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Iron helps our bodies transfer oxygen.

Iron deficiency can cause anemia or organ failure.

dried fruits

Dried Fruit and Nuts are iron-rich, healthful snacks.

In this article, we give a list of 10 top of them with highest iron content and a few choices of dried fruits and nuts that will help you keep your iron levels up and provide a delightful snack.

  1. apricots

Apricots are a great source of many different nutrients! Not only does it include the antioxidant vitamins A and B carotene, which help maintain healthy eyes, but it is also one of the most abundant sources of non-heme iron (iron found in plant foods).

Apricots are the ideal fruit to include in your lunchbox or carry with you as a convenient snack when you're on the road.

If you would rather have them in a dish, you may put them in a summer salad or in Greek yogurt, which you can have for breakfast or as a dessert in the evening, depending on your preference.

Either way, they are delicious.

  1. Cashew nuts

In addition to being rich in a variety of other vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and healthy fats, nuts and seeds are also good sources of non-heme iron.

In instance, cashews contain a significant amount of iron due to their high content.

Therefore, if hunger strikes, consume a handful of them while you're on the move.

The cashews that come in our Snack pack are ideal for eating as a snack while you're on the go or packing in your lunchbox.

However, cashews are also delicious when added to salads, stir-fries, and curries in addition to being a fantastic snack on their own. 

dried fruits and nuts

  1. Prunes

Prunes are yet another type of dried fruit that is packed with an especially high concentration of iron.

In addition to assisting in the consumption of iron, prunes are a good source of the nutrients fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

Assisting your body in digestion and bring down your cholesterol levels.

Prunes are versatile food that may be incorporated into any part of your diet.

Whether you choose to consume them on their own as a snack, incorporate them into your morning meal or baked goods, or puree them into a smoothie, there are many ways to enjoy them.

If you have a craving for something sweet, you might want to consider using our prunes that have been flavored with maple syrup instead.

Personally, we enjoy eating them in our breakfast oats and Greek yogurt, as well as in the evening with some smooth ice cream.

Can Diabetes, Obesity, and High Cholesterol Be Prevented by Eating Prunes?

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Sirvan Mardoukhi