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Explore Google Discover to witness substantial financial gains

When running Google Chrome on Android phones, it displays content from various websites.

The same happens on iPhones through Google's dedicated app.

The content and visits derived through this path from various sites are referred to as "Discover."

Google has named this section Discover, signifying its role in exploring what content is being produced on the internet and presenting it attractively to its audience.

It involves identifying and showcasing these materials to the general public.


What content does Google discover?

Google hasn't provided a comprehensive statement about how it selects Discover content, unlike its detailed approach to SEO and search.

Perhaps, it aims to avoid spammers and fraudsters from exploiting these methods for deceptive discovery.

However, web researchers have delved into studying Google's behaviors, offering various theories.

Arad Branding also presents its theory, emphasizing it is not copied from elsewhere or translated from foreign articles.

Among the articles, a few examples of Arad Branding's content discovery are provided to both demonstrate its strength and assure the reader that this theory is based on its own insights.

It was discovered 14 hours after publication.


3 Fundamental Principles for Content Discovery:

1.Produce content every day consistently, without a break.

Arad Branding has been creating content for 11 years without a pause.

When Google recognizes a website's consistency and organization, it acknowledges its worth and visibility, showcasing it to a significant audience in less than 24 hours.

Discovered after 16 hours


2.Generate Engaging Content

Generate engaging content and prioritize it on your site's front page.
It should be content that captivates users since Google does not want to lose its users.
If Google presents useless content to people, they will naturally become disgusted, leading to the loss of users.

In reality, Google's attractiveness in its discovery is created by content producers.

If these producers did not produce content, what appeal could Google have in its discovery?

If you examine the discoveries closely, you'll notice the sponsored sign next to some content.

It indicates that these individuals have paid Google to subtly execute their paid advertisements among the discoveries, contributing to Google's revenue growth.

This article provides insights into the principles of content discovery and highlights Arad Branding's role in it, emphasizing the importance of consistency, engaging content, and understanding the dynamics of Google's revenue generation through content discovery.

Yesterday's article on LinkedIn was discovered.


3.Having Direct Engagement for Your Content

A substantial number of people should read your content directly, and Google shouldn't be the first to engage with your articles.

Google has access to all pages and user behaviors on these pages.

For example, when Arad Branding produces content, many of its employees and traders read and, interestingly, engage in the comments.

This is where Google recognizes the value of the content, seeing that a significant number of people are actively reading it, and places it in the Discover queue.

Discover in 12 hours to let everyone know what the pain is.

Getting discovered is not difficult.

You might think you lack the audience to get discovered, but that's not the case.

Arad Branding recalls a time when years ago, during a phase of teaching about discovery, some of its traders executed it successfully and are still doing so.

To resolve this, ask those around you to read your content carefully and participate in the comments on your site if they like it.

Utilize your social networks to inform friends and acquaintances about your produced content.

Sending introduction messages about your content via SMS and chat is highly recommended, similar to what Arad Branding does in presenting its articles on channels and social networks.

Informing Others About New Content


If we get discovered, what happens?

As a trader, your need for leads and signals will never diminish.

Negotiation can be learned sooner or later, but without leads and signals, any number multiplied by zero is zero.

Acquiring leads and signals has become very costly, either requiring payment or understanding ways to acquire them.

If you get discovered, your bread is buttered.

If Arad continues to progress day by day, it's because it utilizes all available capacities in the real and virtual world to attract leads and signals, leaving no method unused.

Arad says, "Since we want to do business, who or what do we want to do business with?

We say we don't want to do business with inanimate objects; we want to do business with humans."

Now, we must find where these humans are.

They are on Google Discover, just like we will be in Discovering Google.

They browse websites, and we will showcase our sites through native and banner advertisements.

They are on social networks, and we will have an active presence on social networks.

Even Arad invests in all these channels but teaches you the free methods, so you won't have to spend money and can attract an audience solely by producing beautiful content. Don't miss these opportunities; start now.

Let go of any useless talk that suggests it's impossible.

Look at successful traders and say, "It can be done."

This story has happened for various individuals, not just for those who don't listen, don't understand, don't believe, and naturally, don't take action. 


Interesting Happening: Arad's Discovery

Remember we mentioned yesterday that we started producing content and translating Persian news content into nine other living languages.

It hasn't been 24 hours yet, and Google has already discovered Arad Branding with content from Mohammad-Reza Mohajer, featured in English on Arad's site.

Discovery for English speakers in 19 hours


Arad Branding Towards the People of the World

O people of the world,

Wait for we are coming towards you.

Your wise ones have joined us early, and after their joining, others will flock to us in multitudes.

God willing, it won't be long before the fulfillment of the same promise that Mr Shabani mentioned:

A day will come when in a street in Nigeria or another country, two people will bump into each other and then realize that both are Aradis.

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Comments (25 Comments)

fateme hosseinkhani

Google Discover is a platform for mobile users that shows them personalized content (based on user activity). The experience of using Discover is a unique and different experience from searching on Google. If Discover knows you well, you can scroll for a long time and see interesting content for yourself.

Zahra Alavi

This information is very important for every trader that wants to work on e-commerce. I try to learn these carefully to help my customers know how the internet works.

syed alavi

Your experiences will not only ensure that you don’t repeat your mistakes, but it will also make you trust your own judgment over the others.

hadiseh motlagh

we know that If you have plan to work with all over the world, you should be known through website. so you should pass all the proces of google perfectly to be seen.

Azin Fakhr

I have encountered with a lot of articles from Arad Branding website and it amazes me every time how powerful this website is and how Google validates this website. I believe it can be a big help to businesses to have such a valid website to attract more leads.

M. Amir Eftekhari

The ways leads and signals are generated should be taken seriously, and they must be sought and obtained in any logical and efficient way possible. Google Discover is one of the most brilliant ways for doing so!


Working in the right publishing and acting with Google help you to discover your article and achieve lots of leads through videos and search

Venus Falahati

Many traders from aradbranding got buyers from google. They didn't pay google just like what it is called google ads. They tried to write valuable content.

alireza rohani

One of the biggest needs of users in the web and Google world is to find files or data with specific formats.
The world of digital marketing is progressing every day, and as a person who works in this field, you must commit yourself to learning the latest digital marketing methods and methods.

Mohammad Reza Shafaie

A good way of engaging the audience is to provide content that teaches something useful and applicable. That is, to share knowledge that we have learned, say, through trial and error.

jalal rezaei

To leverage Google Discover effectively, focus on creating content that is visually appealing, relevant, and aligns with the interests of your target audience. Regularly update your content strategy based on user engagement data to optimize your presence on this platform and attract new customers.

Sharife Nateghi

A businessman needs to be seen everywhere if they want to be successful in their career. And it doesn't refer to the physical aspects, but to the presence of them in the most used applications, social media platforms, etc, where the potential leads and signals, and so many opportunities are available.

Seyed Mahdi

Two factors are highly important in being discovered; one is having quality content, which refers to the significance of having relevant, useful, and engaging content for users. Google seeks to display results that provide appropriate answers to users' searches. Therefore, ensure that the content on your site is valuable and relevant to people's searches. The second aspect is regular updates, which is essential for maintaining a presence in Google's discovery. By updating content, Google prefers to showcase sites with up-to-date and current information. This includes adding new content, updating existing information, and presenting fresh material to users, as well as receiving input from others.

Javad, Gh.


This type of visibility and face-to-face advertising takes time and costs a lot. But we are in the world of the Internet, so let's take Google Discover seriously and use this platform to introduce ourselves to the world to get more customers.


Consistency is the key point in every content-making. It even helps you to introduce your content to the algorithm of the platform you are using, and the platform starts to show your content more often to viewers.

Fatemeh Faraji

Finding out "Google Discover" is very influencer on your business.

Fatemeh Afrad

Being accessible and having persistent in doing an activity is so important for a businessman
to discover by google and be known by people. when people know you more and more it means that your business will grow.

Muhammad Fazeli

Google Discovery has a very notable potential for finding leads all over the world in business and people who are interested in business in your field can find you easily just with one click

Hani Rostami

This power of the Arad site is being discovered by Google is a memory for us!! The power of the site is so high and first class that we have memorable memories of being discovered in previous years and consecutive congratulations from Google.

Razie Rezai

knowing and employing the ca[acities of the virtual space would enable every one to develop his own business and as you know virtual space has a significant role these days. so everybody must have a knowledge about it.

Mahya Soleimaniun

Professor Talia always mentioned that content is the king and this sentence of the professor refers to the importance of content for the growth and development of business.
When I was teaching content creation to businessmen, I myself witnessed that the businessmen's basic and correct content was showered with customers. So if you have a site, have a plan for your contents and their discovery. There are so many opportunities for you that it is really worth spending time on this king.

Marzieh Olamaei

Discovering your article or content on Google means that that content has become more attractive to Google and now it wants to share it with everyone.

In fact, being discovered is a very good thing, so you should share your content with your friends and family and don't neglect it.

Also, you can produce content every day, and of course, be aware of the separation of the produced content.

Alireza Sharifi

When your content or text discovered by Google it shows that the content is really good, relevant and valuable. It causes to have many leads and signals for your business.

Mohammad Sadeqi

Whoever involved in doing business online should take "google discovery" as a means to gain more customers.

Reza Karimi

Hello to you all...
Discovery means to find, in order to achieve your first goal, which is marketing. Marketing and trust building are the two wings for the flight of a businessman and his progression. Google Discover facilitates the first case for you, and your negotiation power facilitates the second case.
Be successful and proud... 🌹