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4 Key Strategies for Google Discovery and Attracting High Traffic

At Arad Branding, we understand that to truly make a mark in business, one must either be a billionaire capable of substantial buying and selling, allowing money to work for them.

Or become a brand that works for them.

As time progresses, reputations become more crucial than finances.

Especially in the West, where an individual's financial turnover is more significant than their assets.

Merchants hold a significantly higher social status than landlords because they know that someone with a high financial turnover is someone who circulates money within the community, contributing to production, employment, and addressing poverty and unemployment.

On the other hand, someone with only substantial wealth has gathered money from the community and stashed it away for their benefit, offering no contribution to society and solely serving their interests.

Therefore, at Arad Branding, we have committed ourselves to becoming a brand.

In previous articles, we have discussed that one of the ways to become a brand is to discover the formula for Google discovery.


Increase your inputs.

The first and most crucial aspect that Google emphasizes for discovery is to have a large number of people read your content.

Of course, this substantial number can be fifty, a hundred, or even more.

From experience, we have seen that even an article read by fifty people can be discovered.

Just think, you've served dinner to a minimum of five hundred people at your wedding, so don't say you don't know them, just write them down.

Moreover, letting them know you are conducting business enhances your credibility within your family and among friends and acquaintances.

Translation of a Google discovery article with few visitors

Seek assistance from friends, relatives, and acquaintances to visit your content.

There is no need to produce lengthy content.

Generating a 200 or 400-word piece can still lead to discovery.


Don't let your contents die.

If you plan to produce content every day, a task that takes less than half to one hour of your time, link to your old content whenever you want to create something new.

This way, you ensure that Google discovery remains active in your old content for an extended period.

The article about handmade autumn carpet, which was posted two days ago and is still discoverable.

Attracting leads from Google Maps, which has remained discoverable for 6 days.


Choose a captivating title and image.

Write a title that, when seen, compels someone to click and think, "I have to click to see what's inside and what it's about."

Remember that Google uses the first image you place in each news article as its main discovery image.

So, focus on both the attractiveness of the title and its appeal, along with the image.

The combination of the image and title is what guides the audience to click, and the higher the click-through rate compared to impressions, the more captivating you've made Google's discovery.

In the images below, you can see examples of title writing and image selection.

The rules for title writing to be discovered differ significantly from SEO-focused title writing.


Response to Previous Discoveries

If you want to get discovered effectively, ask your friends to click on your content whenever they see it on Google Discover, regardless of whether they've read it directly from your site.

Encourage them to click, read, and even leave comments through Google Discover.

This practice helps Google Discover to have a better response to your content and share it more extensively with others.

So, Arad friends, whenever you see discoveries, click on them.

Wherever you come across discoveries of Arad's merchants and recognize them, click for them as well.

Imagine Arad and Aradi making Google Discoveries for themselves, so instead of displaying low-value content that is merely entertaining, commercial content is shown to the people of Iran.

It not only promotes cultural commerce but also increases the financial share of Aradi merchants.

And, of course, this is not only for the people of Iran and Iranian merchants.

Arad wants to promote this mindset globally.

Our discoveries in different languages convey the message that we can, and these words are not just empty slogans.


Discovering by Paying or by Technical Expertise, but Free

There's someone who has been discovered through their technical expertise, and numerous examples of Arad's discoveries confirm this expertise.

And there's someone who has paid money and been discovered.

So, remember that you can both pay and get discovered.

And it's not bad at all.

In many cases, when we can't become a brand for free, and we know that method is very effective, we pay to become a brand.

Becoming a brand has its authenticity, whether it's free for your enjoyment or paid, requiring stronger consideration.

Below, we see two examples of paid discoveries clearly marked with the word "sponsor."


In the comments, let us know if it's worth it for someone to spend time, create content, and make it available to the public to get discovered.

Comments (32 Comments)

Ahmad Ashkian

It is amazing how Arad is actually sharing these key information for free so all can use this knowledge and maje their website stronger.



fateme hosseinkhani

By increasing the production of content and paying attention to its quality, and as a result, more inputs, good leads can be turned into signals.




the winners in international markets and well-known companies usually have used this capability on time.



Venus Falahati

Some people think if they add content to their website, the website will be read by Google and many people visit the website but they have to edit the old content and improve it with links and reportage to popular websites.



saeed akbarpour

the most important thing in life must be negotiation, out of negotiate no one going to be successful in their life, negotiations can change the fate of nations or in business can even change the number of our bank account



Muhammad Fazeli

google is an endless ocean for finding customers and customers find us by seeing us in this case we need to use all capacities



Morteza Hosseini

I can surely say that For businesses, Google Discovery acts as a dynamic showcase, allowing them to reach a diverse and expansive audience. By creating visually compelling and relevant content, businesses can capture the attention of potential customers who may not have actively sought out their products or services. The platform provides an excellent opportunity for brand exposure, enabling businesses to establish a presence in the daily online experiences of users.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Both for people who are not in a position to spend loads of cash to be seen, and for the technically inclined, people who enjoy handling the technical side of things themselves or are savvy in it, it is well worth taking the time and effort to use the platforms available for free.



Mahya Soleimaniun

With a little patience and time, it is easy to discover the contents of the site.. The news of the Arad site is easy to discover. What do you think the result is? Boredom and time he spends on the site and expertise he uses.



Saba Sadeghikia

Being discovered by Google requires following special rules for writing content and uploading photos, so this should be done by experts.



Marzieh Olamaei

Instagram is a very popular network that can help you grow a lot.
First of all, you should define your target community so that you know what kind of people you are creating content for.
Try to be very sensitive at this stage, otherwise you will regret it later.



Alireza Sharifi

Arad Branding is the only company that gives you the latest knowledge and experiences regarding trading and business freely. It is a unique chance and opportunity to visit the website of the company and improve your commercial knowledge and skills.



Hani Rostami

Strengthening content for discoverability, even if it involves some cost, is an intelligent investment with excellent outcomes and consequences for attracting merchants and our peers. For instance, more people will notice us, and potential collaborations with highly skilled professionals can begin.



Amene Abbasi

Knowing where to concentrate when you have a website and give it some time, you will be able to reach a good discovery by google.



Azin Fakhr

By reading the headline of the article, I was reminded of how many times I have encountered articles from Arad Branding website on Google Discovery and it made me understand more about how powerful this website is. Of course showcasing a business on this platform can lead to attracting a huge number of customers.



Mohsen Imam

You don’t need to commit to all of these marketing strategies. Choose just a few to focus on as you develop your marketing skills. If you don’t see results, transition to another tactic until you find the perfect way to connect with new customers.



Fatemeh Afrad

All of these points can be useful for everyone who does trade as an import or export . Showing your websites and the contents of that to other people needs to attention to these points of this page. So Google can bring many signals for you.



Marzieh Olamaei

Content should always be the focal point of your site's activities. The new content that you produce must be such that it fully answers the questions of the users about the subject of the content. Such contents are attractive and practical for users and are also noticed by Google Discover.



Mahdi rezaei

It is definitely worth spending time creating content to be seen and better known. The best way to enter Discover is to produce valuable, unique and SEO content. Today, the main war and in fact the competition is on the content. When the content is liked by the users and the audience and the possible questions of the users are answered, the traffic of the site increases day by day, and this means generating more leads and signals, which ultimately increases the chances of converting these signals into money. So don't forget that a content should be attractive and practical and meet the needs of users.



Marzieh Olamaei

One of the important factors in Discovery to attract new audiences and click on the news is an attractive and exciting title
Choosing the right title for the content means you have to do something so that the audience can't miss your content and say to themselves, I need to spend time and get this information.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Attracting leads and traffic for your business involves a combination of strategies across various online and offline channels such as SEO which stand for search engine optimization, content marketing, Social Media marketing, email marketing and so on.



Mehdi Saadatmand

Creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content is the most crucial technique for attracting high traffic to a website. By consistently producing valuable and informative material that meets the needs and interests of the target audience, a website can establish itself as an authoritative and trustworthy source. Employing effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, such as optimizing keywords, improving website speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness, further enhances visibility and accessibility. Leveraging social media platforms to share content and engage with the audience also plays a vital role in expanding reach. Ultimately, a combination of compelling content and strategic SEO efforts can significantly increase organic traffic and foster a loyal and growing online community.



Reza Karimi

Since visibility covers a large part of the various dimensions of a successful business, it is necessary to take basic measures in this direction.
Google Discovery is a platform available to us both for free and with payment.
How good it is to activate this platform for free by being smart and using the techniques mentioned in this article.
In this world, such an opportunity is really a treasure for those who are alert and act smartly!



Alireza Rohanii

The first way to succeed is to be seen, one of the ways to be seen is to be discovered by Google and attract many visitors



Mohamamd noosavi

For someone who is not trained and does not have enough knowledge to reach Google Discovery, he is condemned to pay a fee. But when someone has such knowledge, what is better than taking advantage of this opportunity and promoting his own business. We have this knowledge for free, I am being taught thanks to the teachers and it is not fair to be deprived of this capacity.



M.Abbas Mohsenian

As Google's search experts, Discovery uses many of the same usage signals and systems used for search to determine which helpful, people-first content they find. People discover what they find successful, making them reconsider our advice on creating helpful, trustworthy, people-first content.



Seyyed Mojtaba

surely discovery on Google on content marketing and free branding is so important
because it help you to be shown in the market and people see you to find good signals and leads and you have to learn and use the techniques to known in the market



Zahra Alavi

knowing how the internet works can help you to expand your business and cross the old fashion boundaries and reach to a whole new audience.



Mohsen Imam

It’s pretty obvious that without customers, you don’t have a business. But attracting new customers doesn’t happen automatically. You have to find ways to reach them, draw them in, and keep them coming back for more. Your business needs a marketing plan that addresses how to attract customers and increase sales .




Yes when you get started on working on your website, you have to keep going until you get the result you want, so consistency is key. Then you have to follow the trend and try to create contents that attracts the attention of the customers



Mahdi Alavi

I wanna talk about the importance of making related contents to your business which will bring you more clients because they see you are active and passionate and responsible for your business so it's also easier for them to trust you.



Javad, Gh.

Hello to you all readers

Creating content on the Internet makes your products and brand known all over the world at a lower cost than face-to-face advertising I mean to be in the country target markets.
When your brand is known, it helps your product to be in the minds of more people and this helps your sales to increase.
We must take content production seriously to be discovered so that it appears on the first pages of Google for the readers and helps you gain more signals or customers.



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