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Clay Brick in Nepal; Strong Resistance Attractive Look Cube Shaped

Clay brick in Nepal has many variations depending on the raw materials and the production method, most of them are suitable as filling materials.

Clay Brick in Nepal

As it was mentioned, the raw materials that are utilized and the manufacturing process both have a significant impact on the characteristics of clay bricks.

Because of their strong resistance and attractive look, some clay bricks are ideal for use as infill materials, while others are put to use in the construction of facades.

Because of the high quality of certain bricks, those bricks are employed in the sections of the structure that are vulnerable to frost, and another group of bricks is ideal for use as flooring.

Therefore, the architect will decide which clay brick will work best based on the specifics of the location where it will be used.

Clay Brick

Clay Brick Features in Nepal

In ancient times, when making Clay brick, workers filled the corners of the mold with the pressure of their fingers, and that is why it is called pressed brick.

For this reason, the standard dimensions of Clay brick are 7x11x22.

Title Description
Advantage Strong Resistance and Attractive Look
Standard Dimension 7x11x22
Distinction Cube-Shaped Appearance without Bends
Place of Use Exterior Wall, Floor

It is used in sub-work and stiffening during construction and creation of load-bearing walls, porcelain blades, percussion arches, and generally porcelain.

All stages of machine brick making in the brick factory are done by industrial machines.

Machine brick is a brick with a dense appearance and high resistance, which is suitable for the construction of the semi-load-bearing part of the building.

clay brick wall

Buy Clay Brick in Nepal

The noteworthy point is that with sufficient knowledge in the field of brick façade buying guides, you can easily buy and distinguish high-quality Clay bricks.

One of the signs of a quality brick is a cube-shaped appearance without bends.

A high-quality Clay brick in Nepal has a smooth shape without warping.

The presence of a bend in the appearance of the brick indicates that the brick was fired at a low temperature, which is called an unfired brick.

You can also examine several pieces of brick; if the bricks have the same length, width, and height, this indicates that you have purchased high-quality bricks.

red clay bricks

Clay Brick Price in Nepal + Buy and Sell

Clay bricks in Nepal are widely used in the construction industry, and the price of their construction is very important for the builders.

That's why the buying and selling of Clay bricks and their quality of it, are suitable for use in the construction industry

Clay bricks are one of the great elements in the construction industry, and their consumption is increasing around the world.

Clay bricks are suitable in terms of price and are affordable for building manufacturers.

The approximate price of Clay bricks varies between $ 0.4 and $ 0.7 according to the market situation.

You can also directly negotiate with our experts by contacting them.

clay garden bricks

The Answer to Two Questions About Clay Brick

1: How much is the price of clay bricks?

The approximate price of Clay bricks varies between $ 0.4 and $ 0.7 according to the market situation.

2: Where are clay bricks used?

Because of their strong resistance and attractive look, some clay bricks are ideal for use as infill materials, while others are put to use in the construction of facades.

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Comments (2 Comments)


These are very good and durable and have high quality that are suitable for construction


Having enough knowledge in the field of brick buying guide, you can buy quality bricks. Machine-made brick is a brick with a dense appearance and high resistance, which is suitable for the construction of the semi-load-bearing part of the building.

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