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Buy All Kinds of Copper Cathode Sheets + Price

copper cathode is made of copper. Cathode copper is produced during electrorefining and at very high temperatures and like other metal products the price is calculated per ton. The process starts with copper concentration. Get an anode with a purity of 99.99%. Copper itself is known as the third most used metal in the world. This metal is highly resistant to corrosion. It also has high electrical and thermal conductivity. Compared to aluminum, copper has high electrical conductivity. Widespread in the electrical and electronic industry (approx. 50%). Iran itself has significant copper reserves. Therefore, it is considered as one of the best copper producers and exporters. Cathode copper is used to manufacturing products that must have high purity copper and copper alloys. To make this product, the first step is to pour copper bubbles onto the anode. It is then treated electrolytically. After these actions, dip them in a tank of copper sulfate and sulfuric acid. In this phase, copper ions begin to move toward the cathode when the current is turned on. In the final step, cathode copper is formed with a purity of 99.99%. Cathode copper plates are produced in sizes from 0.5 to 1 m3 and thicknesses from 3 to 20 mm. Cathode copper is used to produce ingots of various shapes. This product is also used in the production of cast copper bars. Widely used in wires, cables, transformers, and other industries.copper price per ton Cathode copper is the raw material for copper rods, copper plates, rice production, copper shielding and many other products. In addition, the product is used as a raw material for bronze and brass alloys, among other things in the transport industry, electrical appliances and construction. Use metal strips to assemble 1 to 4 ton volumes of copper cathodes. Care must be taken during handling to avoid belt breakage. This product is purchased in kilograms, not packaged. When using this product, be careful not to damage the metal band. Due to its high purity, care must also be taken not to be contaminated with foreign matter during transport. In terms of use, copper metal itself is the third most important industrial metal after iron and aluminum. Copper has high electrical and thermal conductivity, is resistant to corrosion, and is also rust resistant, and this metal is very soft and malleable. Among pure metals, only silver is more conductive than copper. The use of copper instead of aluminum in IC production is increasing due to its higher electrical conductivity compared to aluminum. Another interesting feature of copper is its color, it is the only metal after the gold that is orange-red instead of gray. Copper occurs in nature in the form of ore and metal. Presumably, copper's electrical resistance and flexibility simultaneously caught the attention of people living about 10,000 years ago. In this way, it became the first metal to be discovered and used by honest people. Copper is found in mines as a variety of compounds, but well-known copper minerals are usually sulfide or oxidized, the most famous being chalcopyrite with the chemical formula CuFeS2, cuprite with the chemical formula Cu2O, and azurite. Cathode copper is used to produce ingots of various shapes. Cathode copper has a number of uses and is closely related to human life. One of the largest companies producing this product announced that in the future we will produce green cathode copper, which is more environmentally friendly because it contains a small amount of carbon. The product is almost three-quarters of the copper consumed annually. It is often used in the manufacture of cast copper bars for the cable, wire, and transformer industries. Other uses for cathode copper include the manufacture of copper tubes, bars, copper shielding, and plate manufacture. Cathode copper is also used to make alloys such as bronze, brass, and alloy steel for transport, machinery, appliances, and construction. 1-4 tons of cathode copper plates are packed together with metal tape and shipped without packaging. Care must be taken when handling these copper cathodes to avoid unstable conveyor belt breaks due to separation and loss of some plates. In addition, when using packaged copper cathodes, care must be taken not to damage the metal strips due to improper use. As mentioned above, since these cathodes are used to produce high-purity copper products, the copper cathodes must be free of any extraneous contamination during transportation and handling.

copper price per ton

Copper is one of four metals whose natural color is neither gray nor silver, and the largest annual production of this metal is in Chile at 7.5 million tons. It should be noted that Iran supplies about 3% of the world's copper reserves. What is copper? Copper metal is usually found in mineral form. Minerals such as azurite, malachite and bainite are sources of copper, as well as sulfides such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), culline (CuS), copper sulfide (Cu2S) or oxides such as cuprite (CuFeS2). Cu2O). This element has one electron in the s orbital behind the d electron shell and is characterized by ductility and high electrical conductivity. The electron-filled d-electron shell does not participate in interatomic reactions, but metal bonding occurs through s-orbital electrons. Unlike metals with half-filled d-layers, metallic bonds in copper do not have the properties of covalent bonds and are relatively weak. This is the reason for the low hardness and high ductility of copper single crystals. Compared to other pure metals, copper has the second highest thermal conductivity at room temperature. This phenomenon is due to the resistance of metals to electron movement at room temperature due to the scattering of electrons in thermal vibrations of the lattice, although such vibrations are relatively weak for soft metals. The maximum permitted current density for open-air copper is approx. 3.1 x 106 A/m2 in cross-section. If the current exceeds this value, the copper will generate too much thermal energy. Like other metals, if copper is placed on top of another metal, galvanic corrosion will occur. The use of copper in the construction industry Today, architects and designers use copper metal in the exterior and interior decoration of buildings. The use of this metal is not as common as aluminum, and the oxidation of copper makes designers hesitate to use it. This metal is used to make ornaments, various statues, jewelry, lighting fixtures, kitchen utensils, water, and steam transmission lines in buildings, electric wires, copper pipes, pipes in houses, etc. The use of copper in the electrical industry One of the best and cheapest conducting metals is copper, which can easily conduct electricity through itself. In addition, due to the properties of copper metal, it has become one of the safest metals for wiring and electrical power tools. Among other industries, the electricity industry is one of the largest consumers of copper. This metal is used in the manufacture of low, medium, and high voltage cables, as an important component in motors and converters, electromagnets, vacuum lamps, cathode ray lamps, and microwave magnetrons. The use of copper in agriculture Copper is an essential nutrient required for the better growth of living tissue in plants and other organisms. The metal is used to fight fungal diseases, improve agricultural soil, as a growth stimulant for chickens and broilers, as a fungicide, and against slugs in plants. Furthermore, copper sulfate is one of the most widely used derivatives of this metal. The use of copper in the medical industry From the use of metallic copper, we can mention its use in the treatment of anemia, joint pain, and wound healing. Steel is an alloy of iron, the main elements of which are chromium and nickel, and the presence of at least 10.5% chromium protects it from corrosion. It should be mentioned that elements such as nickel, molybdenum, titanium, aluminum, niobium, copper, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, or selenium should be added to this alloy to increase corrosion and oxidation resistance in certain environments. It gives this metal something special. The natural presence of copper and the metal's favorable properties of easy malleability or malleability and primitive tools made it possible in ancient times to produce industrial tools, ornaments, pipes and tanks, coins, swords, statues, and more. This metal is the most important material in the development of human civilization. With the invention of generators, telegraphs, telephones, electricity, and transmission lines in the late 1800s, wires became a very important end product, and since copper is the most conductive of the metals that conduct electricity and heat, it is widely used. industrial applications. It is believed that this metal is gaining increasing attention as an important industrial leader. More than 70% of the copper produced in the world is now used in industries related to power and electronics. While the role of copper as the third largest metal after steel and aluminum has been very clear and decisive in the last century, in today's era resistance with long life and remarkably high electrical and heat transfer properties is required. For wear, copper and its alloys are widely used. The unique properties of this element have created such a wide range of uses for copper and its alloys that in less than a century it has been present in all industrial and domestic machinery, vehicles, military industries, etc. and consumption. increased by about 20 times. As previously mentioned, all major forms of transportation rely on copper to perform their essential functions. Copper-nickel alloys are used in boats and ships' hulls to reduce corrosion caused by seawater, thereby reducing the amount of water accumulated in ships and improving fuel consumption. Wherever there is industrial equipment and machinery, there is copper and its alloys. Apart from these situations, in today's era, the metal copper is widely used in agriculture and biology, and copper metal also has many benefits for the human body. The health benefits of copper Copper is a useful and valuable substance found in food. Copper is an important nutrient for the human body. Along with iron, copper helps the body make red blood cells and helps keep bones, blood vessels, nerves, and the immune system healthy, as well as iron absorption. Adequate copper in the diet can help prevent cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Copper for cardiovascular health Low copper levels are associated with elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. Taking copper supplements may benefit some heart failure patients, a team of researchers suggests. Animal studies have linked low copper levels to cardiovascular disease, but it was unclear whether copper deficiency would have the same effect in humans. send signals to nerves Copper is like a brake or switch that controls nerve cells. If too much copper enters the cells, this nutrient reduces nerve signaling. When copper levels in the cell drop, the signaling process resumes. immune system function Very low copper consumption can lead to neutropenia. The disease is a lack of white blood cells, or neutrophils, that fight infection. People with low levels of neutrophils are more likely to develop infectious diseases. collagen production Copper plays an important role in maintaining collagen and elastin. Researchers have hypothesized that copper may have antioxidant properties and that this nutrient, along with other antioxidants, may help prevent skin aging. If you don't have enough copper in your body, your body can't replace damaged connective tissue or the collagen that makes up the bone's scaffolding. As body tissue gradually weakens and degenerates, this can lead to a number of problems, including joint dysfunction. arthritis Animal studies have shown that copper can help prevent or delay arthritis, which is why people wear copper bracelets around their wrists. However, no human studies have confirmed this. Antioxidant effect Copper has antioxidant properties that help reduce free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells and DNA, leading to cancer and other diseases. If you want to get the best prices in the market don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

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