

Also, due to the presence of potassium in figs, it helps to improve and control blood pressure. 

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Fateme Mohebbi